In Orbit edition
In Orbit edition
Other urls found in this thread:
got a ring in ere
>Alpha Team finished Leviathan in 30 minutes
Fuck, I wanted to make the general.
>Awesomeness x EagleStrike OTP
>DG3 just did it in 45 without even trying
Wow so good
How did DO win?
It's a slow scout rifle.
Looking to do Leviathan if anyone is running it.
7th for 19 days, 4 hours, and 58 mins till a BEST version releases.
So how doable is this weeks NF Prestige?
>45 minutes
15 minutes is a lot of time in leviathan dumbass
Literally whos???
Then maybe you should have made it before it was over 30 posts past the bump limit?
I'm sick of making them. But like... you have to do it at 750. I just got home and saw the absolute state of the general.
>without even trying
Faggot if they were giving a shit they could've cleared it in under 30, DG3 is the only clan getting raid engrams within 48 hours. Kindly kys geek
Apparently it doesn't count how many tokens or engrams are acquired, it counts how many people sign up with said faction, which is complete bullshit, meaning NM will never win.
Hello DoxxedTack
lmao yeah talk talk, how about you actually do it since you're so sure of yourself? I'll give you a week shitter
waddup doe?
>Just got Tesla's Revenge
Wardcliff Coil went from an 8 to a 10
Anyone raiding?
So do it then
Prove it little bitch
Who the fuck even does rotating platforms? That's way too confusing on top of having to pay attention to what and where you're shooting.
is this female
2/6 for fresh raid
>TrueJiro (be nice to him)
I wonder which little cunt made this list?
Welcome one, welcome all. My name... is Jiro, and I'm pleased to make your accquaintance.
What's even worse than rotating platforms is when the teams are assigned and so the runner on chalice team calls "CHALICE" every single time, even when they're running through the other 3. So fucking confusing. I can't even imagine thinking that's a good idea.
explain this ebin meme
who is this trap
>have Io set for Hunter and Titan
>somewhat tempted to do it all again for Warlock
Does Warlock have any better looking armor than Io's?
>tfw no Hawthorne gf
>tfw no Failsafe gf
>tfw no Emissary gf
>tfw no Queen gf
>tfw no Sloane gf
just to get it out of the way
have you guys beaten it before?
Friendly reminder that StainsofTime is back and was starting his first character this morning
Add me right fucking now.
4/6 now
The guy I'm with has not. Everyone else has I assume
Actually sorry, don't have time.
I like your glasses ;)
they both work, if you can't do either of them, you are functionally retarded
Reminder if there isn't a video its like it never happened
add me
the first time I did the raid we did this strat. The way we did it is that I punched psions while other guy held plate. He would take the upper arrow, i would take the lower arrow. Kinda hard for me because of line of sight issues, but MIDA+Dunemarchers let me keep pace with plate guy even with psions.
I almost found it to be easier for a new guy, as all the new guy would have to do is jump on the next plate and shoot the correct arrow, rather than try to remember to turn to the proper side, shoot the correct arrow, and then punch his psion
I know, I don't do shit taste.
Hence Fixed Platforms is the only relevant way to do Gauntlet.
Can anyone approve for you?
If so then maybe
live streamed my dude
I'll join
Yes, please answer my question
Unfortunately, not a trap
Then why did you let bob in your clan?
There's also Destinytracker
check destiny tracker
Is joff99 really a shitter?
Who knows? Nobody here will ever play with him again rofl
zippy streamed it
5/6 fresh
post it
It's doable if you have three strong players.
You basically have to do the unlimited anomalies glitch though. We did it and still had only 2 minutes to spare.
It's autistic but very doable if you're decent.
why my psn not work :(
Anybody doing Nightfall on PS4? I need to run is three times.
Blacklist officially approved. I am on the good players list so I have this authority
Did accept the new terms & services
>its actually true
NO DELET THIS NOOOWW!! Alpha team are supposed to be a bunch of shitters
Update and agree to terms of service?
Oh damn, thats a shame considering I don't have many friends on PSN
Thank you though, user
uriels gift
does she play destiny
mida is better
no she’s just some whore who gets free money doing nothing
Any D3 members online and wanted to do the Nightfall as a guided game? Was told there's a sweet emblem for completing it.
must be nice
>he uses uriels gift instead of the number
Currently in it
Actually borderline fucking impossible due to these knights literally spamming their hp shit. Also our Hunter in our fire team is probably the most incompetent human on the planet when it comes to this goddamn nightfall. Please kill me.
Wardriff Coil is pretty good to use against the Knights.
>he plays destiny
>he uses the number instead of last hope
No but her asshole plays on my dick
>he uses the number instead of sunshot
Well then there's our second problem of Heavy ammo never dropping.
Last run we attempted I had maybe 4 heavy drop the entire time. This is too much agony for one group of people to bear.
I just took off the 24th from work for PC release but my brother told me I probably should have taken off the 25th instead. I can't find anything about what time it will actually release on the 24th. You don't suppose it'll be the typical late night launch will it?
>taking the day off for Destiny after she's seen how big of a disaster it is
You and me both
Thanks for the (you)s
>When the hunter of your group is anchoring your fireteam and then has the audacity to say
>Maybe you guys need to level up Hunters with that Nighthawk helmet and use gunslingers
Are all hunters this fucking stupid?
>I took time off from work to play a game
How to spot someone who doesn't have a job
Quality thread you guys have here.
Another one
Thanks for the (You), retarded pcuck
>he doesn't know
I hate pc fags more and more
Thread theme for the raid from last day
So is this the Elite?