League of Legends General - /lolg/


Ice birb edition

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Eve a cute! CUTE!

Best couple

jayce buffs when i just went 2 and 8 in lane

>tfw no qt petite gf

lolg's stance has always been to learn at least three roles with three champions each

Had to go to sleep half way through Worlds last night.

How badly did OUR GUYS Fnatic stomp GAM?

xth for Syndra

But is Eve tight

Best is actually to get really fucking good at one champ.

Why are artists tossing in that 3D-red/blue-filter thing on everything now-a-days?

You might want to sit down...


No, it's not because you don't always get to play your role and/or your champion

against a malphite

The tightest!

This desu. Though you can also limit the 3 roles down to 2.

But it's alsways good to main 3 champs per role in case of any of them are banned, counter-picked, gutted by Riot and etc etc.

>mid casio loses to mid veigar with ghost and frost queens rush
this is GOLD

Wait for real?

I wish they would give her a proper ingame model


>ask /lolg/ for good game music
>get good game music

Been too long since I listened to Rise Against, thanks for the reminder.

Never come across this lot before. It'll take some getting used to, but that's well within sight. Definitely bgm-worthy though.

I wish I had a SG Ahri GF so she could get her pussy demolished by a man who is superior to me in every way like Jayce.

Veigar is disgustingly broken right now and no one knows it because everyone's focused on Azir being fun/overtuned

Lmao I'm not doing that. Every Veeky Forums board and general has it's own autism advice that was made by autistic children. This is lolg's

>loose desu after copious amounts of Void Staff usge

And you're also stuck in some garbage division.

You could always dodge.

this is fake

fnatic lose to shitstain region with like 100 USD per month budget hahah

2 roles with 2 champs, 3 champs only if you maining something that gets banned or picked often


god I wish froskurin had a dick so she could pound my fucking ass

>tfw no qt petite loving aryan gf

It's fanart that's been around forever with some text slapped on.

xth for breast metal waifu


>When your teamcomp is absolute dogshit but you win anyway due to Rat Dota

Sure, once I'm out of this 28 minutes long cc-chain.

Good post, my friend.

buff cait

xth for Leviticus 20 13

How does she keep it tight?

Stop responding to me or I'll report you for harrasment

>proceeds to oneshot you from nexus to nexus


We didn't always have this role-specific queue system, but even now I would still go with three just to be safe

>tfw no succubus gf

I want to be between that LeBlanc and her chair

still better than trist twitch or kalista
buff her

Ele Lux isn't petite...


>maining champions instead of playing what's broken because the champions in this game are uninteractive garbage

What's the league equivalent of aghs+orb razor?

She's pretty thin and slender, but yeah I guess petite could be going too far. I don't care though, she's still perfect


They interact with your healthbar

Imagine that, things change over time

>he can't win against twitch

anyways, i agree with kalista
she needs to be removed from the game

Galio buffs when


Stop asking for buffs on your dumbass champions retards

I wanna do many lewd things to Annie's butt

Does she use the kegels while she fucks you?

I really want her to sit on my face while still wearing the skirt

ryze buffs are overdue

graves buffs when

t. topmain

Of course, but I don't understand why you would even reply to my post with something as obvious as this
Even now you're not guaranteed to play your two chosen roles

>they unironically think that a 3/1/2 kindred is more useful than a 0/3/4 sejuani

Even now he's still being picked in the pro scene

> lolg was always that last pick guy that says "I can't support"
makes sense

Sex with any of the EleLux forms that wear skirts should always involve keeping the skirt on
>Dark Lux will never sit on your lap and take your dick with her outfit still on

>playing le southern big mouth catfish man support
>vs blitzcrank
>blitz goes to hook
>preemptively eat my adc
>he was aiming for me
>we both go on a one way ticket to steam golem hell

>*nukes your entire team and runs with 1000 ms*

kalista buffs when? damage increase when?

nice reddit image

who /watchingrerun/ here?

No, people who said that were the ones who wanted to play big boy roles even though they had the lowest Elo on their team
I wish we would still have this system to be honest

If only I could play him

half of lolg is reddit my friend,youre among us

*drains 300 AD from your carry*
*reflects damage back at you for casting a spell*
*melts your team with two ults at once while invisible*

Pssh, nothin personnel, midlaner

And 90% of the time they sucked dick no matter where you put them

>*prevents you from farming until 20 minutes into the game*

how can i improve


And then you dodge

>7yo game is balanced around a spell that immediately moves you a short distance every 5 minutes

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Dota2. The tactics are extremely intricate, and without a solid grasp of theoretical crafting and metagame knowledge most of the strategies will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Dota2 lore deepness, which is deftly woven into his character-mechanics - their skill and item builds draws heavily from classic RTS mechanics, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the way proplayers play it, to realize that they're not just complex- they say something deep about a GAMER'S LIFE. As a consequence people who only play league ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the Shopkeeper's existential catchphrase "What does a hero truly needs?" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Valve's genius unfolds itself on their pc screens. What fools... how I pity them. ?? And yes by the way, I DO have a Dota2 tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 MMR points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Is this ram removed from the entire game?
No one plays him, feels like even riot abandoned him.

Kindred is never useful.
Either remove this garbage character, or completely rework her into a versatile character like Quinn.

can i still run around and "get caught" if my team is being kda farmed for 40 minutes or did they figure out how to auto ban that?

Don't shill your shit here please

You're only contributing to the problem of games taking forever to start

I've been playing him a bit lately. His lategame team-fighting is absurd.

>balanced around a spell
no one balances anything around flash
flash is just there.

I still see the retard on my games unfortunately.

Worse it's usually as support or jungle

If you want games to start fast then just fill and learn all the champs

I thought the discussion was about what you should do to climb and that is play your two roles and dodge when you can't

*man drops you*

>elevynn splash has her murdering tryndamere
>melee assassin
>killing tryndamere

I love Camille

ram could easily be a top tier pro pick if they balanced him around the jungle

Just type something that alleviates it, like "Oh no, I needed gol from jg camps" or "ah shit how did they know I was here?!?"

You mean made him overpowered?
He will never be a competitively viable jungle with the way he is unless hes absolutely busted