Arditi edition
/bfg/ - Battlefield General
>lost like 7 games in a row
20 kills with 1900, Fedorov, MG14/17, and the Mosin for a medal
And the mosin was the most difficult
>tfw want to level tanker and pilot to 50 but don't want to become a vehiclenigger
you either die a hero
Don't ask how I came upon this post but I couldn't let this shit slide
Actually the 1903 hammerless DOES have a slide stop, see this relevant ad from the time period.
>inb4 thats the safety u lil cunt
It's both. God bless John Browning.
mistakes were made
it keeps happening
>when the enemy team isn't even trying so you aren't either
Well, at least I can look forward to having threads again in December.
>disable 2 planes in one game
>friendly attack plane steals the first one, the second one bails and the plane crashes during my cooldown
why is there no "assist counts as destroyed" for vehicles. i did over 100 damage to the second plane (emergency repair is just so cool) but DICE doesn't think i deserve credit for shooting it down.
not that it would be a problem if DICE didn't have these unreasonable assignments.
>5 kills from behind a sniper shield in a round
no sweat, right?
>30 kills later
>2/5 kills from behind a shield
>take the attack plane or bomber
>get shot down immediately by enemy fighters
>take the fighter
>rule the skies, no one can oppose me
>can't kill anything on the ground
>but that's okay because I give my teammate free reign to bomb the shit out of the enemies, right?
>wrong, some fucking incompetent blueberry takes the bomber and just rams it into the ground or misses every single bomb
>take the fighter
>get outfought by both the ground support and bomber
>want to play an operation
>anything dlc
>get put into an empty server
>say fuck it and join any operation
>oil of empires
>conquer hell
>oil of empires
>iron walls
>oil of empires
>oil of empires
>oil of fucking empires
>too many hillniggers on the team to take the 3rd sector of Sinai
>60+ hours into the game
>never flown a plane once
>accidently spawn into one while trying to chose cavalry
>have no idea what im doing
>allahu akbar into the side of a building while trying to turn around
>pray nobody saw me
>they absolutely fucking saw me
pilots are so cool but im scared to learn because a new pilot is more useless than a hillnigger and planes are never free to begin with
Good button mapping is 75% of the success. Bind 'up' to spacebar and steer with your mouse. Remember to unbind "fire" from spacebar before that and I think you need to reverse the axis so you wont go down while pressing it.
>spawn torpedo bomber to deal sick damage to enemy dreadnought
>no one ever spawns in the gunners seats
>killed by enemy attack planes while our friendly planes fuck off trying to bomb ground targets
When’s the premium pass going to go on sale again?
Can’t believe I just missed the September sale
The regular price is ridiculous though
Not him but I can’t fucking stand mouse up being up in a plane
No matter how hard I try my brain never gets used to it
*blocks your path*
>join any operation
>puts me in empty match most of the time
>sometimes a match that’s half populated
Game dead or just operations dead?
>get x kills with x in a life
>can do it fairly consistently up until you actually need it then suddenly there will always be some dickass sniper to kill you one kill short
Why doesn't it track whether you've done it before? Why do you only get progression for a medal if you're tracking it specifically? Who came up with this shit?
>play a few games, top 5 every time with tons of kills, not really thinking about it even
>see the medal for getting top 5
>don’t get top 5 for the next 20 games, play like absolute shit because I’m thinking about it now
>choose any medal
>objective becomes nearly impossible to complete
>get 20 kills with shotguns
>placed on empty losing team on Fao Fortress
I just got BF1 and I'm enjoying it. I'm noticing somethings I fucking hate though.
>Medics who are 2m away from you and won't revive you
>Supports never seem to drop fucking ammo
>Scouts that aren't hillnigging are actively tossing flares and spotting targets
>The behemoth is always operated by retards
>You have been killed again and again by Hellriegel/Ribeyrolles/Model1900
Still some of the most fun I've had in an FPS in ages.
>get in boat to defend out behemoth
>someone spawns into the gunner seat
>drive near enemy boats hitting them with my torpedos
>retarded gunner shoots aimlessly into the air, ignoring enemy boats
>he jumps out in the middle of the fucking sea
>someone else spawns in
>they do the same thing for a while then jump out
I fucking HATE this mouthbreather community holy shit fucking kill me
>Medics who are 2m away from you and won't revive you
It may be because your body is stuck in the terrain, so they can't revive you. your body's location is also clientside, which means that the your corpse may be further away for the medic.
>guy goes 71 - 19 as support in a round of conquest
>brags at the end
>immediately leaves
I've noticed that, but I'm talking about medics who are clearly standing next to your body in clear view of them. I just had a game on Lupkow where I died and there were three medics all 4m away from me who were too busy jumping out into the open instead of healing. Most brain dead shit I've ever seen.
How the FUCK do I play Monte Grappa
>placed top 5
>didn’t register for medal
I don't see a problem. you think he was cheating?
I’ve never seen anyone get nearly that many kills in this game as infantry
Usually they’re tank or plane whores
He did this as infantry somehow AND we lost
he could have been sitting in the gunner seat of a Landship or bomberplane. I have also seen people getting those scores on foot.
Wouldn't they be cloy for using a gun so much?
You have to be tracking the medal and do the list in sequential order. The tracking of anything rarely updates in the UI but it does count as long as you do those two things.
Hang out behind B or D and lob mortars into the mass of infantry that's usually up there while laughing like a sissiboi because there are no counters to mortars other than more mortars
Operations will only put you in a server in your region and will toss you in an empty server because it won't queue for full servers. It's mostly dead (at least on PC) because DICE absolutely refuses to add a server browser for ops for some bizarre reason.
