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1-5 I get a mop world boss mount today
6-0 I don't get it
Reminder that Blood Elves are the superior race and are now the Horde not smelly Orcs or other sub races.
>tfw want those on my alt to clear raids faster
>tfw modding is dead
im a prot paladin, this is essentially a character delete
>implying blood elves don't smell too
I don't see any showers or baths in azeroth
What's the best mage spec to lvl as
arcane in dungeons and frost while questing 100-110
>not having every prot leggo and this being the only one you need.
Guys, I just hit 110 for the first time, and then like 20 quests puked up over my log. Is there any particular order I should be doing this in? Khadgar wants me to talk to him in two places in dalaran, and his disembodied head in my base. He didn't die did he?
That would be dumb, then you could level up another prot paladin and get 3 utility legendaries
Then level another and it happens again
See how dumb that is?
Don't worry user, everyone is going to get BiS next patch before the raid!
>Blizzard finally does what everyone wanted from the start
>People still complain about it
>Shitty system remains shitty but there will be a method to get around it for the last raid of the entire expansion
>People don't suck blizzard's dick
Everyone wanted to buy specific legos with tokens, not get a random one. I personally don't give a shit, if you're not in a mythic guild it doesn't matter what legendaries you have. Sure it makes some specs more enjoyable with them but oh well.
What's currently a fun caster spec?
I'm stuck between warlock and mage.
post epic pvp fails
happened just now
>finish black rook arena
>stand outside, want to walk out and fly away
>random horde monk appears and wants to brawl
>stuns me
>instantly pops karma on me
>stun him
>run away
>night elf vanish and mount up
>he keeps casting crackling jade lightning on me while I wait in the air for karma to run out
>/rofl while I wait
>land 20m away and start nuking him
>he has no cooldowns left
>he dies
please leave an upvote and subscribe for more
the spec of patiently waiting for the next expansion
>some guardian druid attacks me in world pvp
>could try and nuke him but would probably lose
>run away as he chases me, join a random world quest group and drop phase mid-combat
Cucked him out of a gank, thanks based blizz.
>try to do WQ without joining a group at darkbrul arena
>get raped by 5 people
Redpill me on WeakAuras
What buffs should I be tracking as a fury warrior?
>wow look at this really irritating trash that may or may not have daze between me and the place I want to go
>lucky I have the power to travel between dimentions at will and completely drop out of combat
How do we make WoW great again
you can't
Make the game social again by removing LFG/LFR, less bullshit by removing Titanforging and Legendaries
Remove Flying
By apologizing
Greg I'm so sorry we got drunk and made fun of you for creating Monks to your face. Please forgive us.
>Make the game social again by removing LFG/LFR
protip: nobody socializes in M+ either. LFR/LFG are not the issue.
Bring back server communities.
What are some good arena addons for a ret pally?
>nobody socializes in M+ either
of course LFR/LFG is the issue
and of course no one socializes in M+ either if you take people from the LFG tool
just go with your guild or find friends on your server
then you definitely will socialize
frothing berserker
battle cry
there might be a few more but idk i play arms
also i like using this WA pack, you don't have to but i think it's real good
Server communities only existed because of limitations, which would suck to be implemented again due to the low player count.
Yeah no shit you'll socialize with your guild or friends, idiot. You'll do that in any and all content.
LFG tool streamlined the process of getting a group together so it wasn't totally cancer, and in doing so removed the need for people to remember "oh he was a good tank, I'll friend him in case I need to run again". Which is arguably just as shit as not talking to randoms.
Also the shorter content is not conducive to social interaction. If you're typing in a time attack dungeon thats just bad
I want to FUCK Alleria and make Turalyon watch
>go to Outland
>Look up
>argus in the sky
Is this more lore rape or just blizzard laziness?
No, I like Ret.
WoW isn't the problem, it's the community around it.
