Ion Hazzikostas Interview starts at 2 PM EST today. Don't miss it.
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Ion Hazzikostas Interview starts at 2 PM EST today. Don't miss it.
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stop farming argus world quests
Casuals about to get BTFO.
Ion is my favorite lawyer
Sylvanas' ice cold pussy
Is this good or bad?
she has giant titties
>you will never be a lawyer and somehow a hardcore mythic raider
>turn it around into a game design job which lands you the game director job
how the fuck did he pull it off?
no pezado allowed below this line
keep the thread clean from autism and attention whoring
depends, who is she and what has she done before? i aint reading all of her twitter
Let me guess
> when people say they're bored, I just ask, have you completed your netherlight crucible? Then I know we're making a good job doing content for Legion.
Wrote a few Warcraft books such as War Crimes.
q&a is gonna boring as fuck with questions from Gigabear types
didnt we just have a q&a like a week ago? what could he possibly tell us, since we have blizzcon in a month?
ignoring all the imminent /pol/shits, this is a good thing and she's one of the better writers Blizzard has employed
wrote Lord of the Clans, Rise of the Horde, Arthas, Tides of War, the Shattering and War Crimes, among others.
>queue as healer
>30 seconds queue
>queue as tank
>1 minute queue
>queue as dps
>die waiting
> what could he possibly tell us
We are happy with how Argus is going. Stay tuned for updates on Raid release
oh, ive never read any wow books. so her post just says shes a fulltime employee, so im just going to assume shes part of the team who does storyline . was war crimes good or terrible?
I personally have a theory that Ion is gonna either casually mention that we'll be getting new expansion info during Blizzcon or at least hint at it. They're really pushing this next Blizzcon/Virtual Ticket heavily and the cynical part of my brain says that this Q&A might basically be a commercial for the main event
her books are better than the guy's books
knaack yourself
Are you retarded? Hinting that the expansion will be revealed at Blizzcon is like saying water is wet.
Everyone knows it will be.
Mmh. Lots of anti Trump retweets with this one.
>That's a good question from player "Goyburger" right here, but I can't really say more than "buy the virtual premium pack for Blizzcon and wait for our super epic announcement there" right now - sorry
If only Garrosh were here...
I fucking hate that cunt so much.
She's the best writer blizz has on staff, so good thing.
OFFICIAL FILTER LISTS that you can use to make WoW General Great Again.
Image MD5s:
Make sure to update these lists once you start using them and to post these links when a shitposting OP makes the new thread.
As always, add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic instead of letting avatarfags and shitposters ruin this general.
If only Daelin were here...
The more I see of this man, more I realize he is quite startlingly ugly. At first glance he looks like a normal guy, but look closer. The curiously leather-like skin, the misshapen lumps and bumps along his cheekbones and neck line. Very strange looking.
>tfw not on the filter list
She's a Horde fangirl and firmly believes Orcs were dindu nuffins.
I honestly hope Ion fucking dies. Fuck that retarded piece of shit.
>Carried swastikas and chanted "hail victory" among other things
>Right still won't admit they were in fact nazis
So when are they actually going to do some more lore with Orcs and Trolls? I thought in WoD we were gonna have some orc step up but we're nearing the end of Legion and the only orc even vaguely qualified seems to be Saurfang. Unless Thrall pulls his head out his ass and leads again.
And fuck Trolls are even more screwed than orcs. Who could even be the new leader? Rokhan I guess? He's probably the most 'significant' Darkspear troll left, though I use that term very loosely in this situation.
0 priest
1 mage
2 warlock
3 paladin
4 warrior
5 hunter
6 shaman
7 rogue
8 druid
9 death knight
>join group
>healer wants to do the gay handshake
should I leave?
Never. Horde is irrelevant.
I'm sorry
>logs in
>notices map
I actually own that Ravenloft novel written by her, Vampire of the Mists. It's good.
Do you think he is an imposter wearing Ion's face?
> Muse Live at BlizzCon 2017
Without looking up what's their hit, the woo hoo song?
>In the process of leveling my mage
>Log onto my rogue to do daily emissary
>Get this
Do I continue leveling my mage or??????
post your pvp jam when your pawning noobs
>you can have a wimpy aoe attack that basically tickles most mobs on argus
>you can turn invisible and then do a little extra damage for 5 whole seconds
>you can die once for free every 30 minutes
>you can summon a vehicle for 45 seconds that turns you into a god
>end of a hard day of work
>check veggies
>politic talks with the intellectual depth of a puddle
>undead male
if you want to extract the most salt from ganking you play UD
This man gets the idea
>Casuals about to get BTFO.
And yet frostdk is forced to deal and fury is forced to the. Seems pretty casual to me.
t. blood elf player
Where can I watch the dev Q&A?
>HORDE lore
I'm ok with this then.
on cnn
on twitch dot tv but only if you're subbed to towelliee
Filthy phone posting
Who here almost have a heart attack from the adrenaline rush in pvp?
Too bad pve is not that intense.
So? Nobody fucking cares about this shit anymore.
pvp always makes my body heat up for some retarded reason
thankfully pve does not do this
>People don't mind being forced into roles
That was people's #1 complaint during vanilla about class design and they've started to reinforce it instead of giving players choice. You're a retard if you don't see the issue.
Wait so when does it start? shouldn't it have started 2 hours ago?
>weapon type is a role now
Go away you retard.
25 bings
Anyone know the minimum level for the love rocket boss?
Wanna level up so I have 50 characters this time
should start in 25 minutes
>tfw most of your tier set is bad for your spec
>blizzcon big announcement is legacy not new expansion
I hope there's enough lamp posts in Irvine for entire HQ to hang
>reporting every name that is a sentence
Wew, gotta love blizzards naming policies
Nobody knows, it'll probably be something like 16-20 if it follows the same conventions as Brewfest.
>tfw no more dungeon sets
>tfw epics are handed out like candy
>tfw barely any sandbox elements left
why did they kill off WoW, bros?
I dont think they actually enforce that one unless they dont like the name. Most of the rules are just there for them to point at when they ban people. They're not as strict as you might think.
wow never had any sanboxy shit
> Nobody knows
it already happened this year, you just need to be eligible to enter SFK
>time zones, how do they work
you think retards like you would learn by now that everything blizzard does is pacific coast, just like it has been for the last 12 years or so
who the fuck cares what color item names have?
/xivg/ is laughing at us again!!
>do warden tower
>the dark ranger at the top uses Silencing Shot
>be yuropoor
>gifted NA copy of Legion by Burger ally
>want to upgrade to 6 months sub
>forced to use credit card or paypal
>adding money to blizz wallet doesnt convert from euro to dollar and the other way around
Great fucking system retards, is it too much to ask for the use of ideal? You really are a special little piggy arent you America?
Can you get the SouthShore slayer/ Tarren Mill Terror titles again now when it's brawl?
get this lmao
someone i know just told me that people still play WoW in 2017 LMFAO
twitch tv/warcraft
It's starting
good :3
alliance guild on Argent Dawn
A vg guild with a focus on being a social hub. 61 members, 43 accounts.
Everyone is welcome to join, simply whisper anyone in the guild for an invite.
also would like people interested in clearing heroic weekly lockouts with the guild
you better watch out, Sideshow Bob, Ion Holocaustas won't let any of your drivel slide