Sandwiches edition
Sandwiches edition
xth for sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation!
xth for breast metal waifu
Xth for Lulu.
yordles are for abuse
xth for skanks in shoes
I unironically think Kindred will get a full gameplay update next year.
best pickems
>Elementalist Lux will never leglock you
There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with Singed
>fun kit
>great backstory
>great design
>great voice
>tfw no qt petite gf ):
Think of your main for each role
Got em?
That's now SKT's teamcomp against C9, can they still win?
He fucking feeds in all of my team games.
kindred really needs wolf to be an active part of gameplay.
same with quinn and valor. her new ult looks stupid too.
they deserve it
a champ with such a good design doesn't deserve to be dogshit!
Your statement implies you believe that others think things ironically.
esports soon
post hype vids
>tfw no loving aryan gf
Who would trump main in league?
>kayle top
>kha6 jungle
>vel'koz mid
>jhin adc
>bard support
probably not
I just wish he had more than 5 lines
how come hanshinshin doesnt duo? u can duo in diamond right
Awful pickem.
He would be a good yasuo player
Just enough of a dick to pick a champion everyone hates, but skilled enough to win anyway.
>tfw no loving aryan gf AND qt petite gf
Well it's SKT, but almost certainly not.
>Yorick Top
>Sion Jg
>Vel'Koz Mid
>uh Sivir? I don't adc.
Sounds like a fun as fuck game to watch though.
Taliyah or Azir
>tfw no succubus gf
He does sometimes, he duo'd with Dom like 2 days ago
To shake or not to shake
To shake or not to shake
To shake or not to shake
They need to update VO's for older champs really
Reminder if you are below Diamond 4 you are not allowed to have an opinion about balance
tahm kench
But lux is also qt and petite
Won't be around to post butts during halftime, so i'll be leaving a five-for-one deal here already.
wew what a shitty cutoff. I know for a fact that 95% of this elo is still braindead and the other 5% is master tier smurfs
Congratulations, you just got Riot's whole "balance" team fired
reminder that you can't even use ms paint without typing out a made up university
Me on the right.
>No bro I swear have an IQ of 173, it's just my team keeping me in silver, I play at a diamond level
sona, for example, she still mentions the summoner even though he doesn't exist in the lore anymore
they need to fix so many models too! nunu, gragas, mordekaiser, etc
>not posting Kindred butt
Lux doing the classic anime neckbreaker
I bet that Barron plays League.
Good god...
Is there an uncensored version somewhere?
I wonder if they'll rename summoners rift
If that's the case then I'm afraid I must make sexual advances towards you
Diamond 2*
>high elo player
All the Lamb i have is too lewd, and i'm pretty lazy to bother censoring, sorry.
Far as i know you have to shell out some shekels for the uncensored one..
god vagina's are so fucking gross
t. gay
>posting the inferior SG butts and not Ahri's, MF's, Soraka's and Syndra's
A couple like sona don't need gameplay or model updates but need a new VO while gragas is fine gameplay wise butt needs a new model and VO
Go away faggot.
>Teemo or Kled
I don't keep up with lolisports, but this would be a fun game to watch.
Group Stage Teaser
Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums results, an interesting game, but a massive waste of time
>Team with Hmind loses
>support jinx had more kills and did more damage than adc varus
looks like a fucking snakes mouth but with white goo leaking out of it
Why would this guy go for a disgusting hyper detailed realistic vagina when just a normal slit would do?
I literally cant finish my bowl of ice cream now because of that pic
damn that shot of Impact and Faker is spicy
is this your first day on the internet?
>calls me garbage
>gets 32 kills and cant even carry
seriously, just slit your throat desu
How do I build Shyvana?
Bloodrazor, Frozen Mallet, Black Cleaver/Tank.
What the actual fuck went wrong at Riot HQ in 2014?
Ah, release Braum.
Mana costs so low he'd max E and spam it on CD to deny CS.
>doesn't want his penis to be swallowed whole by a monstrous mouth with white goo
Im streaming at twitch.tv
/riddlershen if anyone wants to watch playing games in gold elo to show mistakes
this is a picture of a random ranked game a while back
>you have to shell out some shekels for the uncensored one..
Patreon was a mistake.
>Just become my patron and you can see my images, only $1 a month.
>Actually, it's $5 a month.
>Jk, it's $10 now.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums needs 2 more
>Playing Ezrael ADC in 2k17
>Diamond 4
Who's watching worlds today? I am debating catching it live vs watching the rebroadcast.
Do you miss Invasion anons?
They were too concerned about making the best champions suited to their role - not about how unfair or unfun they would be to play against.
In return, 4 of those 6 champs became utterly broken with their mechanics.
Nope. I do miss One for All
God no that event sucked ass and was a huge slap to the face of anyone that played it with XD hard velkoz bullet hell
Which team are you guys rooting for?
Fucking China, I'm not going to be able to watch a single one of C9's games live.
Anyone who isn't rooting for TSM is a fucking faggot who should fucking neck themselves
Best guy!
Does lolg like Dostoevsky?
Come at me faggots
I would've enjoyed it if the missions weren't grindy as shit and made the event a literal job to play.
longzhu and clg
i hope jensen gets his shit kicked in tomorrow
kys fag
GAM and LZ
The one that's not playing in the middle of the goddamn night or very early morning
Nobody. I don't care.
I just want to watch the music video and hope that we get another good batch of SKT skins that are equal in quality to the ones we got this year.
Boodrum secretly likes penis
Anyone that isn't Korean.
Is it gay to masturbate?
Feels pretty gay since I have a dick in my hands.
>missions only count on the annoyingly tryhard mode
>all missions are grindy nonsense that demand you play champs you don't want to
>have to pull together a team by dealing with online forums for half the missions
literal disaster
I managed to get all the non premade quests in pubs. It was suffering.
C9 and Royal