/elyg/ - Elysium General

/elyg/ - Elysium General

>Server Homepage

>Realmlist/make an account/etc:


Alliance guild:

two raids, raid 2 starting with bwl

Horde guild:

they join pug or something

/who "guild name", and whisper a higher level character to get an invite.

>Vanilla WoW database

>Addons pack (some out of date like KLH Threat Meter)

>Leveling Guide (specs unreliable for some classes use at own risk, play what you want or ask in the thread for more info):

>New to Elysium? Go here pleb:

>Download the client without torrent (direct download):

>Raid/char/item drop info:

>WoD models (Drop the MPQ in your data folder, and don't post screenshots and get banned retard):

important: vanilla-wow.wikia.com/wiki/Hit

old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



My guild crush is so cute, how do I tell her about my feelings?

Stop putting triggered in the op you fucking faggot

the guild bank paid for THAT??

I can't believe Luthien keeps getting away with this

I hate to burst your bubble but only trannies are on this server.

Stop putting Moh in the op you fucking faggot

>Stop putting a Veeky Forums guild in the op of a Veeky Forums thread.

Maybe if manlett stopped being such a nice guy, the horde guild would get more numbers


which side has the least niggers

you okay buddy?

>tfw someone noticed my waifu last thread

trannies vs niggers pick your poison

>it's already attentionwhoring again

No it isnt

Hi Babymetal

keep your paws off her

Ares I.....

publicly on the thread works best in my experience

are the jewish admins in league with the chink farmers? why are they not banned?

i dont get it


You're not missing much. It's simply a faggot being a faggot to another faggot on a tbc server.

im confused areas isn't up is it?

its on the testing server
i just found it funny the guy logged off cause i refused to tell him something

>are the jewish admins in league with the chink farmers?
>why are they not banned?
See above.

There has been speculation and some research put into this by at least a few anons.
Non-scientific of course but some decent feedback. Some people have made a point to report all chink botters, farmers, gold selling spam, etc, and have found that in a majority of cases there are two chink farming/selling organizations that aren't banned as often. Meaning that even tho they get reported, they don't go away. This includes their botted accounts that they sell at 60.
Not enough data to make any truly accurate conclusions, and it doesn't include very much info on rankers that afk to re-sell accounts, tho I doubt that would be difficult to find information on.

My personal opinion is that at least one of the chinese gold selling groups is immune to any action and is likely the one either outright working with the devs or providing kickback money. I do not think the devs operate any botting or gold selling themselves, and imagine the kickback stuff is only at the very top (probably whitekidney on up to vitaliy) and that's it.
I realize to some that will either sound painfully obvious or alternatively like a stupid conspiracy theory. However the changes to gold farming honestly make little to zero sense in terms of actual gameplay, especially for a server striving to be "blizzlike" (which I realize is a meme but still) and literally only serve to help the gold sellers. As with anything, any change or issues should be viewed with "who benefits from this" in mind.

I'm open to being wrong, so don't take this as gospel or anything I have 100% ironclad evidence for.

thread dead, post memes

where can i read about them wanting things to be "blizzlike"?

are these awful yuro servers always this laggy?

well my char name hasn't been banned yet

ii don't have any friends


poor progress getting wiped by whatever


never forget

Damn imagine actually losing one of the good buffs.

Progress 40 min BWL clear with their split main/alt raid?

*chugs invisibility potion*

Nah it was streamed, no invis. twitch tv infiren

is elysium going to roll over to bc eventually?

want to get a qt blood elf waifu (non tranny)

What class are you rolling on Ares? Has the clique decided which faction they're going? I know they were set on Horde for Felmyst so I can only assume it'll be the same on Ares.

Me and a buddy are starting tonight, should we choose Elysium or Darrowshire?

is Mandate.... alive???

Elysium says they are working on TBC but going by their development cycle before they were handed the keys to Nostcore, you should set your hopes extremely low. The only way I see them launching a working TBC server is if they get ahold of Gummys core -- which I doubt because he is extremely paranoid of litigation.

Also, aren't you tired of playing on a Chinese server? They are the vast majority of the population. Everyone talks about 'Elysium is the most populated' but if you removed the Chinese from the server it would be lucky to have 2k at EU peak.

so what server should i play if not elysium?

For TBC there's only one option if you want a semi-populated/fresh server at 1x and that's Medivh. It has a decent EU population but will seem dead in comparison to Elysium.

Ares launches October 21st and is a fresh TBC server. It has 1x leveling rates but you can do a level 60 boost if you want to bypass vanilla. Kronos has been decent with their scripting so it'll likely be better than Warmanes current offering and fresh.

