/dg/ - Destiny General
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Stop making threads early you megga ass-faggot
No i just avoid shit or unimportant news so if its some dead celebrity or random personality i'm generally unaware of them.
enjoy heroic strikes becoming Queen's Wrath 2.0 and only being available once a week every now and again!
reminder that there is no solo queue or plans to improve matchmaking
reminder that there is no plans to buff mods
reminder that there is no plans to buff max impact SRs
reminder that there has still been no comment on Batty Boy's duplicate solution
reminder that chest lockout is intentional
reminder that there is no plans to include a heroic strike playlist and there is no plans to improve strike rewards
reminder that armor attributes are static
reminder that faction rally rewards are capped to 30 claims
reminder that it's weekly update soon
reminder that it 19 days till PC release
>Tfw you've done all your milestones except the Crucible ones
Oh boy, can't wait for Mida vs. Mida or auto-rifle vs. auto-rifle meta every fucking match
>being this desperate for attention
feel free to kill yourself
Yeah, because he left his PSN in the image, right? Fucking moron.
post bossfus
>just joined a Japanese fire team for nightfall guided games
>they both have that girly bunny icon
>we go through the beginning no problem
>one of them runs in head first into 2 ogres
>guardian has died
So good.
Glad I played with them
>they blew kisses at me when we beat it
I miss him.
I'm talking about making the thread early dumbass, you can kill yourself too.
???? lol
>go guided nightfall
>end up guiding the people that were supposed to guide me
I fucking hate this. I just want normal matchmaking.
Fuck...I can actually hear the NANI!? in my mind. Can't stop laughing.
40 minutes to get grouped up in guided games but I only do it while posting here looking for nightfall.
That's an even more retarded thing to care about, you chucklefuck.
So you're cool if I make a new thread right now?
it was just a handful of posts early, you loser
Which would you rather have?
>The return of D1 strikes with the same loot drops just updated for D2. (Call them Strike Meditations)
>Fan favorite pvp maps from D1 back in an arcade mode pvp playlist (6v6, faster specials and skills, and deathmatch only)
Nobody would post there but go right ahead buddy, honestly
Are you upset that you didn't get to post a memeshit OP you'd had ready to go since 720 posts? Aw, diddums.
Neither. Take your reddit-tier suggestions the fuck someplace else.
>Everything I don't like is reddit
Fuck. This is probably partly true. Drip-feeding content a shit.
>fan favorite pvp maps
So burning shrine and shores of time? Yeah thatd be better than anything with shitty strike loot at the end
Do you have a Veeky Forums flag on your wall you fucking sperg?
Hi there, I just found this place after doing a lot of crazy jumps. Is there a video showing all the secrets of the tower?
>that HollidayxZavala log
Pretty cool stuff
>Neon keeps insisting on using Sweet Business in Trials
Every weekend I see you do that and you wonder why you only have gone flawless 3 times.
I only attempt it once every week and get it on the first try. I only care about getting the armor
Whenever they release new Vanguard weapons worth getting I think strikes will matter again.
That the colony ships had the same naming convention?
I wanted them to rebuilt him Sabaoth style because he's obsessed with tanks inside tanks and fight him in a strike as Valus T'ank
>tfw no Failsafe gf
I can see the fucking stairs right there.
But I'll bite. Which log?
Human Male Titan with anger issues to counterpart Zavala.
Exo Male Warlock that doesn't like to experiment to counterpart Ikora
Awoken Female Hunter that's by the book and super strict to counterpart Cayde-6.
>Not role-playing a little bit
Wrong game for you bud, go back to using MIDA and Uriel's and then complain that you can't use anything else.
user. Look at where the goal is for that stupid soccer game. Look at the ship right below me. Go to the tower and try to get up to where I'm at.
>Not role-playing a little bit
>Wrong game for you bud
hahahahahahahaa HAHAHAHAHAAA
Look around for a giant vent system and make your way through it to a lounge room for a glitched out searchable lore.
>Doesn't want to experiment with a stacked, bald, black chick
What is he, a gay robot?
There's an Exodus Red in the lore too.
I roleplay as a guardian that gets shitty drops forever
Experiment with anything in general, he doesn't like change. Besides, they don't have genitals so I don't get the Exo sex fantasies.
>Besides, they don't have genitals
[citation needed]
I found that one too! I just found this tiny platform that I can use to get down towards some stairs.
Bungies blanket statement on exo's is that they can do anything a human can when pressed for details like sex.
I found that one too! I just found this tiny platform that I can use to get down towards some stairs..
Anyone up for a quick Nightfall?
>Dead Orbit fags cost us the best Pulse Rifle in the game
I know you think pulses are shit in D2, but FWC's would've changed your mind. This timeline is the worst.
>people are still mad over it
I bet you almost cry when you see that giant DO flag next to Shaxx.
I don't give a shit about the factions, I care about weapons. Wave that DO banner all you want if they were the ones selling a good gun.
>We abandoned the Sophia one-point-five days ago. We jumped ship for A-113.
>I don't know what else to call it. I don't know what it was built for. There are these things, like keyholes. The rangefinders say they go on for thousands of kilometers. The others went inside and found - well, some of them are still screaming about the eye. All the other voices that come back are more terrible.
>There's salvage here but it'll never come home, none of it. None of it except maybe you, little Ghost.
>Wake up.
>Wake up. Go home. Tell them to strike A-113 from the records. Tell them to forget the Sophia, and the mission, and her crew.
I hope we get another chance to earn that pulse rifle.
