League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!

Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 also deleted

xth for breast metal waifu

of all the things that are possible
in the hearts and minds of men
somehow it is the biggest things
that keep on slipping right through our hands

>tfw boodrum is a janitor

Your waifu is shit and you're desperate for attention.

>tfw no qt petite gf

Does Elementalist Lux have the softest tits?
Does Elementalist Lux have the softest pussy?

>be d4 climbing muy rapido, friend is hardstuck d3
>opgg says we have the same mmr
>duo and win 1 game
>we both get 17 lp
wtf lads

since this is the thread we're using apparently
can't we go one thread without fucking cancer
what compels you to fucking post the same thing every thread
no, no one wants to hear about your qt twink boi xd adventures
yes, we know your waifu has the best tits, the thiccest ass and loves dicks
thank you very much for relaying this important information i would never know

>i dont like people making shitty useless posts so I'm going to make my own shittier even more useless post

why do you care

daddy af
ikr fags everywhere smfh

(you) wont convince anyone to stop unfortunately


good night /lolg/

I love Riven!!! My cute and perfect wife!!!!!!

buff cait btw


its not my fault you made your thread 40 posts early.


I love Camille

>Silver II 0lp
>Get desperate
>Play Janna

I feel like an asshole. But it also feels good.
Posted in wrong thread like a dumbass. Thanks shitty catalogue.

>tfw no loving slender aryan gf

gn lulufag

Q or W start on Soraka?

I am no Azirfag. You're just human garbage.

>tank meta?
>fed tristana?
>vayne main on your team?
Not on my gold games!

>i am no azirfag


>no one wants to hear about your qt twink boi xd adventures
I do


post piquems


>feeding a thresh lane as vayne
how is this possible

artist is ikebanakatsu

exact same except i put fnatic above GAM. That was a mistake

that isnt even an adc main let alone a vayne main

2 and 2 for gold
here we gooo bois

and i get support
oh boy

post op.gg? I'm bored kinda want to spectate

>inb4 yasuo in your team

>only one person could possibly dislike my waifu being forced into all the OPs!

pls no bully

yeah, im done with the linked threads for the rest of the month

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

oh gee i wonder

>play poppy
>building frozen fist
>team is freaking i don't buy magic resist
ok so who the fuck do I play to avoid this shit

Well it was a mastery 7 dragon slayer vayne who did pretty immaculate vayne mayne performance.

take a second and think about how tris feels after that one

>look up the artist
>they are a shitty person

Atleast the arts good...

well night /lolg/

hopefully tomorrow i will be plat 5 again

After they reworked akali i finally found another champ


I want to go swimming in Lulu.


5 matchers late I have the same LP I had last night

pop some adderall and play 50 more ya dingus

Won't be around again for buttposting, so have a high-res butt for no reason.
Fun fact: the original image was 6000x5000

/lolg/! I just want to remind you guys, Jinx b-day is just next Tuesday. Please make sure to post lots of cool pics of her then!

I can't WAIT for Halloween to come so I can finally own all of her skins!!

>tfw dont play adc and dont like tristana but fucking adore that halloween trist skin
life is suffering

>tfw Ahri will never charm you and turn you into a cute sissy

I just bought jinx should I play her in bronze?

xth for sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation.

Singed players arent people, they're vegetables.

ADC in super low elo is always a crapshot because you can't rely on your supp for nothing, and immobile adcs even so because your team wont peel for shit.

I used to be better at this game when I first started. Should I just quit and stop griefing my teammates

the more I play the more I realize I'm silver as fuck. I wonder if I can make it to gold in the flex queue

>missionary position for the purposes of procreation

Get that demented shit outta here you sick fuck. Bet you even like it when the sex is within wedlock too. Fucking revolting.

if you mute everyone and never type in chat youll likely go up 3-4 divisions without even improving

it's the fact I expect them to have my back, I'm crazy

>first pick support

what's a safe pick for support if you are first pick?

>tfw no irl sona gf

Post op gg

You're forgetting handholding.

>tfw you filter out the words lulu, sona and tight and the thread quality goes up 1000%

rakan, taric, naut, janna

I want to be murdered by Diana!

let's talk loose: egg cavity


As soon as I got out of placements it was all downhill from there

I'll be a little busy next Tuesday. Its the tenth anniversary of my other favorite game, Team Fortress 2

How the hell do you deal with Garen in lane?

There's something about this fucking champ that I just can't contend with. I've been playing since Season 2 and I just can't figure it out for some reason

Xayah mind break posters are like a very small fraction of this thread's cancer, lulu and sona fags are a much greater cancer

why is that peak fringe haircut so popular in anime? it looks just bad to me, like, ugly and unnatractive, and now im forced to see it not only in the ugly starguardian lulu but also in evelynn

you have pretty good cs and kda, i guess you're just not that good at macro play? score like that on trynd should be free wins

veigar is also an insane champ

Yeah I try not to be too obnoxious. I'll shitpost my fetishes for a few days then vanish for like a week.

maybe if ur silver 5

If you're okay with selling your soul, play a ranged toplaner

Just how fucked up you have to be that you need that level of depravity to even get hard? People like you can't even get aroused at simple stuff like shitting dicknipple rape anymore, you gotta get that stimulli overload from ultra extreme shit like cheek caressing and hugging to even feel anything.

Kinda sad really.


I can play just about any champ, but I don't care for thinking of picks and matchups. Why does my team refuse to tell me who to pick when the time comes?

kite the mother fucker

zero skill difference between silver 5 and diamond 5 to be honest

aw yus

>6 days till Eve

>win 15 lp
>lose 21
this is a really shit feel. especially at gold 5 and it says I'm about to drop

My heart is ready.

is dota rng really worse than this

My Jinx folder is ready

lads how do you make this game not affect your mood? I end a really shitty series of games and I can't even concentrate it's so upsetting. feels like a complete waste of time to even play if you lose.

>Why does my team refuse to tell me who to pick when the time comes?
Because that would be toxic :^) Its just a game pick whoever man :^) Just bee yourself :^)

But really you ask your lobby "who should I pick?" and those 4 people will think the other 3 will answer.
When noone answers they will think "the dude asking will pick something it'll be fine"

By realizing that this game is a coin flip for the most part, you can have a guy that can kind of play ever champion but has no idea how and when to pick them, and your enemy team can be OTP smurfs that will butchering you in seconds.

shits meaningless, spam ARAM until you have this burned into your skull

>not a single person says a word in champ select
>jungler locks in amumu
what am i in for

I'd say my biggest weakness is my mechanics, I think I've lost a few teamfights thanks to missed skill shows or using my skills poorly.

full ap amumu that will either bully the enemy team or miss 80% of his Q's and whiff a minimum of 5 ults