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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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I really hope Sacred Coins are a skill shop, I'm really liking the idea of Steady Breath+Aether Alfonse with Infantry Pulse, Panic Ploy seal and Summoner Support
>that first post
Well, this thread is a bust, can we start a new one?
Cum inside Cumilla!
I'm really liking the idea of you killing yourself.
Not that I don't appreciate what the starter units did for me, but I flatout refuse to invest 22k+ feathers into each of them just to make them semi-feasible.
>Mangs is at his absolute worst when he has a guest during his LPs
>Pays even less attention to the game than usual, makes even worse mistakes than usual and makes even worse meme jokes than usual
>People tell him he's better with a guest and he should do it more often
Holy shit
I hope Coins serve as a currency for skills, and I know I'm reaching but - I would like to influence I.V.s or feather/promotions costs somehow. I know I'm reaching, but it would be great.
Hey maybe with this i can stop regretting promoting best friend and make her usable
Too hopeful though, they'll probably be shit
I like Hana
Objectively best FE artist list
1 Wada Sachiko
2 Senri Kita
3 Hidari
4 Rika Suzuki
5 Asatani Tomoyo
6 Cuboon
7 Haccan
8 Yamada Kotaro
9 Amagaitaro
10 Maiponpon
Fuck off you dog avatarfag
Literally who.
Is that you Florida user? Glad to see you safe.
It's almost like e-celebs are retarded?
I've already 5*'d all of them and I want to make sure they're all good. And right now that build I mentioned should easily be Alfonses best build.
For best friend I just have Luna, Fury, and Vantage inherited onto her. Rally Atk and Fortify Def are still there so I can have her as a mini buff bot for Tharja in case I need to use her in arena or something.
For Anna I have Death Blow and Desperation on her. Need to replace Astra with something better and Spur Res with something better too.
Sharena and Anna are fine as standalone units, just give them Fury and they can do what you need them to.
Alfonse, on the other hand, seems to get stuck with a lot of crappy bonus units on his banners, so I end up using him a lot by default. IS conspiracy, probably. It's not like they aren't a safe investment.
Also, giving Anna Fury, Reciprocal Aid, Vengeance, and Desperation, and using her prf to dance around the map killing things is actually kind of fun.
some bald fag who plays fire emblem badly
Call me crazy but I think a lot of Echoes systems were brilliant
>Weapon arts in general; when they're not just better versions of 'Attack' they're good. Subdue is what Sothe's Bane and Elincia's Mercy SHOULD'VE been. Being able to equip a shield and end your turn with "+5 defense on enemy phase" is simple and intuitive. Movement skills return is great too. Rework their implementation but definitely keep them
>Multiple objectives from the Deliverance missions; "Rescue and escape", "Route and defend" etc especially when the map is built around them. Having a mission dynamic change halfway because enemy reinforcements spawn as you rescue soldiers, or the escortee decides to run away kept me on my toes in a way most of Echoes didn't.
>Cast from HP skills/spells
>Increased range archery. Good way to differentiate archers? Nomads with full canto vs longbowmen/horsearchers with innate range increase. If close-counter and 4-5 range hail maries are mutually exclusive you'd end up with more interesting uses for archers.
Honestly between Heroes and Echoes I think they have the groundwork for a truly great game. Heroes makes positioning and movement crazy useful (Ploy abilities, repositioning skills, armor march) while Echoes mechanics would benefit from maps built more closely around them.
Post your TT HM earnings
Hopefully they learned from both games for FE Switch.
Literally who would possibly want Close Defense?
You're not crazy. The mechanics are great. IS just needs to pair them with better maps and objectives.
Oh I'm not saying they can't be good, just that the RoI is too low for my blood. I don't have enough Fury 3 fodder for the on-meta units I want to give it to, let alone the off-meta ones.
Why can't I summon her
How many years do you think I've been doing this?
Good question. It's never bad, but it's never optimal, either. Maybe F!Corrin?
I think she's so beautiful.
like 3
>Halloween rewards in my nintendo
Is Halloween not canceled???
>dogposting is avatarfagging now
But my Close-counter fodder's been ready since April!
/ourguy/ Reptor.
>Heroes makes positioning and movement crazy useful
Y'know, I'd agree, but I just realized that Heroes' movement system might work best because of the limited map size. Could it really translate well into a larger game?
>not avatarfagging
>Tfw I have enough *5s now to do full 7 rounds of AA, but keep using my suboptimal no SI *4 units anyway in order to save my *5 units out of habit.
A-am I the only one?
Where's my schedule niggas
Hector loved spooking me on the dancer banner so I have a couple questions.
1. Which unit activates their S+ potential the most upon receiving DC.
2. Which Hector is best for using.
>the lower right meme
What I get while trying to snipe greens for a Far.
It is when you do it every fucking day.
