Tavern Brawl Edition
>Deck lists
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Tavern Brawl Edition
>Deck lists
hsreplay.net (Buy premium for us)
>Tournament Discord
>Open Tournaments
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1st for priests are fags
first for wild being a worse ladder
my advice is to find a deck you think you want to play and then craft for it to be most efficient and not waste dust that doesn't turn into a new way to play, we can tell you whether a card is essential/has general value in multiple decks
says who?
I picked the Korean.
How many packs am I getting?
I only play it sometimes because the aggro decks are way cooler and more interesting to play, plus Egg Hunter
what did they mean by this flavour text
>we need a big boi
>it's kind of big I guess...
A 6/6 isn't big enough for Eloise FeelsBadMan :gun:
Surrender's pretty good he has a chance, although APAC is generally considered the weakest region
>backstab into swash into counterfeit coin into coin into prep into edwin on turn 3
every fucking time.
how long can this go how long can how long can this go how long can this go on
>4 card combo
never lucky
By worse do you mean people are bad and it is easier to do well there, or do you mean it is more difficult to advance?
What are the odds that Pavel is gonna be one pack man this time?
I mean every single fucking deck runs reno.
and by every single deck he means everyone over rank 10 plays Reno Priest
That's why you spam 4 attack Oil Rogue and Ship's Cannon Valeera
10/10 since I picked him
Nobody I ever pick wins more than 1 pack
If I have almost every classic card, is it better to just buy classic packs to collect dust to prepare for the next expansion instead of doing arena runs to collect packs for the current expansion?
Uhh, no?
Why would you do this? Get cards for the current expansion if you don't have them yet.
Otherwise play Arena, you only need 4 wins to break even and theres always a chance for more. Just git gud.
_____ N_GG______ER
I had a Rogue go prep into mimic pod into prep into mimic pod into coin into Kel into Shadowstep into Kel into Shadowstep (created by mimic pod) into Kel into Kel (created by mimic pod) next turn.
Proceeded to summon a 7/7 Pirate that summoned a 6/6 patches on the turn after.
>bm incredibly hard when I win
>add opponent after
>if he accepts anyway, he gets the 80 gold quest
>4 days later, still have the quest
butthurt for days
Ha get fucked
I just came
>haha, jokes on him I lack basic communication skills!
Put Cairne in Tempo Rogue
Why are you so salty, user? It's just a children's card game.
Why? For the 1 in 20 games where you get Bonemare on it?
Gnomepire is pretty good in Arena.
It's actually not bad, that's a reason plus it just dominates board in the mirror and vs, Priest
We had this post before but didn't cover everyone, lets do Streamers Round 2:
rate hate masturb8
autistic memer
salty try-hard fagboi
subtly call him short and watch this retard spaz out
breddy gud
has a uterus
The only guys I enjoy watching play are Toast and Amaz. out of everyone.
come and roast me faggots
Reddit incarnate
Salt lord, impressed he streams as much as he does while running an org
good player, pretty relaxed
best KappaPride streamer, Rogue is my favorite so I watch him fairly often
don't really watch, he seems alright
I will never understand why anyone watches Amaz, perhaps the worst streamer
the king of wacky decks now that Nostam has found his life as a NEET homemaker
probably the worst player of the grill streamers
for what purpose
I like the wits of them.
Amaz can have enjoyable arena runs
and Toast is fun to me
literally rεddit: the streamer
le salty narcissist man
literally who
literally who
literally who
good stramer, autistic but not too autistic
unwatchable if you're not 14
literally who
super qt grill that should NOT be bullied
>I like the wits of them
>Toast and Amaz
Out of all the streamers out there, especially considering they have a chat you can't talk/ask questions in
I just don't understand
>watching streamers at all
>watching THOSE streamers
absolutely disgraceful
she's just really skinny
like, that's it senpai
just stop
>Saiyan makes good points on setting up for N'Zoth next turn
>Trump does none of them even when he ropes
>can't play N'Zoth
God damn just fucking listen to the good player
Amaz is the single most annoying person I've ever heard talk.
well, to be honest, I only watch their highlights on Youtube. I don't like twitch
lmao fuck off fag
>tfw you will never have a gf close to that qt
the only youtube content worth watching is trolden, zalae's guides, and trump meme videos
>not finding a girl with the body type of a prepubescent boy attractive
>lol ur gay user ur soooo gaaaaayyyy
haha alright
>being this delusional
>being this much of a chubby chaser
what the hell is the matter with you lad
>Trumps latest
>Priest bullshit
>Ropes every turn
FUCK this guy. this pissed me off.
