best waifu
League of legends general /lolg/
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Are you happy with your summoner name user? Do you hate yourself everytime you look at it?
I'm gonna play new Eve mid and my team is just gonna have to deal with it.
We were winning hard when the first 4 happened.
Also half of them happened in the same fights
And it was Bronze 1
I haven't played league in a year and half and I was going to get back to playing it but after realizing the game will change in November, I'm feeling kind of not motivated. What's the point of relearning when everything will change in a month? Would you say the upcoming seasons changes would completely change the game and I should wait or they are not that big of changes?
where did top lane go wrong?
people just go "OH LOOK IT'S PURSEOWNER" so i guess it does its job
I want to change mine to something that has to do with dog cocks they've been an obsession of mine either lately
Red pill me on the Xin Zhao update
i get camped because of my name
>tfw no qt petite gf
If you want to get back into it do it after the rune changes
You among everyone else will have to relearn the game so it's probably the best time to do it
Not at all. I have a somewhat funny nickname
>dont want to get bullied
>dont want to fullmute all though
xth for Syndra
Hmmm i see! Hows about an obsession with church and the word of god? Maybe that would be better suited for you
>everything that has the potential to kill me is cheese
its a 3 letter word so its kinda cool
I am thoroughly satisfied with my nickname. I wish it could be something else, but that one's taken, so i guess i'll have to settle for second best.
>Yasuo and Fiora will singlehandedly get press the attack nerfed to shit instead of Yasuo and Fiora getting nerfed
Feels bad man.
>All those buffs to AD, HP and Armor on PBE
I frequently get a lot of positive or funny comments for mine, so yeah I'd say I'm pretty happy with it.
>update a good chart
>add some kind of shitty youtube face reaction to the top
bring back old /lolg/
I like my summoner name and icon.
>don't want to get annoyed by this one retard spamming all chat every second
>don't want to miss out on the shit he says
>get annoyed
people comment on it all the time, after switching like 4 times i think this one will stick
ign: Your Mom Says Hi
Yeah I have no clue what they were thinking with melees. Most melee have auto resets on short cooldowns
Poor Irelia is gonna get decimated
free my boy XJ9
Yeah thought the changes were huge but needed confirmation. Thanks
changed my name a few months ago and i'm kinda happy but want to change it again but don't want to spend my ip because i'm trying to get as much as i can for pre season
what do?
>Jungle Ez shitting up the ap jungle item
>Nerf the jungle item
>Kog and vayne shitting up the attack speed jungle item
>Nerf the jungle item
>Ap udyr shitting up the ap jungle item
>nerf the jungle item and udyr
>Jungle Ez shitting up the jungle again
I play Quinn top all the time.
Tell me more user. Im intrigued.
Too much work
But enjoy the barely noticeable Worlds accents :^)
>kill Yas with Illaoi
>"wtf cancer champ"
>continuously tries to wind wall tentacles
Yeah, but I can never gather enough ip to change it without wanting something else halfway through. Also no idea what my new name would be.
>no marriage in game
why not?
Explain to me why the fuck I am the one punished and penalized for leaving a game that has someone I know for a fact is going to do nothing but feed and spam ping before it even starts and saving everyone in the match 20-40 minutes
How the fuck does this make sense
Maybe if PUBG or Fortnite threatens League again we'll get it.
thats only on live
currently on PBE the most armor you can get by level 6 is 110 armor assuming you start cloth and max W first.
top Olaf should be in the cheesy side
theres like no way you actually beat top olaf in lane you just wait till 20 minutes and laugh when he falls off
For the user who asked:
Zed mains SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED HUMAN. Fuck with them however you like.
Dont forget to say "Nice ult, toaster" in /all chat afterwards.
Dont give them ideas. jesus...
Lore: the cosmic Star-god
In Game: some guy with a lamp
Everyday someone picks Caitlyn. These innocent players just wanted to play the game with the best ADC but are unable to be relevant because of a forced sub 50% winrate. Riot games have unjustly nerfed Caitlyn and continue to abuse Caitlyn players to this day. Please have a heart. Give these players and Caitlyn a chance. Buff Caitlyn
Jax with plot armor. No other champion has as much plot armour as him.
soraka is biggest
How strong is Sonas core?
jax both in lore and ingame
i want to marry my support. we will have the ceremony mid-lane.
>no impregnation runes
buff cait #buffcait #imwithher
Hey, hey user! I finally caved in and bought some dosh. I want an ahri skin but I can't decide between arcade or that new star guardian skin. What do you think, user?
>motherfucker has all the dashes to dodge her tentacles and kite out of her ult
>can bait out E easily
fucking subhumans
Runes are going away, silly.
Cumshot summoner spell when?
popstar with white chroma
I'll tell you if you buy me a skin.
Graves buffs when
>the single worst designed champion in the game
>not on the toxic side
Muscle Caitlyn when?
>someone I know for a fact is going to do nothing but feed and spam ping before it even starts
for one thing, stop ruining games for people before they even get through champ select.
>When your ADC runs away from every fucking fight.
this i'm serious, don't waste your shekels on arcade
here's some (You)s now someone please do pic related for her
*stands in your way*
I just saved E for when he got on top of me after wasting minions as a means of escape
Soraka is tightest
>no mastery that lets me mating press
is riot trolling or something?
Are there any unironic cuck clubs on league?
>battlecast alpha skarner is the coolest skin in the world
>have his gameplay suck the highest S++ tier of asscheeks
why lolbabs..
>most powerful living being known in the observable universe
>calls him "some" guy with a lamp
a stiff back and lordosis, thats all she's getting
>tfw got drunk and had a mental breakdown to someone I added in an aram 6 months ago and haven't talked to since
>>battlecast alpha skarner is the coolest skin in the world
it's the fucking worst skin ever
Graves' swimsuit looks really uncomfortable
Taric is unironically one of the best supports right now and nobody plays him.
After Darius buffs
whats plot armor
>runes give passive stats based strictly on your primary tree
>not getting a seventh unique rune based on your primary+secondary tree combination
Like, a champion who took both precision (for auto attackers) and sorcery (for casters) could have gotten a spell and blade weaving rune that empowered their damage while alternating between AAs and spells.
boogie protocol engaged
yeah that too
>Mating pressing and impregnating your support in brush while bot lane doesnt know where you are
>People bitching about GP
You faggots know you can take out his barrels right?
Also if you are letting him get to late game for free, you need to learn how to play lane better.
If you like gyarus get Star Guardian and play with Jap voices.
>Spilled his guts to socially awkward higschooler
>Tfw played nothing but skarner jungle for years
>they rework him and make him shit
>ruin earthrune skarner one of the best looking skins in the game
i miss my kind
>Mating pressing my Braum
Oh yes
Why are support x support ships so best
Would you like a Soraka to support you?
Best Sona ship is Sona x Morde though
jayce buffs too pls
>push lane super hard after enemy lane backs
>grab her hand and run into your own jungle
>enemy bot lane spam pings ? for the rest of the game
I feel ya