Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Why does the FGC support bad products?
wasnt the old thread made like 30 minutes ago
Good Bone Structure
>industry standard of 8$ per character is set by arcsys
>capcom sell characters for 8$ and give you a free costume on top
>kappa polturds are triggered
nice double standard
Is Kolin the smartest SF character?
wish i was rashid bros...
That'll be $60 + tip I assure you it all goes to help the people of Valkanda.
Define good products
a lot of shitposting went down due to new trailer
He must fucking despise the game even more after he got btfo by the gay furry with his "meta team."
Whoa! Don't you want to spend $100 on this epic super hero game from Disney's Marvel studios Whoa!
why is she so perfect
>Extremely successful nation with lots of material wealth and super-powerful mercenary class
>Need help
Surely you jest.
I still think I can understand his point.
You guys can too right? I'm not crazy?
What's the appeal of this character over others comic heroes? I don't know his story.
this dude looks like john cena
oh the times, they are a changin
>alioune couldn't even win an 8 man tournament
lmao. why does anyone pay attention to this frog again?
About four hours ago actually, but shitposting serves two purposes: makes threads go fast and, since no actual content is posted, they seem to go even faster.
he's black
I wish I hadn't wasted my life playing fighting games
I wish I was a normie
sick of fighting akumer lads
he's part of the WeWuzKangz movement
I really want to buy it.
i wish you werent wasting your life blogposting on Veeky Forums you fucking cunt kys
So are War Machine and Blade. What is the big whoop?
someone motivate me to play this kusoge
it makes sense to me too. especially in a game like bb where a character's unique gimmick could really fuck you up in the mirror leading to higher volatility
The convergence was hard on everyone my friend. My wife needs new armor for me to test my claws on.
t.Knows nothing about Black Panther
I became a normie wagie and now I have no time for fighting games much any more. It isn't worth it. Don't wish that friend
see me in sfv?
post cfn
im gonna be fuckin pissed if season2 capcom chars are all from mvc3
The guy that likes Kolin will haunt you if you don't, posting images of his favorite character and complain about low damage or lack of costumes.
If she's so smart why didn't she learn some moves that would make people want to play as her?
I personally believe Kolin is cute
>Season 2
What would you like user? We have a special deal on meat buns
why don't you
So is he Palmer or Choi?
you re not getting asura gene rashid and all the meme characters go cry in your camy bodypillow
he was the first marvel black superhero
reminder that kappa does not play fighting games. This is not a meme or anything. They seriously do not play fighting games. They are full of smash players. 1 or 2 years ago there was a bot called fuccbot that displayed the amount of times a user posted on the smash subreddit and it showed that almost everyone on kappa was a regular on the smash subreddit.
kill yourself NEET
Good post. It's a shame you can't play her.
i dont want any of the mentioned, especially not gene and rashid
no Cummy no Buy
nice dodge
I don't know. I should just buy it, right? Fuck it.
whos this antman ripoff
Cammy is in everything. Put someone sick and creative like Regina in.
but dude you don't get it, he's a trainingboar.
>That nose
I need more Ibuki costumes
Ruby looks pretty fun desu.
So now we just need a giant woman to bully him
But this one is already perfect.
she doesnt sound very fun tho
Leader of an country who isn't a villain like Doom. His stories can easily involve elements of diplomacy, international intrigue, etc. He was also the first black super hero to get his own comic, rather than being a secondary character in a white person's comic. He also looks a lot like Batman, the biggest seller from Marvel's rival company. Marvel's true Batman is pic related tho
her attack where she makes everyone in a 10 mile radius ears bleed seem op
>Something nice about MvC:I
The online feels smooth a lot of the time, I've only had really bad lag 2 times out of about 30+ matches.
>Something bad about MvC:I
My character from the last game feels gutted and made to be bad on purpose.
I hate this character so much.
>My character from the last game feels gutted and made to be bad on purpose.
cry more bitch tears, chris g
did you main zeku in 3s
he's just a really stupid concept
I'm surprised that he's not more popular in Japan, given he got a manga back in the day. If here were popular over there you'd figure he'd get in back when Marvel didn't give a shit what was going on in the games.
Who's this animu
i mean chris as in the character, not trying to make a chrisg joke. feels the same way to me
have fun getting scammed boy
so this... is the power of (((Disney's))) Black Panther reveal... whoa
Ahagon from New Game. She's a lead programmer who enjoys tactical airsoft, guns, and competitive games.
How long does it take to rank up in this game, I'm on a 12 win streak and I'm still the same rank I was before starting
yep. Hawkeye at the very least kept everything but mobility tools. Chris's tools were spamming gun and grenades. Which has a limit now and go away if he's hit.
muh twitch viewers
Been hearing a lot of that anime. Is it actually good?
they only matter when you say so right
at least there's a few other gun characters coming that might fill the void
I really liked it, yeah.
Why is she sad in this gif? She is usually stoic.
t. you
They absolutely never matter.
wtf where is his purple cape?
Nah I mained cammy
Yo guys, I'm thinking of picking up Guilty Gear Rev 2. Is there a player base for it in the EU?
Nene did something adorable while Ahagon was scolding her, and it turned her on so she's trying to hide it and she can't.
She has a wide range of emotions
Is Buzz Lightyear supposed to look that stupid?
Cammy was 6 years old during sf3
tfw no grim reaper sigma