Fighting Games General /fgg/
monster hunter stinks!
What kind of monsters does she hunt with a body like that? Vaginas?
Not even a week into the month and we already have this much fg news
This is why I like October.
If Karin gets nerfed I'm quitting.
I hope you have a good time playing/watching/speculating about/discussing fighting games today /fgg/!!!
there better be a narga skin
Alright, melty tournament it is
Tentatively Saturday evening/night or Sunday afternoon/evening euro time
If anyone from the EU or EC wants to join the official fgg melty tournament, get ready for it this weekend!!
play pokken
Juri Karin Akuma Bonita Alex Ibuki
new v system hypexzkii
this is coming from a WoW player who shills 15/mo just to have the privilege of logging in
Post autist triggering combos
btw beginners are welcome, even if you have never played melty you should think about giving it a try and joining
You can find the download link in the OP, if you have trouble just ask me
how do i play c-roa
Fur fags aren't allowed in here.
Even if it's just 50 health?
>US not allowed
Racist pig Brick does it again even when we let him into our swamp.
I fucking hate birdie so fucking much I swear to god.
I'm so glad Street Fighter V finally made it out of early access
It feels nice to see a small indie developer succeed
Boatsluts fg when
East coast is allowed though, user.
EC is allowed
Irrelevant Flyovers need not apply
He plays wow again? I thought he quit after cataclysm and turned his back on it since then
I demon'd my friend and he quit again lmao
I clearly said EC is allowed
i play stinky boat!!
Unless a majority of the US is allowed it doesn't count whitey.
Hold on--
Bah gawd, that's Nadeshiko's music!
>rashidfags find this hot
i play scary boat!!
Redpill me on "stinky boats"
>still no costume that swaps Mika and Nadeshiko
cmon capcom
thanks, im a fan of characters where you get a stray hit into wall carry into oki where the other person doesnt get to play. am i right in that c-roa is this type of character?
tenryuu isnt scary, just cute
why would you ever want to play as nadeshiko, one of the most boring designs ever
Would you rather be Chun-Li's boyfriend or Chun-Li's shoe?
Is Menat good for a beginner?
her bf obviously because i can roleplay as her shoe AND fuck her
brick is a dog
Cute hairstyle
Put zombies in Infinite.
I mean he's pretty good at doing most things so he can do that but a big part of his gameplan is zoning with his derp orbs so if you don't like that you may not enjoy him
The character that perfectly fits your description is something like C-Kohaku or C-Seifuku (both are just below C-Roa in tiers).
Hey brick, do you actually have a dog or do you have a trauma your parents never gave you one as a kid?
>excited about spending money on jive again
Made it to super silver bodying fools.
>dbfz is braindead dash n mash
>BBCT is even more kusoge
>MvCI is actually fun
>SFVAE is what every wanted in SFV
What about this mysterious heel?
Since when did Brick start playing SFV?
The update is free. You have funds to spare.
Buy his costume.
how sick would it be if they added an announcer that says BAH GAWD SOMEBODY STOP THE MATCH etc. to both of Mika's v-triggers? god i want that
if he can zone too then he's literally the perfect character. i like to play defensive at first, annoy the opponent with zoning and keepaway and then when they get frustrated convert off their mistakes into gorilla damage and oki.
Is chip damage Kusoge? why remove it?
aren't you too old to make these posts?
>finally a good mika fan art
there is barely any that isn't shitty BRAAAAPPPTTT bait
it stinks!!
Nemesis T-Type is the only Zombie that people care about.
What about Mega Man
yea which is why im talking about wrestling stuff that happened decades ago, JR is dead.
>Cummy finally getting a strong Vtrigger
i can't wait
My doge is a labrador and pit bull cross and he's very nice and I take him for a walk every day
Give him a try then, but be aware he's one of the hardest characters to play properly. You need a lot of fast inputs because he can cancel specials into specials so you need to do a lot of shit fast.
What's her vtrigger?
Who do you play in Jive and what rank are you now?
>finally a good mika fan art
Well Mika is a retarded looking character
Yeah Cammy sure needs buffs, Cammy the weak character that no one plays
>My doge is a labrador and pit bull cross and he's very nice and I take him for a walk every day
Isn't that just slavery?
delete this mika is cute
cool thanks brick. not afraid of execution characters anymore after playing kazuya and playing marvel for the first time since 2 is helping with fast inputs.
I wonder if we'll still get Sagat in December or if they'll make us wait that extra month
Megaman's species is robot, not zombie.
I hope Abigail's second V-Trigger makes him throw tires, pretty much giving him a fireball.
Yeah he will be in. He just wont have fireballs and he will get a command grab.
I doubt they'd add a fan favourite before the rerelease. That wouldn't make sense from a business perspective, but then again nothing Capcom has been doing lately makes sense. We most likely will get a teaser in arcade mode.
shut up you never played sagat or against sagat he is a bitch character like guile fuck them both
No one
He needs a zombie partner though
Removing chip damage is a kuso comeback mechanic that forces the winning player to take risks instead of the guy with 1hp.
MvCI is gonna be interesting to watch in a few months when people become good at it.
>tfw computer is shit
I wish I could jive.
Play Kirin, ignore Nargasluts
I'm still streaming btw /white_summer
if any EU wants to fight in a lobby I'm up for it too.
>My doge is a labrador and pit bull cross and he's very nice and I take him for a walk every day
Ah, that's good. My dog died and I never got another one. It was a very good dog. Anyway, I hope you have a good time with your doge, brick.
>complaining about Sagat past Vanilla 4
i feel like you only linked this video because the narrator is a dog
Just buy a lagstation 4.
does anyone have infiltration's korean lever
can u put it in japanese mounts
Ahhh sfv... my true love...
Cool marketing butget
>complaining about Sagat in Vanilla 4
Good for you. I saw you boot it up the other day. I was just curious if you started playing it seriously.
I don't know who I want to play in jive anymore.
vanilla sagat was broken