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Weapon recoil overhaul
Patch Y2S3.1 deployed on all platforms on Tuesday, September 19th.
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>Draw cute anime girl
>Look at the actual ugly ass 3D ingame model
i want to breathe from IQ's shoes!
If anyone else watches the proleague matches, why does Hibana have an 80-90% pick rate? I thought it'd go down after the change to make her Kairos vulnerable to Bandit-tricking, but now she's in almost every round and seems to have replaced Ash as the 3-speed attacker, and Thermite seems about as popular as ever.
Hibana's 3 speed and has one of the best guns; what more do you want.
feels gud man
Major kusanagi headgear and outfit for hibana when?
She still the go-to operator for taking out hatches.
shes an alternate thermite with better guns and 3 speed to boot, only downside being its somewhat harder to open garages or important walls, aside from that shes outright better and ubi refuse to do anything about this because its fine when ugly girls have high pickrates
Dude what if the P90 fucked a Famas
I'd fuck a p90.
its objectively the sexiest gun.
>For the next 48 hours, all players will receive a 50% Renown Bonus on all platforms due to Ubisoft general maintenance. Game time!
So I'm starting to see everyone with a pro name plays with 100-140 ping? Is this just how shit goes now?
Ever since the new ops I don't even recognize the game now.
stop using garbage art for OP images
It's better than /r6g/ drawfag shit
>not buying the starter edition
Are you afraid of some hard work, user?
can i get an inv to the discord? used to play on the TS but no one is on anymore
>Get downed
>About to die
>Sound is muffled
>Get revived
>Sound is muffled for the rest of the game
at least drawfag shit somewhat resembles the actual model, thats just drawing an anime girl and giving it stupid headgear
its not much though
What's the goodest combination of headgear and uniform for Caveira?
Where did shinosaaaaaaang hurt you?
Nothing matches her shit painted face
i will refer to what i had posted last thread, you cannot polish a turd
More where that came from. Honestly like the original film look.
Well at least a Famas didn't fuck the MP5
>posting a mirrored image
>posting a flipped image
>posting an image
I'm seriously not sure if I should get Ela or Ying next. I feel like either Ela is gonna get nerfed to the fucking dust by next update or ying is gonna get buffed while Ela gets nerfed. Either way Ela gets BTFO next update but I still think she'll be more useful than Ying if she's not buffed.
Loving these new Monty buffs
These are E*a's changes on the TTS right now
>3 Mines (Down from 4)
>Raised the speed at which you get to the maximum recoil
>Increased the maximum recoil of the Scorpion EVO 3 A1 SMG
I mean Ela's shotgun is still fucking beastly with the addition of the extended barrel attachment, so nerfed or not I'd recommend Ela over Ying Yang Ching Chong
Why not just implement this now along with the blitz buff? The only change they need to test is kapkan. Oh right season pass money ;^]
Yeah I think I'll get Smuggy McEdgelord next cause I totally forgot about the FO-12. Thanks mangs
Imagine if 3 speed attackers lost acogs that would be great.
unmasked headgear bundle when
I'm a consolepleb, lvl 165, 1.9 W/L, 1.5 K/D, and I've never finished a season above Silver. How do I stop being a shitter?
Hi this is my first visit to /r6g/, can I get some more sexy fanart of my waifu Valkyrie thank you
I feel like that'd only encourage rushing more and god knows I don't want to get jewed by 3 speed hitbox rushers. I'd rather get picked in a long range fight with them.
well, the first step is to get a mouse
What sight have people been using on hibana's gun then?
Mostly Type-89/ACOG, and Bearing-9/Holo. I did notice a good amount of Hibana using the angled grip, but it could have just been the same guy using Hibana every time.
That's telekinesis, Kyle!
it's what if a P90 fucked an AR15
Outside of being a bullpup there's no connection to a famas
never because unmasking is for insecure faggots
For a second thought a stray bullet hit his shield at an angle and bounced into your head. I wish this happened instead.
hopefully never, we need more masked headgear for uggos like caveira and hibana
Ubi Pls stop making me face 5 stacks everytime I queue, platinum is the most painful shit ever, I just want to play ranked with my fellow solos. But no, ubi wants me to face a 5 stack of """well known in the community""" memers who shit all over randoms due to high communication and strats, then shit talk in the chat about how trash you are. Bonus point if someone on your team knows them and throws or spends 70% of the match talking with them.
how 2 glaz effectively
A while ago I heard there was going to be a change to Kapkan? Something about the laser to the traps is getting replaced by something er some shit?
>2 speed
>5 traps
>remove visible laser from traps
>traps only do 60-40 damage depending on armor
>36hrs of server maintenance later
>rubber banding worse than ever before
thanks, ubi ;_;
Ahh! neat. no more win from getting trap kills though...
is it true that it's more damage the more armor you have?
