Smartest person ever? Seems to be between Leibniz and Da Vinci

Smartest person ever? Seems to be between Leibniz and Da Vinci

(Will be asking the same question in Veeky Forums and comparing results)


Newton, it's been discussed before, all the smart people agreed on Newton

there are smart people that could surmise to his deductions before, during and after his existence, he was merely the first to get acclaim


einstein has impressed me with his writing more than anyone else I've read the words of.

arguing over "the smartest person" is kindof silly though. by what metric? even IQ is a flawed, subjective system. the person with the most powerful brain alive might be chilling in a yurt in mongolia right now thinking about caribou.

The Veeky Forums consensus is most likely von Neumann. I think Aristotle and Newton are also contenders.


He invented the first system of logic without anything to build from. And while it was incomplete, it was and still is by in large correct as far as we can tell. It was an unprecedented achievement that has yet to be matched imo.

Jesus Christ.

logic is really a subset of philosophy (pun intentional) and only important within it's field

"Dostoevsky gives me more than any scientist, more than Gauss." - Albert Einstein

how can you say that when seriously every discipline has to avail of it? logic as a discipline keeps logic as it is contained in other disciplines in check m8

Are we talking about the same person who wrote about hardcore Russian peasant porn and published it as a novel?

I wish I was smart enough to know what the fuck you were saying

I just like astronomy man, I only needed two humanities for my major so I took language instead of philosophy 101

mathematics are a subset of logic.

Without logic we have no programming language and no modern computation.
There is a reason why most first year logic courses are filled with people who don't even study philosophy.Computer Scientists need logic and the lines between mathematics, computer science and logic are super thin. I'm a philosophy masters and I made as many if not more friends in those disciplines and the sciences from my undergraduate philosophy courses than I have other people from other arts degrees.All due to the connection you get through logic.

Carl Friedrich Gauss

>Gaub is the smartest person ever

Gauss and you know what's funny he was an African yeah he immigrated there. So the smartest man is Carl gauss a black man but not a lot of white people know that

The "smartest people to ever live" end up working a toll booth.
