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/vsg/ - /V/Scape General: King of shitposts edition
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great thread
wow ded
>Go afk in dark cave
>light runs out
>severe urge to shit hits me
>go afk
>come back to find i'm in lumbridge
>still got all my stuff
fucking sandwich lady
Can you recover your stuff if you die in vscape?
if you're fast enough
Well I'm fucked then, I don't have any lights to get back to my stuff
i want to suck on raltz' toes
please dont involve me in your schemes
but i'm scheming to suck on your toes
no don't, i'll give you anything
i just want to taste your sweet sweet toes though :c
give me a fury for free
Official /v/scape content poll for 10/5/17:
Please don't post this anywhere but here, so we can get an accurate picture of what our userbase wants. Thanks for voting!
fresh out of free furies, however you can have this instead
trading 10k pess for fury
that is not me i am not a poorfag i only want your cute, tasty toes
no fury but i'll give you a daxe or mud staff for that
Anyone selling addy bucket helm?
you look like those people who gestand in realscape and treat rs like it's second life
If you think that's bad look at what these faggots used to do.
Trading 13k pure essence for a fury!
ign Valentines
don't ever fucking post an image of me without my consent again
fuck off slylar
was he the fastest meme to born and die on the same day?
kek i dont even remember his name all i know is that i got a free 2.5m
who is this spicnigger and what did he do
quick rundown?
asked people to make pics of him in exchange for money
paid people to draw le funee images of him
Alcher Ego
>When the train gets so big you can't see the front of it
fuck off samefag
why did you delete that augustus
what should i watch while mining pess
american vandal
haha benis :DDDD
little baby stacks
>1 air, earth and law rune
wow gz
almost half way bois
Bobster did nothing wrong
Yell hasn't been this bad since Sain vs. Whitethunder
its not my fault that this nigga has the reading comprehension of an 4th grader
honestly hes probably bald
and now that heroes have been fixed this doesn't even matter lmao
they were broken?
>tfw threw up and had diarrhea with blood at the same time
o i am so fugged. im dying lads
go to the ER?
ER trips are Xp waste
it's ok things are fine now though my throat tastes like shit because of all the throw up and my ass hurts from shitting out blood
don't do drugs kids
>tfw used my username in casual conversation with a female today
I think i'm finally free
ur mom doesn't count you cunt
hey vscape im dating a girl rn but I think I'm actually gay
how do I break up with her without letting her think it's her fault?
just suck a dildo while you tell her
Just tell her you need the gp when you sell her
Tell her that you're gay, faggot
Please delete yourself
is this homofascism?
>make herblore even more tedious
>still haven't fixed ape agility course
really makes you think