Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

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Was DS intentionally inspired by Martian Gothic, because that game also had a really similar statue as well as mutations and shit.

>On robots, never because they dont have souls

They'd still get the signal.

its happened to 3 already.
Its hard to get an industry going so I've resorted to killing the merchants to get their stuff.

>make hud smaller

Don't tell me you actually think NK is a real threat

Runs just fine for me on 1.54. Is your computer a potato?

You are right.
Should not waste a precious drop.

Perhaps the gun was picked up as the hookshot was travelling to the item?

what's the difference

Just fucking educate yourself, retard. Hacked Vita can read SD cards.

I feel like this is some kind of riddle or English isn't your first language

I want that man to violate aubah's vagina if you know what i mean!

Been open for days


>dying to one if the easiest final bosses

Bruh. Her first phase was harder. Unless you duck around and can't figure out her final phase gimmick

Reminder that MIPCOM is in 2 weeks.

He is a noble man, yet the cause of grief for many.

>no girl will ever cut your hand and suck the blood
why even live, it's just not fair

Darkest Dungeon is legit good
Go get it

Sword is in the consulate I think.

generic anime cutegurl no. 199064364

I forgot about the books they hand you in the main quest. I recently tried playing it again and all I can say is that I lost my patience and thief is OP. Just steal anything you want and taunt anyone you want to kill

sweet home

Welcome to /dng/.

>Someone actually saved this.

when is houston getting buffed? all i see are wolf and sydney mains
end the meme meta

What happens in 5 hours?

MDK isn't underrated

cross play stat grind and rougelike do not mix

Cool. Thanks for the info.

What a weird way to write King of Dinosaurs

Six feet under and forgotten

Not doing webm related tonight, so let's see if the thread lasts till morning

thats me for all rpgs

It says there was an error submitting my signature but this has my full support. This thread deserves a pin.

>sense of humor
that is pretty gay m8


why the fuck do you still care about blizzard? youre about 8 years too late to dump this casual retarded developer.

What does PS4 has other than Bloodborne for that stretch?

disgusting people like you exist

sometimes the clouds clear and you can see the sun
I'm happy for you

>going on reddit at all

He's just a faggot

I've owned the Abram's M4 for awhile now, but haven't really done anything with it. Is it a good tier 6 for tournaments


No one recognizes that as an illness. Not even /pol/.

I think I remembering reading about this one. IIRC, you could hook up your PSP to your PS3 and import some of the monsters from Folklore if you had a cleared save file on the latter. I miss neat stuff like that.

Bit lewd mate.

At least the shit inside Jabu Jabu was organic. The stuff that isn't organic is just excused by him swallowing it.

Somebody actually had to take a hammer and nails and carved wooden planks into the deku tree to set all this stuff up.

>which means a game that would normally be considered dogshit, may be fun to someone who doesnt understand the concept of a good videogame.

I didn't know you defined the exact definition of what makes a game good user

So does Doom

> I don't want to put any effort into the eventual meme we all saw coming, but I want to be able to tell threads "I did that" and feel like I mean it

Then you put down a Red Sign, not a Red Orb.

>Game has a deep gameplay mechanic
>Master it in minutes and get bored
so fucking cool

This needs to be remade to an alignment chart
Lawful Good: Desk
Neutral Good: Recliner
Chaotic Good: Bed
Lawful Neutral: Couch
True Neutral: Floor
Chaotic Neutral: Ball
Lawful Evil: Standing
Neutral Evil: Kneeling
Chaotic Evil: Toilet

Monster Truck Madness 1 or 2

I loved how Manfred Trenz didn't give a shit about the playtesters who were concerned about the difficulty.
As long as he could beat it on a single life then it was easy enough.
A shame that he more or less fell into complete obscurity.

>"NIPTON" isn't reversed in the reflection
one job

no it shouldn't, that's retarded

how can you not like memes, you fuck

No you are dead, No going back on that one.

After 20 years, I finally figured out where South Park got that from.

I just came back to this game after playing a little bit when HoT came out. Can someone remind me what the fuck hero points are supposed to be? I think you have to train specs, right? I finished the expansion on my other character but i'm playing my daredevil and im trying to figure out if I should even bother completion for these expansion maps.

The link isn't working anymore

I can't believe they 60 bucks for this.

Audrey is a virgin though

I wonder if this is how SF fags felt about V

They're not actually limited though. It'll take a month or something but they'll be added to the standard pool.

Is that green key even possible to get?

>was getting caught part of your plan?

Unless you get rid of the actual problem, starting over won't fix shit.

You literally leech wealth from society

this is indeed true

Each episode starts off strong and gets progressively weaker but they're all interesting. Maybe 2>1=3>4...but they're all good

*tires screeching*

dont make fun of mink!

Man after getting that shit Elga weapon my motivation to play just went down the toilet. I'm unsure what to do now.. do I continue grinding out these shit unions or just wait for some updates.

I cannot believe how many people are playing the mobile version. How are people even finding it in this day and age?

play that song for my grandma every christmas and dance. Reminds her of my grandfather.

to think this character wouldn't of had worked if they didn't get Wayne Newton

Seriously? Not a single person can give me an answer? Not even a troll answer like "lol lego is for autistic children" or something?

Come on.

I know it's cute and romantic and all but getting carried everywhere must start feeling just kind of patronizing after a while

I love how people criticised that game because every character has death combos, as if that wasn't a key plot point from the story.

It's 1.1k vs 1.6k dps, there's no contest.

What do you think they are talking about user

this is undoubtedly a stupid question but, do I need to know / understand game emulation before I can partake in this hobby?

slightly off-topic, but what was the verdict on the recent GoldFinger 64?

Oh no, /drg/, Rapetaro is holding Kaede-chan hostage! Only those who roll a 6 can save her!

Thanks man, you too

kaede's voice actress sings it, she also sings "recall the end" (credit song)

It looks complicated, but once you got your hands on the game it does not take long to learn the basics, every Xenoblade is like that.


that's not a card -- that's my wife

Oh, now you've got me really jonesing for some Picross, OP.
I'm going to have to pick up that one on the Switch soon.

Go somewhere else, I guess. I don't know what to do.