Chicken Bone edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.7.0)
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First for naruto
Second Dream was a mistake.
Nth for hand-holding Valkyr-clones.
She deserves a warm blanket and a hot drink.
>abloobloo engrish is offensive
Corpus should be gassed
You send her SMS texts.
Or the Lotus handles yours communications with the normies.
Keeps her taters insulated and less likely to throw her into the SUN!
>not belive it edition
post warbutts
>Not wanting them to change the dumbass name
lol, enjoy eating shit because you're too proud
This is your healer for tonight
say something nice about her
They can call it Piece of Shit Prime for all I care, I'm interested in how it performs and looks, not how it's called. But good luck on your SJW quest to defend asian culture from western appropriation.
When did Ork stop visiting your grave?
what should I name my infested doggo?
the best warbutt
nice cock
>defend asian culture
So you don't even understand why people think the name is retarded
kek, enjoy your shit frame that has silly looking glass armor and does nothing that other frames don't already do far better
Don't impregnate the Deserters. We're getting paid to rescue them, not fuck them.
He's not even trying to defend Asian culture. He's using SJW bullshit to hide the fact that he just plain hates the fucking name.
what did he mean by this?
>gara - chicken bone
> LeYou was selling chicken stuff
>OP pic
Not sure how a name change would affect anything you described, but okay.
this is the most tragic thing to happen to me in this game
>haha pets can't have vacuum? lmao what losers picking up all their stuff
>grow a dog because quest
>mfw it pretty much solos his defense mission
Cyster Fister
With this, we can change all of the names.
Warframe -> Warufu
Ember -> Enn
Frost -> Furo
Soma -> Soma
This isn't about defending culture, cucks. They took a Japanese man pronouncing glass with an accent and chopped it off.
Learn some katakana, it's easier than learning English.
Did you even look at the OP?
Nova should be Nough because that's how Indians so no.
>Ostron kiddos sell their wooden grakatas to naive 10o
>they buy real grakatas with the credits
I'm saying the frame is shit even on the only grounds you care about
more like
>Ostron shitters craft rudimentary guns from treebranches and scrap
>It's more effective than military grade corpus and grineer weapons
Way to embarrass yourself even further.
When are the Corpus going to straight up cater to the 10o? Not just making weapons that the Dojos reverse engineer later, but just plain opening Tenno-only shops and such. They're most likely the richest non-Corpus group in the system by now, and profit matters more than self-preservation.
does this look like military grade to you?
I'd believe it
Those fuckers make their living scrapping orokin tech
>hey kiddo features prominently in new quest
>hello engrish
Harrow der, cannu I havu a Garasu o wateru?
>mfw Harrow and garasu were named by the same person
You know what goes with chicken? Potatoes.
Then why do you care how it's called if you're not even interested in it? Is this autism?
Atleast Harrow sounds good.
Gara is better be a good frame.
>Missing out on a chance to complain about yet another retarded move on DE's part
Why are you even here
I want a Pepsi Man Warframe.
>tfw finally getting harrow systems after 9 fucking C rotations
paint volt mostly blue and a little bit of white and play this
i bet shy is going to have a video out of this
Some user already made it.
I can top that
What is this Pepsi bullshit "meme" I see. Fucking underdog corporate marketing.
it was a hilarious arcade runner game
actually impressive that they made a good game only to advertize their product
What fucking year are you from
Why is the thread suddenly filled with old people who don't understand anything
I was all excited to make the Twin Gremlins.
These parts are locked behind disgusting grind! They must be amazing, I said.
Kamen Rider Gara!
is not a bad name
That would be nice
if it weren't tied to fucking weeb shittery
>have nothing to do in warframe
>guess I'll quickly do the easy invasions
>quickly do the sortie
>quickly max my simaris rep
>quickly do some medaillon runs
>quickly farm some kuva
>oh I need some ducats for friday
>quickly run some relics
>6 hours have gone just like that
This fucking game
Ninjas play free.
fuck, plasmor is perfect for it
Start not doing anything.
>But I need to login and get my reward! And build forma! And mutagen mass!
How important Quick Thinking is on a frame like loki/ivara/octavia?
Rivens were a mistake.
Hind Wraith when?
it saves you from gas clouds/auras
Why do I even open these
does someone like Ferrox? would sell trade this masterpiece for something else
>Ferrox Sati-acricak
>+92.1% multishot
>+120.4% crit damage
>+114.9% puncture damage
>-40.3% magazine capacity
>Can't login because I'm about to get a 3 day affinity booster and want to wait until I have the time to make full use of it
>what is nikana prime
sell it to a weeb for mad plat
sell or trade*
Good question. We're going to get a content drop in a week(month) that will have plenty of unveiling potential.
Stop gambling.
traditional ninjas aren't weeb tier, only narutard ninjas are. don't deflect the issue, user
>Nikana shit dispo
>dragon Nikana gets +300% damage Rivens
Disposition was a mistake.
I still want a max range dragon Nikana for weeaboo slicing mooks from 10 feet away
why do people claim that Ash's 4 is alright? are they the same people who claim banshee is solo viable in high levels? These fucking forums
Personally I'd go with vitality or even whatitsname status duration on self reduction mod
sheeeeeit, I wish I had plat to snag that from you
>traditional ninjas aren't weeb tier
traditional ninjas where fucking peasants
the whole "wear black except for the eyes" thing originated from stage plays where people in all black would move objects and change the stage.
if you have flow on along with QT then it adds massive EHP, especially since those frames have close to no armor
Ninjas have always been weeb. You're playing a game where space ninjas with space katanas forged by ancient masters cut through literal armies of advanced foot soldiers and war machines. Don't try to appeal to traditional Veeky Forums dislikes if you're playing Warframe unironically.
>when mr5 twitchshitter calls you noob and says he can do 20k on hieracon
I aint even mad
it was actually funny
Okay selling it now would be worth it as it seems
>no negative
>one good stat
ill give you 20p
True Ninjas play for $8.99
>Фeppoкc Sati-acricak
>кpит. ypoнa
>Пpoнзaющeгo ypoнa
>вмecтимocть Maгaзинa
Я бы пoвecилcя c тaким pyceкoм игpaть. Heoфициaльный, хoтя бы?
This guy gets it.
Ha aнглe гoй нe тoт.
Range and Melee damage are both good. Finisher damage isn't hurting any either.
I-is Danielle transgender? That jaw looks manlier than the one found in most men.
Range on a short range weapon is shit. You dont build it on anything but whips and polearms
+100% on 1m is 2m. +100% on a 5m is 10m.
>because you're too proud
TOPKEK do you know what pride is? It's when you blow things out of proportion and throw a hissy fit over a fucking name AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
not him, but
>same reaction image several times in a row
this is an ironic post
>negative flight speed is going to affect all hitscan guns once PoE hits
glad I don't have any rivens like that
>complaining about anything and everything because autism
>complaining about a fucking name
get out, faggot and take your mentally inept bullshit with you
Yes steve, we know you're stuck with the name now and it's too late to change it, but there's no need to get defensive
>reaching really hard to find... -something-
naw I'm good, user
You have to give up sex or warframe for a year. What do you pick?
pls gibe me Boar, Kohm, and Ohma rivens please. Or at least post them!!!
>Give up sex
You have to have it in order to give it up.
there are so many other things to complain about, and this is what you cringe-riddled dumbasses get stuck on
Sex because I dont have that