TFW we wont get a fix to the server lag until the end of October.
what a shame
>sprays parabellum everywhere
>full assault tank rolls over mine and explodes and kills two more enemies next to ti
All those kill notifications
battlefront has bots
why don't we get bots
battlefield has a general
why don't they have a general
battlefront has players
why dont we have players?
because first open beta and most people haven't had a chance to see how terrible it is yet
seriously its shit
what was dice thinking
>finally doing super high top 5 again
>had the medal active from beginning of match
>on last push on monte grappa
>about to fucking slay it, was in fortress with team mowing down Germans
>game boots me back into the menu without a message
I think they were thinking “EA told us to do this and we can’t tell them no, and also it’s free Disney/Star Wars dowry money so fuck it, why not”
But considering it’s still clearly a low effort piece of trash with no attention to detail or lore, and how Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) just got updated multiplayer support, there’s literally no reason to put up with this new garbage
OwO what’s this
I’d never do that to you user. I have 150 boat kills. I proudly have my boat kills dog tag equipped too
>returned to bf2 menu in the middle of game without error
>server lag fix
You mean a “fix” that’ll give you 400 ping in every server regardless of region until they release another fix for the fix they had just released? You’re so fucking cute
>bf2 beta
>10mins in
>this is neat
>1 hour in
>this game is razor thin
>players manage to be even worse than bf1
>server admin calls someone out for saying “faggot” because it’s hate speech, and they don’t tolerate hate speech in the server
>a game later, someone spews some racist rhetoric
>admins ignore it
>point it out
>get banned for pointing it out
I’m done
I’m quitting the internet
>have boat in perfect position to hit airship with mg or dreadnought with front gun
>faggot spawns into driver seat
>immediately shoots torpedos at land
>enemy pt boat comes around the corner and annihilates our boat while torps are reloading
>get another boat in position
>different faggot spawns into driver seat
>beaches boat bow first
>enemy pt boat comes around the corner and annihilates our boat because the turret can't rotate 360 degrees
hitler was right, there is literally nothing wrong with eugenics
Eugenics has nothing to do with it
Idiocy isn’t actually a genetic thing (nature) it’s a nurture thing
Party chat was a mistake. On PS3 you'd always have at least one or two people in a squad of randoms using mics. On the PS4 I've played BF1 for close to 500 hours and have NEVER heard a random using a mic.
What kind of racist rhetoric? I like racist rhetoric.
I don’t like it, and I don’t like you
agreed. I never hear anyone on Xbox and I have no desire to use it. I'd rather have global chat honestly.
Why are you a nazi, user?
FYI there is no server browser at all in Battlefront 2. Quickplay only.
How pathetic
Consoles were a mistake. Thanks a lot Atari.
>afk at back of base
>with thermonocs out
>get more exp than 2/3 of the team
Remind me what that means again
What class would he play?
>flamethrower does less damage than blasters
thats dumb
You still have to load when quitting and sometimes it puts you in a match after you quit anyway
>Revive me, please.
I get revived more often in BF1 than 4, charging those paddles takes for fucking ever
>be a selbslaughter 1906boi since release
>rev up BF1 after a long break
>the fuckin General Liu
holy shit this displaced my raifu, this thing is a machine
You guys prefer the storm or factory variant?
Front Where Battles Occur 2 has non-cosmetic microtransactions in case that wasn't glaringly obvious btw
not only that it has no range
Reddit is defending pay2win crates, what a shock
Everyone on reddit should be drowned in an ocean of piss
Here we have a classic spergout featuring a faggot unironically defending EA's microtransactions boner. Why do they do this?
What's the best medic gun?
Fedorov Automat Trench.
Got my service stars and never used it again. 6 shots just isn't enough to kill the entire German army which are sliding sideways towards me while firing obscure Italian automatic weapons. Happens every day.
last 2 dlcs when?
Frontlines is the best usually available mode for that achievement. 40 minutes to do it, guaranteed targets at the mcom. Defending on operations is better but can be hard/actually fucking impossible to get into depending on your platform/region.
argon forest
roll american
snipe bridge
December for Turning Tides and "Early 2018" for Apocalypse.
did they say what apocalypse will be?
Haven't played in 5 month. Is anybody still playing Operations at all? Did we get new Operations with the last DLC?
Assault with a gas grenade. He made the Sturmsoldaten of WWI a part of the German hero culture.
depends on region for pc (can't be changed), ps4 likely has better luck (can change region i think) no idea about xbox
My money is on Somme and Passchendaele.
i just bought BF4 + Premium pass for 25 bucks on kinguin
did it sometimes go even cheaper on Origin?
25 is usually about as low as they go
sept had bf1 premium pass for 25
normal discount is 40
regular a shit
just got bf4 2 days ago and the last time i played was years ago on X360
did i just forget that much stuff or did they add a gigantic amount of shit and rebalanced other stuff
where did the Groza and AN-94 come from and when did the Shield get added (is it fun?)
was the MBT LAW always in the game? i dont remember it at all
did the SMAW and RPG-7V2 always have differences?
and how big is the dmg difference between RPG,SMAW and MBT LAW
why are shotguns banned on so many BF4 servers? even on servers without shotgun "no fun allowed" bullshit i dont see them alot
oh and how to git gud
im usually doing okay-above average in FPS but i keep getting killed by retarded shit with no way to avoid it especially on TDM servers
the most fun so far was locking down big areas with LMG +Bipod on hardcore servers
steps to git gud:
open map?
get in a vehicle.
small map?
spam grenades.
game is 90% positioning
5% map awareness
5% reflex
i only have 1 grenade (2 with the V40s which are eh ) and vehicles dont get me new guns tho
get a semi shotgun and snipe assholes