Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!
/sthg/ #977 - Halo Edition
>Sonic News
Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!
/sthg/ #977 - Halo Edition
>Sonic News
Ugh I was wanting to make the next thread.
Thank god you didn't.
That looks worse than the sketch.
Not the franchise I was referring to but sure.
LOL, I was told repeatedly that video games and movies don't affect each other.
First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!
>Ugh I was wanting to make the next thread.
Go ahead and have the next one.
I'm leaving the country and won't be able to browse or post for over a month. That's why I rushed it as soon as bump limit was hit. Sorry. And see ya.
Heavy Vorician
Wow, what happened between sketching and coloring?
See ya, user!
That looks fine, but those outlines are killing me
Let this hooters shit die already.
Oh it got finished, pretty cute.
Are you multiboxing right now or something?
thank you very much for the art. I really appreciate the effort you put into making this for us if you're the drawfag
>LOL, I was told repeatedly that video games and movies don't affect each other.
but this is slightly different. It's a movie for an extremely popular video game series that happens to be the same demographic as Sonic - young kids and adults who grew up with the series
This is quite obviously a goddamn trace
And how many people still care about the Pokemon anime?
That's fine, I will grab a later one.
Isn't Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon coming out at the same time?
This is Wave the Swallow, Extreme Gear aficionado, mechanic for the Babylon Rogues, and serious contender, if not shoo-in, for best girl. Say something nice about her!
Look at the current op user, why the spite. Is this the drawfag autism again?
Its also by Nintendo. Remember, they can't do anything wrong.
Despite everything they've done wrong this year. But those weren't mistakes. No those were intentional. Two wrongs make a right! H
She really deserves better than Jet and Storm
Cute, user! I love all the character interactions, there's a lot of detail and action going on, everyone is drawn really well. Great job!
If you want it to look a little more polished next time consider using thinner lines because it kind of just looks like you put colour on a sketch, but I still really like this a lot. Must have taken you forever.
She has a really big wrench and don't need no man?
I'm also reasonably sure she'd bang tails where Fiona wouldn't
She's got a pretty beak!
apparently a lot? The trailer was just put on Youtube and it already has 50K views. The trailer from 3 weeks ago already has 1 million views.
Go back to /v/.
She's super cute!
I want her to be friends with Tails so she can show up more!
i don't hate her
Huh. Well, I see no reason why it'd damage Forces sales since movies & games are two different things.
What have they done wrong besides their shitty content creator program getting worse and their online being a joke (as usual)? I haven't really kept up on them.
I like her design but she basically doesn't have a personality.
I do care about the anime. Wit,are they releasing a new movie after the one for the 20th anniversary?
But I don't wanna go back! I like it here!! They tolerate meeeeee!!!
/hg/ here.
Please contain your autism to your own series.
Which characters would make the best and shittiest parents?
That's adorable.
>that Vanilla
>that Tails
>that Big
Now this is the content i come here for
Meant to add: If kids already wanted Forces, they're still gonna want it.
can someone fill me in on all the hooters posting lately?
I would ask what's your issue but I don't care, please step in front of a train.
>Doesn't have a personality
Someone didn't play Zero Gravity.
That's one of the reasons I kinda dig her. Unlike most of the other females, her character isn't really defined/spun off from her being a girl.
SEGA is doing a promotional deal with Forces & Hooters. It's a Japan-only deal & it's gonna be in like, 3 Hooters.
I dislike her slightly less than Chip.
Too bad her stomach is such a mess on that model.
It's also a bit bizarre how her tail pokes out in front of her crotch when she picks things up.
>Most people didn't play Zero Gravity.
Sure she does, fun one too once she became a little less bitchy
Sega having a promotional deal with Hooters for Forces in japan. It became a tired old meme after one hour of retards jumping the bandwagon with fanart.
It was my favorite Sonic Riders you swine
>Eggman kicking Elise out
You sound fun
>everyone else's experience with the game was the same as my experience with the game
Are you an actual child?
>Sega having a promotional deal with Hooters for Forces in japan.
but why
Is it bad that I would impregnate literally anyone of these girls?
user implied nobody played ZG, i proved him wrong.
How am i the child again?
Sega making dumb decisions as usual.
t. drawfag
Stop crying about people drawing things.
Was Marble Zone a bad zone?
Publicity. Advertizing. It isn't so hard, pal.
God, what a painfully linear stage
As a kid you hate it because it's too hard. As an adult you hate it because it's boring as sin
To be fair, Sonic was originally supposed to have a buxom lady for a girlfriend.
Ditto. I never cared for the original's Air system and ZG actually had a pretty decent plot.
>Meant to add: If kids already wanted Forces, they're still gonna want it.
that's true. I'm just kind of worried since the marketing for Forces has been abysmal. A lot of kids might not even know the game is coming out because of the poor advertising.
I want to marry Wave!
>most people
>How am i the child again?
Because you not only have no reading comprehension but you simply can't read. But go ahead and explain to me how when I literally say "most people" that means I'm implying "every person".
Considering the amount of views Infinite's theme has & Fist Bump, kids are probably aware of it. They can definitely do better in terms of advertising, tho
It was good, but it butchered the gear designs and super sonic got massively nerfed.
>hitting 50 rings means you boost all the time
>doing the Gravity Move turn drains your rings at light fucking speed.
no. all of Sonic 1 is better than Sonic 2. S3&K is the best game with everything and Sonic 1 is the unpolished but actually difficult platformer game. Sonic 2 is the bleh middle child and doesn't shine like either of it's siblings
It was super boring. To be honest for as much praise the Classic era gets, there's really only 2 games from that era I'd call really good-great. 1 & CD were fun & solid games, but that's about it.
>The game with 4 acts of Labyrinth Zone is better than Sonic 2
Are you real? Is this actually happening?
USUM comes out 2 weeks later, it's going to make a shitzillion dollars
You guys are stuck with a dev as bad as Sonic team. I feel bad for you guys
Xth for southern accents are hot
What did she mean by this?
Sonic CD is just Sonic 1 but better desu. It took the 3 act formula and refined it in a way that was legit an evolution of the original
Sonic 2 just kind of gave up and threw a bunch of ideas at the board to see what stuck. It's way too overhyped
sonic 1 is pure ludography
You fool!
I hate how Sonic Team had to narrow down the female proportions after SA2. Wave could have some rockin' hips.
Too bad irl southern girls are disgusting trash.
inb4 tennesseefag tries to disagree even though Tennessee is as southern as Kid Rock.
I really want sonamy shippers to get out already.
Tennessee gets a pass in my book. Anyone farther north than NC that calls themselves southern is delusional though.
This kills the ornithologist.
>there are no girls with thick german or french accents in the sonic franchise
how do we fix this?
as real as a team of sonic fans making an official classic game
sonic cd is shit. I'd rather medal hunt in unleashed