Old thread: eyosongive.us
Yuri is the best! edition.
Old thread: eyosongive.us
Yuri is the best! edition.
I want to kiss that tummy.
Why does hecarim suck so much?
His clears are awful and his ganks suck
Doesn't look like it to me.
Who do you think will ultimately be the main antagonist of League's lore.
Don't be a smartass and say Riot Games either, despite it being somewhat true.
>tfw no qt petite gf
She's pick or ban on pro play, still underwhelming solo queue.
buff cait
>Vayne mid loses the last game for me
>Decide to blow off steam with Pantheon
>Next game she's on the enemy team, same pick and everything
>The moment I hit 6 man-drop on her
>Everytime its off cooldown I signal to anivia and man-drop onto Vayne
>Literally fuck her shit up all game
The unnamed Void overlord mentioned in Aurelion Sol's lore.
Probably teemo becuz le epic "teemo is le Satan xd" meme
Xth for Lulu.
Well what pros do generally only gets me free kills when I see a wave of incompetent Miss Fortune supps down bot for me to eat.
anyone having trouble signing in?
Why is lolg always so salty about memes? Come on have some chill.
>Dawnchaser Sejuani is practically a muscle elf
is this busted?
Is this okay?
Is there any interesting stuff vlad can do? I already know the basic all-in combo with flash, anything else? Is there more unorthodox uses for pool? Can I fit protobelt into something? That animation is kinda clunky.
give me ur ign if you want to do the close combat quest
NA only
>tfw no captivating slender aryan gf
The Void seems to be the one faction that hasn't been "morally grey" or whatever they had before.
I liked in the old lore when there really was a clear good guy / bad guy, now its just either you're morally grey/corrupt/ or evil
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Why is Sej so good right now?
Draven and Xayah do too much damage at level 1
>pros use MF support in one game for one specific lane combo against one specific enemy comp
>a bunch of retards try to play it and feed
Hey I wanted to say post that
Elf fuckers need to leave.
she uggo tho
I want Jinx's pussy to cuddle my dick
I love Camille
>Karthus will never be fotm again
>We will never return to the 50 min farm heavy meta again
Fucking SUCKS desu
>tried drawing ahri in stormbringers sketch style
why is drawing and life so hard
for some reason i cant accept friend requests from ingame
they are lane bullies its ok xd
oh but they still 2 shot you mid and late game too but ignore that :p
why do you never answer my question
invite me: Jonathen
>don't ban yasuo
>your teammate picks him and feeds
She's a cute! Also you didn't answer my question.
There are somethings only one person can do.
Here is your (you)
>tfw League will never have crazy Korean casters yelling obscenities at the players because the current game will end up lasting for over an hour and a half.
Anything worthwhile?
>tfw impact busts out the naut
>even plays best skin
>it's against skt
maybe 3 years ago but not anymore. We're in brood war mode where everyone wants to see Korea lose.
Maybe him getting destroyed will get Riot to buff best anchor boy.
vlad counters zed
gold 2
bad cs
didnt build zhonyas
>Go into ranked
>Everything seems fine at first
>Yasuo dies once
>Decides he's done and runs it down top
Why are Yasuo players retarded?
What's in the orb lolg?
Super Teemo
Reminder that Fnatic game is what lol is supposed to be and what lol was when it was at its peak.
why are they always challenger smurfs when theyre on the enemy team
and feeder fags on my team
>enemy draven gets a double kill on invade, I get one as the other adc
>suddenly me, my support, and jungle act like a retard for 6 minutes and enemy bot lane has 8 kills
>snowballs out of control no matter how hard I try to not go full retard
I wish that I could turn back time
I want to hold hands with Giraffes.
>kindred gets some of the best fan-art
>Literally Mordekaiser'd unlike other champions who are "bad but still playable"
It was monarch kog
>not building zhonyas when nobody survives your combo
yo man I have news for you this is how real men build
she's good because she stuns people with her ugliness
>wants to play aggressive
>takes ghost instead of ignite
>ywn have Jinx straddle you with your dick inside her
>ywn get so sensitive after the prolonged cuddlefug that you end up cumming from the slightest movement
>make a very cool concept for a champ
>fuck it up this hard
Aatrox being complete shit is just funny, especially when you know the story of how he came to be. Kindred is just legitimately sad.
She looks so confused in this splash.
its a good splash but she always looks so confused.
RIP you were right, first kill on him was at 10:47
Is it worth me trying to get to diamond at this point? Sitting at Plat 2 0 LP, I fear the i-deserve-to-be-diamond are going to be in full force when only 1 month is in the season. I'd rather not have to fuck with that.
how do you guys imagine sex to be
wish it was as easy/fun as it seems in hentai
i mean it is fun but you guys exaggerate it
>especially when you know the story of how he came to be
Tell me a story but make it funny
Jelly much?
But really Riot's new art for her is terrible.
This is known as the fact that 2D girls > 3D girls
anything to lose from trying?
if you drop to plat 4 then stop to keep the border
ghost is better to catch up with them while charging E and maneuver in position for maximum destruction
it also helps immensely with flanking
>season 5 lane swap meta where towers just went down unopposed was the peak of lol
yeah ok
give me some ebin trollpicks and builds for me to play.
>tfw the only reason this is happening is because Riot's work method is to be as intentionally slow as possible
more like
sejuani is terrible lmao
we have built it up to a point that it can never meet expectations. its half life 3 in intimate form.
>Zac skin
>Literally just a pallet swap
yeah but if you didn't take ignite and win lane its forever until you scale up enough to be relevant when doing said play/flank
>it was his release skin too
Fuck Riot makes some retarded decisions
>What the fuck guys
>When I asked to see the head of the enemies army, I meant i wanted to talk to him face to face
>Thats a nice hat tho
Ap Tristana
xth for Syndra
>it's forever until you scale up
with the shitty CDR build maybe, penetration build starts going work at two/three items. the deletion of champs is magnificent
>On 8 game losing streak
>In normals no less
Whats wrong with me
>caring about losing in normals
whatever happened to swift? i almost miss his constant lux shitposting
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
Even so losing that many in normals is pathetic
Why is there no revoke friend request button. I accidentally added some guy when I was trying to enemy honor him
>season 5
Lol peaked at season 3.
Games were fast, mistakes were punished, playing support was hard with no welfare gold out of nothing...
>15 minute win because enemy bot lane can't dodge hooks
god blitzcrank support is best support in silver
>tfw enemy team picked graves
>loading screen
>pool party splash
>last night before worlds
>random user: "I haven't really watched any pro games before, do you guys think we'll see a nocturne pick? I really like him"
>everyone laughs at him
>god blitzcrank support is best support in silver
Nautilus would like a word...
Reminder that Fnatic game is what the average game of DotA looks like
All I want to do is fucking rank up, and I keep getting shitters like this.
Top was handed the lane win on a silver fucking platter and he still lost it.
Bot and Mid fed the ENTIRE fucking game, even after tons of ganks.
I peaked at Plat 2 earlier in the season and fell back down to P4 after a while. Took me 6 series (I will admit some of it being my own stupid shit) to get back
Suppose just play the one decay game and call it a season