Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!
/sthg/ #980 - Sushi Edition.
>Sonic News
Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!
/sthg/ #980 - Sushi Edition.
>Sonic News
Best ship coming through.
I wonder if anymore info about IDW Sonic will come out before the panel.
First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!
Silver is not a fucking cute
Shadouge worst ship
Go have sex with your girlfriend Sonic
I wish there was more cute heavy mage art
Sonic is revolting tonight
We're all friends here, Sonic.
Where is #979?
I feel bad for the Hard Boiled Heavies. They seem like they all want to have a good time and they even have their own hobbies and interests but they're stuck trying to kill Sonic.
Last thread
I lost my train of thought, my bad.
What genre of music would you like to see more of in Sonic?
Wish there was more HBH art in general.
I want Heavy Magician to vore me
why did they allow this
rock n roll
How would you feel if they made a game like this, /sthg/?
inb4 Sonic Forces.
Ska in the modern games. Something fast paced with guitars and horns. I want to see someone like Less Than Jake do a vocal Sonic song so badly.
Things that's not a genre but I'd like to hear more of are accordions, more saxophones, and a music box variation.
DX was obviously rushed.
They wanted "better" textures, but it looks like they didn't have the time to remake the ones in SA1, so they just grabbed/made whatever.
I'm just glad I never played DX and only played SA1 my entire life.
x the hedgehog is a virgin
I'm not certain what I'm looking at or what they allowed.
>played the original SA when it came out on dreamcast
>Dreamcast broke years ago
>played SA but only the DX version
>been so long I can't even remember differences like this
I suppose Baroque is pretty common in the franchise though. Music such as Titanic March, etc. but I just want to hear more pipes, organs, and harpsichords.
Are you blind?
Honestly, the only actual improvements they made to SADX were the character models, and they fucked that up with excess gloss and more and more graphical deterioration per port. Everything was a clusterfuck of missing lighting and effects, and arbitrary graphical changes for the sake of it.
Diligent modders have made it so you can pick up the PC version and mod it to be more like the original Dreamcast version in levels, textures, lighting and even character models now.
90s pop songs by previous singers of the franchise
I want to punch this stupid dog in the face so bad. Sometimes I wish we were still living in the dark ages of Sonic so there would be a chance we could see this dumb animal get killed or something in a cutscene
better sadx, i've tried that it doesn't work. it removes/moves the sound files
I'm going to channel all my energy into making sure Sticks shows up in IDW Sonic comics somewhere.
Nice picture. So are those nine characters (plus pic related) the definitive main protagonists of this franchise? As in, if Sonic X was made in 2017, these ones would get the top billing?
What a little a nerd that wolf is!
BetterSADX is just a massive modpack collecting it all together combined with conveniently downporting your copy if I remember right.
Random progress report. Still going at my own slow pace.
Realized I animated Sonic CD completely wrong so fixed that. I honestly don't see why people prefer that "bounceless" animation. It looks weird.
Interestingly, as Sonic Crackers turned into Chaotix, they changed how Mighty's arms animated. They're still the same frames used in Crackers, which are based on the position of Sonic's arms in his Sonic 1/Sonic CD animations, but they decided to have them animate in a different order compared to what frame the rest of his body was at.
The things you learn when making comparisons.
Post ideas for Mania 2's Hard Boiled Heavies.
>heavy bandit
>heavy builder
>heavy diver
dumb dog
>/r/ing Bump valentine - "I wanna bump with you all night long!"
If it's mostly game only, then I think she'll be in it.
I definitely view these guys as the main protagonists in the series (ignore Chip in this picture).
The Chaotix too but they're more like reoccurring minor characters.
>As in, if Sonic X was made in 2017, these ones would get the top billing?
I think so. Actually wasn't there talk of this maybe being a possibility soon?
5 is enough
I will say that I didn't care for Heavy King fighting eggman at the end because Eggman being betrayed by his lackies/creations happens a lot.
instead make him the opposite, a man who's dedicated to serving Eggman. like thunderbolt or Captain Ginyu from dragonball abridged.
heavy metal - either a rockstar who plays music or a factory worker who poisons you
That's because people bounce when they jog like that. To do so without feedback is just wrong. I don't know why Sonic CD was animated like that, but never really noticed it in-game
>Actually wasn't there talk of this maybe being a possibility soon?
