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World of Warcraft General - /wowg/
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are legendaries still ass cancer ?
ye dog
>mfw first dungeon I get into on my fresh troll hunter is full of blood elves
What is the point of playing on a Rp realm as Horde if everyone is a fucking blood elf.
>mfw 2 hours of wipes on H Maiden cause my guild can only get 6 people to raid
>pug mage that was topping charts added me as bnet friend and we did mythics and lfr together though
post you're self flexing right now
Oxhorn did nothing wrong.
>forty percent
Holy fuck, I just want to roleplay with my Tauren and Orc brothers not a bunch of elves.
what server are you on?
Wyrmrest accord.
>US Thrall
>87.5% Horde Server
>Only 30.3% BE
honestly a fucking actual plague
I'm more depressed now, any Rp realms where blood elves are not a cancer on the Horde?
actually it goes up to 92.7% horde when you just do the 110s which is the metric i like to go off of
i'm on thrall
no that's why it's 40%
most distributions are same across all servers
there's not like a few outlier servers that are 90% belves
I'm only seeing 42.3% with Horde 110.
We'll probably never meet.
Let's keep it that way.
you'll see me in dalaran i'm hard to miss
why are night elf mages so cool
Is there such a thing as an ugly female night elf? They all look like supermodels.
Is joining a wowg guild a meme? I got epic parses in mythic tos and kinda want a Veeky Forums guild and have fun shitposting. Who's the most progressed wowg guild?
they have vagina bones in their model so it's hard to say one could be ugly
I'm rarely even there.
I'm busy stationed at Old Dalaran's AH or Shattarath .
Made a killing converting Frozen Orbs for 60g into Eternals Fire/Shadow/Air for about 250g+.
Why isn't there an option to turn on a real nighttime mode? I'm tired of this super lit nighttime
It appears our superiority has led to some controversy.
All night elf are ugly compared to the Sin'dorei.
>not the Spirit spirits potion on Argus 24/7
Why do you do this, /wowg/?
THICC pandas when?
They're already fat ""thicc"" you retard.
How do I into Survival Hunter?
I got the scorch belt on my mage. Should I feel good about this?
why does that fox look so glum?
what did they mean by this?
EU scars
us ripip
The rest are dead/not vg
Can I still buy a nightbane run or have people stopped doing those?
How big do these elves get? Jeezus!
>being concerned with an elf when there is a literal old god in the other room
Well itemized.
Member when versatility was a good stat for havoc?
vers isn't terrible for frost mage
Is it worth coming back to wow?
brainlet here, what's the best way of simming all your bag gear? should I cough up the raidbot patreon shekels to lift the limitations?
What do you guys think about the leech stat? Here to stay? Will be gone in next expac?
You don't
But I want to be a Meme Hunter
You're not wrong
Wait until they let hunters cast traps outside the GCD
I did it!
Stop being guildless
be my gf please
That's my next step, didn't want to join a guild without being 110, hoping it makes it a bit easier to get into one.
also, why does this item give an insane amount of AP compared to other items? I've never seen this before.
Mods are back. :3c
Tits ruin it
They're the last race keeping Horde anywhere near relevant.
>Offline mode finally available
>Excited as fuck to finally level alts in peace
>Start leveling alts
>Realize that even with full BOAs I am barely getting EXP
>Remember that they nerfed the EXP gained from quests/instances
>Remember what it's like at 110...
>The gear grind
>The AP grind
>The rep grind
>The world quest grind
>The time gating
>The gearing your followers grind
>MFW don't even want to level anymore
Now spread your ass
It's time for the RNG gear grind
what does that facial expression mean?
>AP grind in 2017
It's when he puts it in the wrong hole
I did 85 (deleted mining bot mage) to 110 and 900 in literally 3 days.
I had my second legendary before I had the research to equip it.
Rank 56-60 takes the longest though.
I don't believe you.
r8 lads
Absolute garbage.
>Have every class at 110
>Literally nothing else to level
Guess I'll play another MMO.
How's this?
How bad is leveling as a disc priest?
You will be pretty much invincible.
Disc is indestructible, especially if your gear is good for your level.
I do it for WQs, 5mans, invasions and such and it's literal god mode + lols dps.
If you can't face tank it (rare) you can penance 180 kite (like old hunter 180 jumpshot kites) while keeping swp up and using bubble for sprint (+rapture/nitro)
Oh neat, sounds awesome, gonna level a slutty priest riiiiight now.
stop lying
Upload exe
Fuck whomever gave us multistrike only to take it away from me
t. An angry frost mage.
Show a screenshot from Argus in slutmog
pls be my girlfriend
agreed 100%, multi was my favorite thing while playing frost in WoD. shit was savage as fuck if you had enough of it
I miss the multistrike runic power bonus and the old blood shield of Death Knights plus the free blood boil procs that buffed your next death strike
Why even bother now?
>utterly hate what they did to your spec in Legion, think it's the worst it's ever been
>hear nothing but praise about how "epic" and "fun" it is now
>playing purely for a chance of Titanforge and the slow burn AP grind because Ion and them are a bunch of worthless fucks
>45 billion to next trait
feedback? do you not like the belt?
he look like a edgy 90's comic book character
does it look any better in this lighting? only asking cuz in my opinion being in an "orange-ish" lighting area like skyhold or halls of valor significantly changes the look of the set
It's a good legendary for progression tho
Gz! Think about it, if you dropped it now, you won't drop it again
It's my alt's first legendary.
Fuck this gay fucking earth.
>One of the best legendaries for high mythic plus survival with nice stats and mythic progression
/v/ was right, only casuals talk about wow here
Useful as fuck on Argus.
I use one on a demo warlock and it's like being your own little raid boss.
i like being an edgy fire warrior tbqhwyf
>hmm maybe I'll try another spec
>all these abilities I've never used before
>don't know the rotations/priorities
>go back to main spec
No, it's just shit.
>Join M+ dungeon group
>"You are now the group leader"
any vanilla servers still up?
do you think its shit thematically (i.e. edgy) or just aesthetically (or both)? do you have any feedback
What are the best classes for NPC-tier transmogs, wowg? Those are my favorite.
Epic fucking meme Blizz