drinking tea and watching lego legins
drinking tea and watching lego legins
First for this is so fucking boring. Put GAM back on..
>lucian goes in 1v5 and kills 3 with his entire team dead and no assistance what so ever
nice fucking champ
when is lulu getting a visual update she looks so bad compared to Tristana or Poppy
Viktor and Cassiopeia are a cute couple
>Only 2 periods
feeding twitch, gg
they hit like trucks, but they pop quick, especially because enemy jg usually farms everything else first since you can't clear the whole camp well without having fed aoe whigh modern jg doesn't prioritize because big buffs are single mobs now.
meanwhile as a lot of meta mids you're leveling aoe first so you can shove and roam. so you don't get to get the full camp but it's a reliable +50 or +100.
Lot more of where THAT came from
... seriously I carry a lot of that
>Been looking at the match schedule all day thinking that TSM was playing after this match.
>Their game and one other are actually tomorrow at 3AM instead.
seriously, i carry a lot of *ammo
Wait, did Twitch do literally no damage last fight? I'm watching the replay and his bolts just went through Kogmaw and did no damage.
Just carry harder bro :)
top lane is the worst lane
can you post a webm of it?
Shen ult shield + lulu shield
>Farming wraiths when jungler gets 2x xp from them
>play since s2
>quit with the retarded changes from s4
>watch a game or two each worlds
>each year they make the game more retarded
Were you playing Garen?
>casters so bored they resort to playing shitty /lolg/ games
esports if fucking dead
I don't know how to webm something that's not a video file on my computer.
Seriously, look at the replay. The shen shield doesn't even move down until one of his last autoattacks, he landed 2~3 before that and they all did no damage.
>been playing a lot of jarvan and karthus recently
>they dont have any "good" skins
Sure, some of their skins are better than the others but they really need some new fucking skins
>trinity on garen
Sounds weird
if it was twitch ult then you can dodge it because they change into skillshot for a duration
>The current state od ADC builds
Pentakill and Commando are top tier skins you fucking pleb.
>World Championship
>lolg gets so bored that they lose focus and stop talking about the game
fuck this semen slurping esport
>valuing 50 xp on a support over 100 xp on a carry
>not WANTING your mid to take babby wraiths so you can quick-clear only the big one, still get most of the gold and exp, and still have them respawn at a higher level
realtalk though, it's just that they're so easy to take that each mid can casually farm the other side's unless it's a complete stomp
>World championships after S2
If you swap out the triforce for a pd it would be fine; and he does have high base damage to work with it I guess. Alternatively, it could be Darius.
everyone is tired it's 5:40 am in burgerland best coast
Yeah, but by just walking in a straight line? This was easily possible before his VGU, but it shouldn't still be this easy to dodge his hits
>tfw all the yordles except for teemo and heimer are turbo cancer
>tfw there is always at the very least one yorlde that is turbocancer in every meta
so, when is Riot removing yordles?
I have commando and statue
Every champ needs one goofy/cute skin. I like goofy and cute skins
>Why is this chink v. chink game so boring?
A mystery for the ages.
how long would it take you to climb from silver 3 to gold 5
>Most exp by giving away small ones
15 games
>Having a full D5 team
My condolences
The Hammer does the most work... I just swing it!
Reminder that this is what lulu actually looks like: a deranged psycho midget and not the pedobait you turboautists desperately make her out to be.
>full d5 team
This is why i use op.gg to prevent this shit.
it's end of season, enjoy your 1-12 every other lane
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
>huge teamfight
>one death only
Nice game, lolbabs.
>Teemo and himer
>Not turbo cancer
Is there honestly a champion that sucks the life out of this game more than pic related with their presence
>there are people that think its possible to have high CS in low elo games
if u dont follow ur team, they will get into retarded fights and lose
teemo and heimer are turbocancer, to have on my team and to lane against. I will take a cs deficit and my tower will take a ton of damage, but it won't matter because they are both absolutely worthless champs at any other stage of the game. So either they make my game unpleasant by giving me a boring brainless laning phase or they are on my team and cost me the fucking game. Is there a single yordle champion that isn't fucking disgusting to play against?
canonically ahri
all supports killed this game. Giving supports gold ruined the game so fucking badly its disgusting.