I always wonder if chinks have their own worldchat or something?

w-want a friend?


but i'm american..

>more mains getting benched over alts
>raid isn't even full and they're killing onyxia

that's a shame

Ares should have a decent NA population. On Kronos there's more than a few raiding NA guilds on each faction. Medivh was just launched right after the 5x server so there wasnt a playerbase to move over. I see a good portion of the players who wanted to play on Felmyst going to Ares. The instant 60 will appeal to the more casual players who are on the 5x Warmane server too.

manlett cant keep getting away with this

>my guild is shit so every other guild has to be shit too

*chugs invisibility potion*

>giving collar to a literal who who barely raidlogs
n1 manlett....

>but i'm american..
No words can describe how sorry I am for you right now.

Well, how do you say it in Arabic?

takbir brother

let's talk about longview's guild

fuck off madti

by longview's guild (nidharavadir), are you talking about nidvahadihr (longview's guild)?


is puddi actually autistic? he wasn't even there when it happened and he made all of those posts and this collage.

if you have an issue with me take it up in discord and not the thread you weak faggot

I don't use discord, because I'm not twelve.

wtb in-game friends

ah yes I use irc too, its for us smart people

yes, i too use Ventrilo, fellow oldfag

50g and my asshole is yours

pudi pls. . .

he posts about Yesimret all day...

What's the best way to make friends in this game?

Don't be such an unlikeable cunt. Oh right, you can't.
Then sorry but you can't make any friends, in game or otherwise.

Discord is nothing further than a yahoo chatroom for faggots or underages. Prove me wrong.
Using it as voice comm for raids/pvp: Great.
Using it as a chatroom that you sit in idle all day: gay as hell.
You act like the dude is implying irc is superior as it's the choice for "oldfags", but you fucking clueless teenagers are larping that it's 1997 and chatrooms are suddenly a fucking thing again. Here is a horrible truth: non-faggots considered chatrooms retarded back then as well.

Avoiding discord doesn't make you old. It makes you not a huge attention whoring faggot.


same way you make friends in real life.


TBC baby reporting

Never really experienced vanilla. Am I too late or is it still worth it?

I mean, are the raids decent and is the grind really worth it?

fuck everyone on discord
im serious, if you are on discord you should kill yourself

>is puddi actually autistic? he wasn't even there when it happened and he made all of those posts and this collage.
No. He's just a lonely gay dude with an extraordinary amount of free time, sadly infatuated and obsessed with remaining relevant to assorted anonymous people that will never ever in their entire lives consider him as anything more than a lonely gay dude.

>Am I too late
>is it still worth it?

Blizzcon is nov 3-4.

imagine being so much of an incel sperg you can't even get any boy pussy as a gay guy.

i'm soon enough level 60 on my hunter and it is time to get rhok'delar. is the leaf/sinew often sold in pugs? do guilds sell it? how much does it cost on average?

official legacy is pretty much confirmed at this point, either that or wait for Crestfall.

how is it anywhere near confirmed

Anyone know a very good Ret Paladin guide somewhere?

Anyone know a very good smite Priest guide somewhere?

>official legacy is pretty much confirmed at this point


*breathes in*

but user told me that The Chat For Gamers™ was the future!

pve or pvp?
For pvp there is tons of info, either on the elysium forums or the nost forums. Most will assume you're getting the pvp gear but you can manage without. Also the type of pvp you're interested in would modify the gear you'd want - 1v1 out in the world is different from organized pvp or bgs, and in that scope rets aren't that desired (but it's not impossible at all).
For pve you don't have a lot of options at 60 for anything past 5mans, regardless of what some meme'ing streamers will say. However, if you absolutely have to, Esfand has some decent write ups. Theloras does as well but you'd want to ignore about half of his stuff so that's kind of hit and miss.
The shit they'll both leave out is that ret requires 120% effort to have still-shit dps. That means maximum consumables, buffs, etc, as well as the charisma to get a guild that will funnel you loot. Loot that would be more beneficial to the raid going somewhere else.
If you're incredibly charming and have 12 hours a day to play/farm/invest then go for it and enjoy your mediocre performance and legion of fags calling you out.

stupid goy

Hello, is this the genderqueer general?

not tru

>>If you're incredibly charming
>the charisma to get a guild that will funnel you loot

Un freakin' believable.

even a mullet mario can roll an 18 charisma at character creation. it isn't unheard of.
You wouldn't want to fuck john goodman either but that dude is a charming motherfucker.

Is this what retail babbies tell themselves?

What professions for a feral tank druid?

Also why can't you combine find minerals with find herbs.

>join a casual guild with no real aspirations of being good in a version of the game where 50% of the raid operating at 80% skill could clear all content
how does he do it