/dg/ - Destiny General
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1st for playable fallen when
What about playable psions?
Any Xbros wanna far heroics?
that depends, are you in the inner circle?
why is the kill tracker ghost a separate ghost and not just a mod for all ghosts?
What warlock jump are people using for the gauntlet?
I found the balanced one a bit slow and messy. Maybe I should have used blink or just let the hunter run it instead
nigga yes or no, skip the bullshit.
I hadn't thought of this, but you're entirely right, it being a mod for any and all Ghosts would make way more sense
burst glide, always burst glide; blink's for PvP and burst is PvE
Need big strong player to carry me through the story and shiet.
LFG it
>they took out the siva strike so we could fight a giant vandal that disappears every ten seconds
not pleasing
what Bungie games would be in the same universe?
seem like the only clear contenders
>tfw StainsofTime is online
Has our god returned?
I hope you're one of his butt buddies, because this is pathetic af otherwise
Halo, Oni, Myth and Gnop definitely wouldn't fit together or as a whole, so yeah, it's going to be the three you listed, if any.
das a whype
If this is actually you log into Destiny 2 on PSN right now, I will play
doesn't the MIDA multi tool confirm Marathon exists as an alternate timeline to Destiny?
>I gave Lakshmi the weapon for her take. She insinuates that it came from another timeline, perhaps
MIDA exists as a corporation within Marathon, right?
*clears throat*
Uriel's Gift?
100% legit.
I'm glad
i'll join for shits and gigs if ya got space
>does a company make homages to previous work mean anything
More often than not, no. It's little bits for fans to smile about and nothing more. Unless you're a hyper autist that needs some kind of connection because you can't accept letting something be. Then yes, they exiist in the same universe and Halo is a sequel to Destiny.
Amazing, but you have to play the first few missions solo, but once you "get your light back" and unlock grouping with other players I'll play with you
No fucking way
The Guardians will continue to claw at the walls of our Crucible unless we strike them down. Beneath the ruins of the City, in the shadow of the traveler, we've located the House of Iron banner and the lord Salading feeding them their strength. We must destroy these casuals and send their souls screaming back to hell.
>Valus Ta'aurc has finally been defeated and the Cabal command dealt a great blow. But in the Darkness rising, more fleets will come and new leaders will rise. We must be prepared to face them all.
Where were you when Zavala predicted the arrival of Cabal imperium.
Is Destiny 2 any good?
its aight
stay far away, friend. I got sucked into it by friends and now I'm forced to play this shit that's plagued by problems the first one had.
eh after a while it seemed fairly obvious.
>hive were fucked off after crota and oryx got done
>vex have never actually attacked us, only act in defense of their territory
>fallen are too shitty to launch a major attack
a cabal attack was hinted back in TTK with outbound signal too
Should be easy. I will post again when I'm done
>eh after a while it seemed fairly obvious.
>after a while it seemed
>after a while
No shit retard, hindsight is 20/20
>>>vex have never actually attacked us, only act in defense of their territory
>>>fallen are too shitty to launch a major attack
D2 babbi detected.
You willing to put up with someone that hasnt done nightfalls yet?
I meant by the end of D1 fella, relax.
also have the vex actually launched an attack on earth? I know the fallen had six fronts and the twilight gap.
>Half the planets int he solar system were converted into vex worlds.
>His definition of vex ever attacking us is based on whether or not there's vex shit on earth.
Special kind of retard.
join me my friend
I thought only Mercury and Nessus had been converted?
damn tom petty really let himself go at the end
i need to take you away from this hell hole.
Stains has always been on, he just plays OW now.
Fresh raid?
OW is a good game desu
i am laffin!
not with you LOL
>I meant by the end of D1
Not on console my mans
>I thought only Mercury and Nessus had been converted?
>FPS 59
>VRM 653 GB
>PNG 42
uriels _____
If it doesn't track kills then what's the point
I play on 144, it locks to 59 on menu screens
Everything on low with a 970, i5-2440
>overwatch shilling
Put your trip back on zippy
Alright boys who wants to Nightfall
>Everything on low
>Posting my webm at me.
wew lad.
Hunter Vs warlock for pve?
I heard people saying hunter got shafted compared to other jobs.
>enjoying 144 without dropping $200+ on a new processor
I am happy with my choices.
>Everything on low.
>Happy with choices.
You don't have choices bruh, you're more restricted than console shitters.
Warlock is pretty much unkillable and has arc soul for calus.
But then they're also slow af to play so w/e
So when's Iron Banner coming back?
Name some games that are better than Destiny 2.
This is why I don't like PC gaming
You could end up at a huge disadvantage to your opponent purely because they're a sperg who dumped $3k on his rig and can run this brand new game at 4k, 120fps and you're stuck at scraping 30fps on standard graphics with your realistic normal human being computer
Whereas on consoles everyone's experiencing the exact same thing, and it's a level playing field
It is. Here's a creepshot of Symmetra from comicon
titanfall 2
Here's one with a little sideboob
The Shadowrun Returns games. Downloaded the HK fan remake for the original DMS campaign and played through it in between crucible matches.
PS4 nightfall.
no mic
Some time this month. If it follows the D1 standard then next week.
I'm down.
Sun__Jester with 2 underscores.
sure hit me up
Alright lads lets fuck this up completely.
So I know it's a dumb idea to stream while I play with people from here while using a facecam, but exactly HOW stupid is it?
I'd get my face posted here, I'd get memed for being ugly, yes. But I have a green screen setup and many have seen my face anyway.
Streaming with a facecam usually adds a lot to a stream.
You're not the next big thing, and you're never going to make it as a streamer, you most likely have nothing of value to give to viewers watching your stream and I am 100% sure your streams will be shit.
Don't bother.
No one gives a fuck what you look like. Just play the fucking game.
>Streaming with a facecam usually adds a lot to a stream.
It only adds to your ego
>usually adds a lot to a steam
More =/= better.
Facecams are cancer.
Uriels Gift
Anyone from dg III want to do a guided game NF for dat emblem?
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little "Uriels Gift" up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Veeky Forums pass. I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on /dg/ posting "Uriels Gift". Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic "Uriels Gift" posting NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "Uriels Gift." You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
Do we have a free spot in the clan? If you clan is full it won't let you queue for guided games.
I'll go though, hopping on.
unless you have tits or are a passable trap
>with your realistic normal human being computer
poors aren't human beings, they're filth
There should be, Bob cleared out some inactives recently
You know that, depending on the game, you have more advantages running on low settings than maxed, right? PUBG at start, removed bushes on low settings so people were not able to hide under it to stay safe and they actually had to enforce the bushes on low settings to stop this.
Or o BF3/BF4 the flashlight wasn't as powerful blindly on maxed graphics, rendering it moot.
>finally got the full frumious set for hunter
Now I just need to get all of Ego Talon for Warlock and I never need to replay Ikoras missions ever again.
I don't know how it is these days, since I haven't played PC FPS in well over a decade now, but I remember a lot of CPL and CAL guys back in the day would play games at low-mid settings and tweak their ini files so you wouldn't have things like poor lighting preventing you from seeing people since shadows wouldn' be rendered. Stuff like that.