Eldigan in a cav team comes to mind
Amelia, effie
+att -hp
use the +atk - spd one
DC is good on Mathilda, Sheena, Titania, Camilla, any high res peg knight
Why not? Shove was fun in Tellius, just let people play around with movement skills by learning them through naturally playing the game, like say character does objective X unique to him/her to unlock [Smite]. This way you value the movement skills that are on your characters all that much more, giving extra variety, and also gives extra stuff for people to play around and unlock.
Besides, think of how much more fun stuff like FE5 and 6 would've been with movement skills. It's better than warp abuse could lead to new creative strategies for more casual players.
+HP to keep Armads effect up longer
A mage / archer with built in Close Counter.
use +atk, -hp is the least consequential bane unless you're running panic ploy or something
All of those are kinda lousy combos; I'd say the +atk one is best. Put DC on Effie and she becomes pretty fucking beastly.
they already had shove in tellius and substitute in fates; it's just the former was one game only and the latter no one would use a skill slot on. but they had their uses.
Lloyd is the best mage slayer in the game with DC!
-Res is a no-go in Kektor meta, so +Res/-HP or +Atk/-HP I think.
As for DC, right now high Res greens are in style, so Sheena, Titania, Camilla, Axezura are all good depending on what you need.
If you're full up on Reinhardt Counters, Jagen goes beast mode with DC.
M-Magic is everything?
>Not Innes
This is my wife!!! I cum inside her tight loli dragonpussy every day!
god those cecilia tits are fucking perfect
+Hp/-res. Tanka. Didn't matter anyway guidance will be fun to mess with.
I'm sorry... but I'm not the real I like Hana user
Raise them all up and run a team of 4 hectors as defense.
convince me to join a team for gauntlet tonight
Who do you think the future GHBs will be?
Ashnard and Lyon are all but guaranteed and Linus is obvious since he's the only missing Fang, but who else is feasible?
Hardin, maybe? Walhart?
Keep your +Atk Hector.
Everyone's already mentioned Effie, but I'd like to vouch for putting DC on the colored melee dancers. With gemstone weapons, they can bait and kill both melee and ranged units of the color they counter.
>Want to finally be able to 5* my Cecilia
>The legendary +Spd -HP Cecilia keeps avoiding me
This is my strongest argument.
>mfw I have multiple +spd -hp cecillias floating around
Is that their optimal IV?
blocked, reported, called the FBI, etc. don't do me dirty like this, user.
>>Spiderman likes flat
Should I give Amelia brave axe+ when I don't have death blow for her
I have the neutral free one and a +Spd -Def one
What IS her most optimal stats?
Old and busted.
Fair enough. I guess the difference for is that a skill like Reposition lets you launch a character as far as the usual movement distance. But in a typical FE game, that'd be less than half he normal move. And if you're using it to get a unit out of enemy range, the greater enemy move might not let you do that.
Not saying future FEs shouldn't try it out, though. Just that it might not be as good as in FEH.
Roll a d8
Come join us Corrinfags for a comfy soft~ soft~ time together.
Can Axezura bait and kill Rein without DC?
Breath of Life Inigo is so goddamn satisfying to use, jesus.
Does Lancina want Renewal, or is it just a filler skill until I get something better? Because I just got JAKOB'D and I don't know what to do with that useless fuck.
I think the Skill slot thing is huge. If you have to lose out on something like Wrath to use Reposition of course no-one will want Reposition. But if those kinds of skills are innate to characters or there's dedicated Move Skill slots for every character then that changes their viability.
It'd be great to see characters like Marty who have niches like "can capture basically everyone"/"has a shitton of movement skills pre-learnt". Sure, you could deploy Edgy Myrm OR you could deploy Myrm with innate Lunge because the next level has a bunch of defensive cover that he can easily dominate.
>xander lets you win at the end
wow i can really feel the character growth, really made me feel like i'd accomplished a lot and progressed on my journey
>the greater enemy move might not let you do that.
Well, it can still rescue a healer by moving them into defensive surround formation away from enemy attack. Or move a unit out of boss' range after attacking (I did that alot with rescue in 6, hue).
That's actually quite nice.
Top whales use +spd -def.
Rationale there is that the +4 speed helps a lot in surviving magic from not getting doubled, and his def is high enough for -3 points in def to not really matter.
Why do gauntlets rotate between themes with all or mostly female characters and themes with an equal number of male and female characters?
Can she bait and kill Rein without TA 3 i meant.
The chicken grows stronger by the day.
I only need 3k more feathers for QR3.
>claims to fight for the people nohr
>is aware that Garon is the biggest threat to nohr
>still obeys him
>kills sister lol
>still tries to kill you
>"LOL justus iz n ilushion"
is Xander a faggot?
Because waifus sell, and widespread game representation also kind of sort of sells.
Puni, Star, Moon, Sun
revenge is all he had left
Renewal really doesn't do anything on her aside from give a very slight arena score boost over a chunk of other b skills. I'd run swordbreaker, lancebreaker, or vantage.
You can give renewal to baseline sword lucina for that reciprocal aid fighting healer build, which is sometimes nice to have in the arena.
revenge for what?
the biggest in the series