>he doesn't appreciate both thicc and sticc
he's doing a proper f2p run again though and that was always his best content
ecks fuggin dee my man
I think the only english eloise knows is memes.
>mfw the way Eloise just said Trump's name after the topdeck
no it's not, this is his best content
she literally learned english primarily by streaming on Twitch
I think Eloise just came
based retard
>believe it or not im fairly shy
nobody had any doubts to begin with
jesus man taht guy is such a loveable autist
>I'm thinking we play Garrosh because it costs 8 mana, what do you think
>wait is this a trick question
Saiyan and two trolls is best team
lol planet odd so mad.
>win 50/50 brawl
>win game
Trump is a god always win never lose I want him to have my babies - Eloise
That was actually a really interesting game, I probably wouldn't have played around the second Brawl
meant Block obviously
how do i become asian like my idols toast, trump, and savjz?
Does wild mill rogue require the DK
>N'Zoth Control Fedora carrying both Team Slav and Trumpostorm to victory
Jk they're gonna get coin Bonemare'd
>golden rare
Feels alright man.
As much as Priest and Prince highroll sucks to play against sometimes this format is actually really well balanced tbqh, Warrior is still good and Hunter is now playable
the dk helps a lot, but it isn't worth crafting just for mill rogue.
you can easily win without it
>Velen Spirit Lash
>heal for 20 clear board
So who is a safe pick for the new vote for your champion event?
how many wins?
Purple Pavel Orange Surrender are probably the safest picks but it's a card game so anything can happen
>literally no early game
3 wins
Replaced the unknown streamers with relevant ones.
jokes on you nigga.
Here's my wild mill rogue deck. You could probably optimise it with an additional prep/edwin maybe but its pretty much the most base mill rogue you can have in wild.
### Mill
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Backstab
# 1x (0) Preparation
# 2x (0) Shadowstep
# 2x (1) Hallucination
# 2x (1) Swashburglar
# 2x (2) Eviscerate
# 2x (2) Gang Up
# 2x (2) Sap
# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
# 2x (3) Coldlight Oracle
# 2x (3) Deathlord
# 1x (3) Fan of Knives
# 1x (3) Shadowblade
# 2x (4) Tomb Pillager
# 2x (5) Antique Healbot
# 1x (5) Loatheb
# 1x (5) Sludge Belcher
# 2x (6) Vanish
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
I hate myself for continuing to play this shitty cashgrab game
I picked purple so he wouldn't win a single game
Dane is literally the only unknown streamer posted because he's the only one I don't know.
Just dont pay.
Also get Google Rewards and use your Play Store money on your phone to buy packs for free.
youre sending me mixed messages user kian
Make Warrior Great Again
You probably don`t know him because you`re a standard pleb. He is THE wild streamer.
Warrior is still good though\, just play Keleseth and bully other Keleseth decks homeboy
but that's not Controltheboard
Well, him and control. Dane tries out more meme decks.
but control has literally been climbing with brann Iron Juggernaut fedora and S U C C L O C quest warlock
apprecciate you repping ya boi
funny, when you realize he's being ironic. somewhat secretly a /robot/
good comebacks and somewhat interesting rants. im starting to get tired of that spotify playlist
great player, green hat
he strikes me as gay. very hard to watch him
comfiest stream. good music, good yokes, brokeback luck
used to watch him when didn't know who to watch. i really dont think he's that bad
i dont know how he makes memedecks just work
never watched her
Thanks for that Dane shoutout I will look out for him/her/you. :)
I personally adore all of your opinions, you're bang on all of them.
Yeah Reynad is great at taking a spot of rage and just crystalizing it to make it coherent and Blizzard probably listens to his rants you can tell based on some of the nerfs.
I never heard the gay in Yagut but you know you are right about him, probably why he's always going to be a F List streamer. I love his Rogue play.
Ryzen is that one Philipino streamer, if you ever saw a brown guy that was him. Admittedly, perhaps he was too obscure to put in the list but I guess I watched him on occasion.
They don't call him Too Gay (tugay) for nuthin.