Other urls found in this thread:
Xth for LeBlanc.
daddy af
I've gotten character shards in the past 6 chests.
xth for blind pick in morning hours
Does anybody have the Boobs/Butt/Midriff image? The one where boobs is plebeian taste, butt contrarian and midriff being patrician?
xth for Ahri, best girl
xth for remove cuckshit
leona is a braindead support
I've been bronze for 3 seasons now
thighs = closeted homosexual
We're special here
>People still give a fuck about TSM
I'm gonna play new Eve mid and everyone will just have to deal with it.
yes, email [email protected], they will hook you up.
Farm better. Die less. There is no secret trick. There is no easy way.
That's the ticket to Gold.
damn a support thats braindead.
>keep getting shit team mates
>take a nap
>get good team mates
why is riot allowed to influence our sleeping patterns?
>tfw Leona will never hold you up and straddle you on top of her hard cock and laugh at the massive size difference
then how come people still don't know how to play against her?
tfw back into league because /worlds/ and just killing time before Shadow of War comes out
xth for Syndra
>implying all support champs are braindead
Bard & Thresh would like to have a word with you
prob is theres a bitchload of more braindead than errr high skill champs
Normal queue or not, I've always wondered whether it's best to hide chat or just try and enjoy the saltiness somehow.
I can only assume you've never looked up any information on the game's mechanics and/or have latency issues. None of that is your fault.
rakan best champ
I love Camille
>walk into mid lane at 1000ms
>enemy mid laner is immobile
>throw your skills at them and they fucking die
>muh thresh takes a lot of skill
>Every single year NA fans hype up their region
>Trashtalk other regions
>Always fall short
You burgers truly are the worst kind of humans.
Well i love sej
>ban seju
>ez carries
>ban ez
>seju carries
ugh lolbabs
I've gotten an unspecified number of skin shards in a row. I thought Hextech was on something due to Worlds.
>ez carries
>tfw you will never marry ashe
I want to cum inside LeBlanc
If you can't dodge thresh's hook you are literally bronze.
And how does this scenario put thresh on the same level as champs like lulu/soraka?
There are always other choices user...I mean im not pressin anything on you.Just lettin ya know
xth for Cute Ashe
>still no Ghost Ship Yorick skin
I want to breed Annie!
>tfw you keep getting skin shards you like
This is a positive lesson in patience. Even Nightraven Fiora is worth keeping for its update, but that aside it's not terribly likely you'll get a skin from a re-roll that's worth more than you put in anywa.
>implying any of these teams are actually NA
>implying its not just 3-4 koreans and euros with a burger on just so they can be NA
i miss when NA teams were actually NA teams
How does get placed in bronze? I lost 7/10 placements and got placed in silver
Yes, Sejuani will have her hands much more free once Ashe rules the Freljord.
What's that? Ashe will become the best queen? What a good friend Sejuani is being a strong rival to strengthen Freljord's next leader.
>This thumbnail looks like futa.
> Bronze
god damn I miss the TRM
>I want to breed Annie!
jungle ez is the most op shiit right now
he does whatever he pleases early game
There's no way this nigger isn't retarded
Vlad's VU looks like this
how does that make you feel?
god i want to rub my face on those abs
I Feel you
did rainman end up marrying sally?
You can be placed in bronze1~3 with 2 win or bolow.
>your mind is just that deluded
looks like the vampire that gives you contracts in Oblivion at the assassin's guild
also I feel nothing because everything I play gives no shits about him
Wing could be a bit more batty, but it wouldn't be bad. The mechanics could end up putting it to waste though.
xth for breast metal waifu
I have no strong feelings one way or the other. Now tell me, how do you feel about this?
He's pretty cute, right?
Best girl.
Best lover.
Best wife.
I thought I wouldn't have to deal with you anymore after the thread died.
Bard mains are the most alpha players in League.
>play sejuani
>build pure tank
>blow people off the face of the earth with my cold grasp
Your placement is a function of your MMR at the end of the placement series as opposed to your WR. That being said, you just lose until you're playing with Bronze level players and then keep losing.
Nah, I prefer them more masculine :/
>somehow get two Rioter in a game
>the one on our team picked Jinx and lost lane because our Bard was inting/trolling
>the one on the enemy team picked Singed and did Singed things
>enemy jungle Twitch and mid Lux both get hyperfed (not that our Ahri did bad, Lux just sniped a lot of kills with her ult)
>can't do shit
>Singed says gg ez in post game
>really want to tell him to kill himself
>can't because he's a goddamn Rioter and I will almost definitely get perma'd
At least I didn't really lose anything, since I just got promoted
Thank you for reading my vent-blog
>tfw you will never feel sej's cold grasp
>tfw never gunna get reverse piledrived by sejuani
shouldve screenshoted that and get him fired lol
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Galio buffs when his winrate is awful
except she doesn't exist and you couldn't even be bothered to come up with a real "pretend wife" so you took one from a video game with art direction aimed at 12 year olds
good job, son (your dad will never say this)
>implying Riot cares what their employees say or do in a Bronze game
I dunno what you're talking about. I'm just a humble M.Mech main who doesn't really play DFO anymore. League of Legends.
Understandable. You must prefer dominant men.
win trades just by autoing.........land forgiving bind procs by sheer luck........so alpha......
well this one guy got fired already and afaik riot is anti toxicity but youre right probably
>Noxian jawline
>no Darius
Are you even trying?
Which timezone does lolesports use?
>there are people who actually flame people for not calling MIAs instead of having decent map awareness and ward placement
Shitters deserve to die. 90% of people don't even pay attention to MIAs anyway.
Lethal tempo or press the attack??
I have stopped useful pings entirely since people don't pay attention.
Nowadays I just focus on scoring well while not helping my team.
1) Darius isn't Noxian-born
2) ugly old peasant
How do you climb to gold if you are a support main?
>using logic with vladfag
just don't
Best Talon skin? I'm liking the SSW I just got, but I'm not sure about unlocking it.
Darius is a brute with peasant aesthetics, the future of humanity lies with beautiful men, etc.
Dragonmeme, it even got a chroma
Capeshit man can fuck off
Darius is a general who would cut down anyone who would tell him otherwise.
I'm thinking lethal tempo since you probably won't be doing sustained auto attacks on a single target outside of the laning phase
>Peasant that will live to become old with a loving husband vs """""Patrician""""" that gets found dead and eviscerated in bed a couple days after meeting "this really handsome and mysterious nobleman"
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most brainless assassin of them all?
Any Warwick tips?
shit genetics would not breed
yo it's just fantasy you don't consider the consequences of meeting eve do you
Communicate more, ward more, die less.