>I honestly don't see why people prefer that "bounceless" animation.
A lot of design decisions in CD were weird and unnecessary.
The infamous jump sound, for one, and the removal of the spindash in favor of the peel out.
>Wasn't there talk of this maybe being a possibility soon?
M-my heart...please user
November 7, 2017
I remember some anons mentioning that Nakamura said Forces is largely inspired by anime and that apparently they said that they were interested in expanding the Sonic brand starting in 2018 iirc. So it's a possibility. I can see it happening if Forces does well.
CD had the Spin Dash. It was just you had to charge it in place and there was no revving, so it was basically a balled-up and less powerful Peel-Out. That probably resulted not from a "change" but from the fact of simultaneous development with 2 - both games used the same concept independently and thus CD had the inferior version.
>heavy heart
Boss of the water level. Uses exaggerated tear streams to repel attacks and create ripples. Can also raise the water level to move herself around a track in an intentional callback to Labyirinth zone.
Hey, looking good
it would be more in-character for sonic to blush in a situation like pic related instead
It had a spindash, yes, but you don't stay curled in a ball for its entire duration.
Also, there's no reason they couldn't implement Sonic 2's spindash in CD since it was in development before, during, and after 2's development.
Have they ever done eurobeat?
If not then that.
What are we getting and how do you know?
Sonic anime...eheheheee
I shouldn't get my hopes up.
Is she drawing Sonic a mouth?
I mean you never know. Maybe they'll make a Forces adaption.
Well 2 had to completely overhaul its initial concepts when they were going to use time travel only to find out CD was going to do it too. We have no idea if anything from 2 came back to CD beyond Tails' "SEE YOU NEXT GAME" art piece in it.
For all we know, or maybe all I know if I dunno what i'm talking about it, the CD team may of been in a bit of a bubble in that regard.
Trap/Trance or Heavy Electronic like in DOOM or Killer Instinct
I swear to god, there better not be any damn SatAM/Archie characters in the new comics. They already ruined two comic continuities!
Maria, the Tails of Shadow the Hedgehog
We got you the last two threads, user
We heard you the first time.
And the 200 some other times after that.
> if forces does well
>missed a whole thread
I swear to fuck, you people need to take it easy.
True. Slow down guys
>As in, if Sonic X was made in 2017, these ones would get the top billing?
It would have been interesting to see how they would have dealt with the whole Rush and 06' situation when it came to Blaze and Silver.
Okay so I thought you were saying they were thinking of literally bringing back Sonic X. Which sounded pretty crazy and unlikely to me. A brand new original anime I can believe though. But whether it's a Sonic X or a new anime , there's one thing I want and that's Blaze being in it. I want my girl to appear on a TV show dammit!
gotta go fast
Just wait until a month after Forces releases. It'll be slow again after people are done shitposting about Forces.
Sonic 2 was made by the Naka, Yasuhara, Masato Nakamura and the STI in America while CD was made by the rest of Sonic Team in Japan. This was also back in a time where cross-country communication wasn't as easy
Me too, I put my opening post, took a nap and when I woke up it was gone.
I want regular Amy to take Sticks home in the mainline continuity!
Post tail rubbing
Who thought the Tails gameplay in 06 was a good idea?
Why is it Tails in the boss fight?
it is.. on paper
it's basically his SA1 but butchered.
Despite what many people say, 06 is littered with as many bad decision choices as it was rushed
You could cut Knuckles, Rouge and Amy out of the game and nothing would be lost
>Sonic Forces anime
>The main characters are Buddy and all the other OCs they've shown
at first I though she was giving him food
now thanks to you I canĀ“t unsee her drawing a mouth on his face
It'll be fun to see how slow we go. I remember the first time the threads had a major slow down after Boom came out.
if they kept his tail attack instead of that stupid dummy ring box thing, he would have been almost fun to play as
According to the artist they're supposed to be doing something called "Pocky" but Blaze has no idea what that is.
...It went slow after Boom?
Speaking of, do you guys think the fanbase is dying?
Oh my god, is she PREGNANT?
Probably the same people who thought Amy's gameplay was a good idea
Who done it?