We have websites that catalog and track every single change to the PTR before it goes live. Boss mechanics are known before they're even added to the gane. There are no secrets anymore, no more hidden things to find. Even the puzzle mounts blizzard added for legion get solved and the solution disseminated through the community within days, and now nearly everyone has it.
With resources like this, it's no longer a game of discovery, it's simply looking up the most efficient path to get gear/honor/whatever, and forget the rest. It's no longer a game about discovery and achievement, it's a competition where you follow the most efficient way to play or get left behind.
>remake rogue after getting cinidaria as first legendary
>just got this from a greater inv point
my people and all of Outland shall be free!
maybe stop being a fucking baby over 4% dps
odds are you're losing more dps from being a shit player than from legendaries
>tfw higher chance of getting sha mount by farming gold and buying caches from the BMAH than getting it dropping from sha
>implying most 99% of the time all people did in a non-lfg system was talk about stuff like "you're not doing mechanics right" or "give me that item I deserve it"
Gotta love vanillababs
Only way to -really- socialize(of course you can do can talk in trade/general chat more then dungeons) is joining voice chat, LFG doesn't matter.
master assassin mantle is not optional
>>remake rogue after getting cinidaria as first legendary
Do it again dumbass, maybe THAT time you'll get both BiS legendaries in a week.
stop being a retarded ape, it's fucking not lmao
is it really good? yeah
is it required? no
you'll get more dps gained by playing the game better than being a manchild over orange shoulders
Yes, and?
no one is being a manchild but you sperging over my decisions
Go ahead and make 4 more rogues then, 8 times the charm, am I right dumbass?
stop being a sperg
you literally deleted a character because you didn't win a 8% chance (and probably are gonna again)
i guess you're not a manchild, you're just a mongoloid
who said i deleted anything?
>remake rogue
implies you deleted it
Where's /our guy/ Pezado?
Haven't seen him post in a while
Am I too late to the party to start playing wow or nah? I played in wrath
Probably walking around his house looking for something to eat while he talks to himself.
It's never too late unless you wanna get into a top 100 guild
Returning after like a couple of years out of the loop.
I'm more of a solo-content but will raid with friends if they are on [dungeon too] and I can't decide between a warlock or a mage [it's what I used to play way back when].
I only really have time to focus on one, i'm not assed about "the big numbers" but I don't want to be classed as dog shit either [cause of this god damn community].
anyone got any experience?
How many GB is the game? I need to clear some space i think
What do Chromie's panties look like?
Compared to wrath the game is the worst its been in a while user and were just about to hit a year long content drought. If I were you I wouldn't even bother tbqh, classes have been completely gutted since wrath aswell.
Oh damn they must have gotten a lot better at compressing their stuff
not true btw
go back to /elyg/ or /v/
Very true but I guess I can't argue with people who have blizzards cock so far up their ass. Sorry for invading your safe space.
Legion babies don't get a say in the argument anyways.
Is the Fiendish Hellfire Core still a 100% drop chance and if so does everyone in the raid get it ?
member when this game was fun and alive
I think it's 100% chance to get 1 one in the raid
Yeah to bad its shit now
Why are you still here?
why are you, is the better question?
Not really, the logical assumption of why you're in a general is that you enjoy the game its about.
If you don't, but you hang around the general shitposting, whats a pretty good thing to question.
Because I enjoy the game? lol pretty simple
she either wears basic shimapan or none, depending on mood.
Not him but because we enjoy the game, the fact that you can't answer and have to deflect the question proves you are a retarded cunt
With the year long content drought coming I've already won all arguments lmao
>year long content drought
yeah and vanilla servers have had an 11 year long content drought
Anyone? I wantt my elite transmog
>he thinks I'd ever even think of touching a private server
Good one!
>yeah and vanilla servers have had an 11 year long content drought
and it's still more fun to gain 1 level than to do 1-110 on retail
>levelling is the game
what a fucking casual lmfao
Leveling isn't and hasn't ever been fun
even doing UBRS million times for the jed trinket is more fun than doing anything on retail
not him but I can tell you're a legion baby lmao