Literally runing the game for at least one role every single season
>EDG kills ardent cancer support first.
>Wins fight.
Really makes you think.
>two legitimate world-class teams
>massive technically-still-at-war national rivalries
>double adcs each team for flashy plays
>the scaling drama of koggles
>the cross-map playmaking of shen
>beefy frontlines encouraging fair front-to-back fights rather than "lul you get 3 wards and there were 4 approaches" cheese
"i'm bored because i can't self-insert"
>t. white irrelevance
It was in a thread yesterday but does anyone have the muscular art of sejuani? t- thanks
xth for Syndra
how do you mean?
Shut up Chang
>literally focus support first meta
this is pretty funny when you no longer play the game yourself
xth for cute syndraposters
which hero in league is like templar assassin from dota? i know there's one cause i've just saw it, surely one of you know what im talking about
Just because Lulu is not kawaii doesn't mean she's bad.
akali has the strong early game damage/stealth but she doesn't have anything like the trap mechanic.
Akali looks like TP. At launch people said Jhin build similar items.
is jayce the only viable top lane carry
What does that hero do again? Half of the dodo heroes have some insane bullshit in their kit that's impossible to translate into this game without snapping it in half
>the same 20 champs every game
>whoever shields their carry first wins
>literally nothing to be excited or engaged about
Literally the only game people will be talking about is the GAM victory because not a single one of these metaslave snoozefests is memorable in any way.
twitch is a ranged carry with the stealth and the piercing autos, and he's in this game if that's what you meant by "just saw". he's only played in safe lane or jungle and his other two skills are an aoe poison and an instant proc of poison stacks, though.
You're talking kassadin
Looks a lot like TA but it's more of a mage.
the hero im talking about has TA's psi blades
this game
about to hit FIFTY fucking minutes
And I answered, retard
at the very least LOOK at the champion
twitch's ult does that
xayah has something like that
runaan's (item) allows you to hit multiple targests
Probably the most viable.
Rumble close second.
I love you
You don't know SHIT about esports if you didn't have to sit through CLGeu vs M5.
>0 mages
>0 burst
>50 minute game
>Twisted Treeline will never be deleted and replaced with Magma Chamber
shut up retard
it was xayah
>5 people with 500+ cs
>you will never starve to death again while waiting for WE vs CLGeu
>Teams empty everything they have in a teamfight with each other
>Only two guys die
> Victorious Soraka
How would it make you feel
>2 6 slotted adcs
>Still takes 30 seconds to kill anyone on the enemy team thanks to shields and heals
Great meta
>letting minions take inhib
kassadin has the spoopy psychic knives coming out of each palm, if you're just thinking of visual effects.
or, longshot, you're thinking of shen in this game, who has none of her kit natively except an aa-only mitigate but is an asian-looking assassin with glowing shortswords and has built an item (Titanic Hydra) that makes aas hit in a cone.
How did EDG lose that?
xayah is nowhere close to ta you 2k mmr retard
nice garbage draft by EDG
>A worse team wins against a better team because they have Janna and Cho'Gath
woooooow sooooo muuuuuuch fuuuuuuuuuuuuun
yall forgot about jax and fiora.
>AHQ manages to pull it together and save my pickem.
Thank you based Taiwan.
wow my neurons have never been this activated
>EDG sandbagging once again
>color me surprised
>no dmg kogmaw
and the crowd goes mild
fuck chinks haha
>specifically TA's psi blades
reading comprehension
Absolutely ok. Not in my champ pool but far better than having Victorious [champion that has ruined the season and remained S tier for months while Riot pretended to try to fix the problem]