Honestly, Ela has sucked all the fun out of this game for me, 1v1ing an ash is bad, but at least you can play time against her, and she has to come to you. When I play against an E*a 100% of the time it feels like the odds are stacked in her favour, either from her fucking bullshit mines,her prefire power or her 50rd mag letting her keep fighting when i gotta reload. She's just no fun to fight and feels plain unfair. Not to mention her ash tier hitboxes.
You'd be surprised, when I tried him on the TTS I was getting a good bit of kills with the EDD. It's more about finishing off and it's way easier to trap the obj now
other way around
1 armor = 60
2 armor = 50
3 armor = 40
Opposite, it does more damage to faster operators. On the last TTS, Kapkan traps did:
60 dmg to 1-armor
50 dmg to 2-armor
40 dmg to 3-armor.
So, a 1-armor would die right away from 2 traps, a 2-armor would be DBNO from 2 traps, and a 3-armor would be walking around with low health from 2 traps and then die from a third.
Well yeah. No more laser means people will be caught off guard more often now. But I guess that even if you just damage them it's still better than a full heath op coming at you. I just wonder now that you don't have to worry so much about them spotting your traps, with no laser, you might still kill someone just by having them run into multiple traps.
sounds like it'll do a lot just to slow the enemy the fuck down unless they're making IQ meta, Smoke + Kapkan + all the other trap fags will get insane.
i know, the more they add these annoying 3 speed cunts to the game the more i feel like dropping it. shes overpowered as fuck and adds nothing worthwhile to the game, just more bullshit to put up with.
one of the worst parts about the cunt is that she takes jager from the team as the people who would play him play ela instead. Which just leads to frags galore on site.
doesn't really matter, since twitch is still a thing
Played a few hundred hours of siege on ps4, buying it now for pc.
I got a feeling that playing it on pc will feel different. It'll be weird doing that peek without ADS
yes, they nerfed jager and introduced a replacement roamer in the same patch. jager is balanced in that he has a good gun but a situational ability that doesnt help his 3 speed assault rifle roaming, whereas ela has mines that can either be used on the objective or to help facilitate roaming alongside her impact grenades and retardedly op gun. also gets a pistol sight and dbno ability because hey why not we need to sell the season pass. no operator should get the best gun in the game as well as a fucking great gadget, even a nerf wont stop this cunt from being insta locked each round. welcome to nu siege bios, the ride has only just begun.
I had a game where my team went Frost, Smoke, Kapkan, Ela, and Echo. 80% opfor was busy looking at the floor and we were hearing bangs and thunks left and right :^)
roughly how long can smoke block a single door with 3 babes?
depends on how long the enemy waits after the babe runs out
say just pure solid smoke that they don't want to run into
Honestly just reduce the dmg of the fucking evo to like 23 and you're done, also get rid of the sens lock up so I cant just outright lose gunfights because some cunt hid a mine in the wall or in an out of reach place and its a 1v1. It should take teamwork to counter strats and defences not one operator. She's just so dumb, and the new nerf isnt really doing all that much to stop her. Hell the jackal nerf helped stop his death ray gun but, elas gun is 1x only so anymore recoil is gonna be laughable outside of being worse than smg11 tier.
Each gas grenade does damage for 15 seconds.
while I do like the bit about slowing down ash rushes, the trap meta is getting out of hand
>jager is balanced in that he has a good gun but a situational ability that doesnt help his 3 speed assault rifle roaming
What? Take an ADS with you and set it down to prevent getting flash/fragged.
he means it doesnt help him kill people as he roams.
I put an ads or two on objective and carry the last one around for when i need it
>rubber banding
>getting stuck on deployable shields
>jager running around with ads in hands
anybody else having more bug issues since the server maintenance?
>you can still pretty much deny an entrance by putting a shield sideways in front of a door
>le hella ebin 3 speed 5 stack of beaulos friends who insult you on the sly and are exactly what is wrong with this game
Please ubi do something to stop the fucking 3 speed cancer its just not fun to fight when its a 5 stack of ADHD 16 year olds.
but you have to stop and manually place it, opening yourself up to getting killed in the process, ela can just toss a mine towards the enemy while shooting which is far more effective.
it doesnt blur the attackers screen and lock up their mouse sens for a free kill though does it?
3 speed attacker idea
>2 generic gadgets
>instead of knife has katana for melee attacks
>looks exactly like recruit and icon does too
i do that shit all the time on can you get in trouble for it?
Not really, it's just really fucking retarded
Eventually someone will lose a round because of it and some dumb fuck like macie will happen to do that on stream or something and it'll be fotm strategy to just barrier sideways open entrances, until it either gets patched or gets the same treatment that busting the entire floor on border's armory does, and make it "illegal"
>I posted it again
>treatment that busting the entire floor on border's armory does, and make it "illegal"
justify spawn peaking
look at what's smoke is doing
It's a roulette of getting to work with a 5v4, a 4v4 or a 4v5, 2/3 odds really
i don't have to, get rekt
Anyone wanna play with a level 30? I'm kinda tired of playing with randoms