Surely the Dead Orbies will make the switch now that they have hundreds of shaders right? Probably not.
Where do you live nigga?
They should add a gun range to the Tower. It'd be nice to try out my guns without having to load into a new area.
The tower is meant to be a safe space. Shooting ranges have no place there.
>Fan favorite pvp maps
Did you hear the NPC that said they saw Cayde-6 down at the gun range?
They better deliver.
there's so many secret places in the tower
>found this one on accident
Exo Male Titan that loves the crucible but isnt trying to become the best, just to have fun and win, looks up tp shaxx like a mentor. He's afraid of PvE because guardians can die in the outside world (traumatised by the RL takeover)
Huh, so he feels safer in the Crucible, where he can exercise his powers with no risk of permanent death. Interesting, barring another Yor, he has a good point.
Huh, well, I'll apply some common sense and leave it at that. Don't want this to turn into another tastebud shitfest.
>found another secret place
>just before I investigate I get disconnected
What does it mean bros?
Nothing. You're not finding anything there isn't a quirky British video tutorial for.
>hyped as fuck to play the game on PC
>preorder the digital deluxe edition
>after an entire month of hearing how mediocre the pvp is and how little content there is I lose interest enough to cancel my preorder
fantastic strategy there bungie
I'm of the opinion of the lorebit i've yet to track down where why the fuck were exo's built the way they were?
Why give them the same optical and auditory range of humans?
Why give then emotions at all?
Why put the "brain" in the head instead of an armored chesf cavity?
Etc. Screw tastebuds why make them with such limited capacities and all the flaws of human design?
Gotta have been some serious cognitive dissonance going on they had to deal with. Probably drove the first few test subjects insane. The closer to the human form the better then
If they was humans then major changes to the human form could create troubles down the line or maybe there's a more advanced exo frame drawn up and these are just rough prototypes
The only reason you're posting this here is because you want people to talk you into re-ordering it. Because you're secretly still interested. Because you know it's just /v/ whinging about fuck all, like they always do, and that of course the NEETs are going to run out of things to do because they do with every game.
There were open to the idea at some point.
>test-bed game for the series is better than the actual series
Has this happened before or did Bungie innovate this strategy?
havnt gone on /v/ in nearly 6 years. im talking about this very general that I check every few days and a couple of youtube channels im subbed to. Most people seem to be at least a little disappointed
>if they was humans
>frog poster
>being a wishy-washy retard
Do you think the old tower will get fixed by Year 5 or will it look broken down and in repairs for as long as this game is out? Would be nice if we could relocate to a place with more stuff but you know bungle.
>Most people seem to be at least a little disappointed
>2.8 - 3.2 million daily average players still in month#2
sure, it's definitely not just the vocal minority of NEETs and spergs, not a chance
What does more dmg on Calus? Nighthawk crit or the ticks on two pulse grenades?
hey, Eva's in this image
anyone want to raid?
I think it's about as likely as it was the door near the Speaker in D1 ever opening up (in D1)
Oh keep the human form. But here's an example of what i'm getting at.
The "brain" is in the head. Why this is shit: in modern war casualties have gone down in firefights but subsequently headshot casualties have gone up compared to bodyshot. This isn't due to our body armor being space age tech or our helmets being shitty or that guns are making every one crack shots. Its due to how we interact with cover. If you're fighting from cover against guys who are fighting from cover as most wars are fought now what you're doing is sticking your HEAD out in the open real quick to take a few potshots, mostly for covering or supressing fire, and sometimes you doing this and the enemy doing this lines up and somebody gets hit.
Now, why place the brain in a war machine in the one area that will be exposed instead of in a relatively bulky area that can be reinforced and covered in body armor? You wouldn't even have to change the head dimensions though you could.
As for hearing and auditory enhancements NV, IR, and IF never made people go insane same for hearing or seeing aids. In fact we did studies on "giving" people new senses or capabilities like magnetic orientation via a rumble pack belt that rumbles towards true north but also had them in blindfolds and it took less than 5 hours to become proficient at navigation with this and now we could theoretically just wear our GPS units on our waists. Likewise a proffesor has cyberized himself by voluntarily implanting a computer chip into his arm to simultaneously, intuitively, and easily control a third arm anywhere.
There's no reason you couldn't tack on basic visual filters or enhancers and same for increased auditory range and acuity.
Tl;dr why is real world logic missing from my fantasy sci-fi vidya REEE.
FWC couldn't predict losing to Dead Orbit. LeL
>giving a shit at all
>playing Destiny at all
grenades, which is ridiculous.
Hunters are a bit of a burden to any raid group. Titans and warlocks are more helpful in every area. Hopefully they get a buff soon, because our poor caped friends need it.
No one cares about Eris anyway, nigguh
Considering the best a celestial shot can do is x1.35 the damage of a SINGLE pulse? I'd take 2 pulses every time and maybe be a cheeky fucker with shoulder charging him with my super to boot.
>why is real world logic missing
because it's fantasy sci-fi and not hard sci-fi, user
Who do you want out of the cast to get a solo spin off game and why is it AWOKEN RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICCCKKKKK
I know, thats what the TL;DR was for. But still my tism screams.
I've seen so many people claim that Golden Gun has the highest damage of any class or loadout. When you actually look at the numbers, it's clear that GG is disappointingly weak, but a lot of people believe it's good because it SHOULD be. The whole subclass is designed around high precision damage, and yet it gets totally overshadowed by a fucking grenade. Hunters are in a pathetic state.
whot's up everybody it's ya boy
I'm disappointed and still play daily