/rs07g/ :: Oldschool Runescape General :: osrs osg

Be Nice edition

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Home World: 327
Clan Chat: Roggy


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>previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck being nice

50 more til 2k!

Current listening: youtube.com/watch?v=IE6CnUklMxg

nth for no bullying in this thread!!!

I won't be nice to retards like yourself.

Big gz!

>rot getting killed by bear
l m a o

Mfw people keep stealing my reaction images

hooking is a faggot

Hey you just stole that reaction image off the person complaining about people stealing her(his) reaction images

ty ty ty

Based user!

>61 farming
>52 construction
50 levels won't be tough, you have a bunch of easy levels left!

ignore list meta

I was planing on going and doing tithe farm after this, but i want to take a break and watch movies for awhile. So it's either fishing, woodcutting or farming up some NMZ point until I get sick of scrolling thru netflix.

Literally who are those people user?

user, u fell for my trap. I put dangerous software into tht image and as we speak its infiltrating your system files.

Plant some papaya trees

Y-you wouldn't!

S(he) can, and and s(he) did user. S(he) even gave me a link to a live stream so now I can watch you through your webcam as you masturbate.

You were foolish user

tree cost money !!!! I'll start doing herb runs when I log on or something

anyway good night user

Haha, you underestimate my degeneracy - for not only am I a thief, I am a phoneposter as well! No webcam for you!

shit thread

Fruit tree runs are very cheap, and Varrock hard diaries pay for them completely. Just do papayas and then calquats too when you unlock em.

do u guys like the anime reaction image i took :>

I'm pretty sure I've seen that before

Pretty good user! Do you like mine?

Guys what's the best way to train from 60-85 crafting?
That isn't expensive. Please help.

wtf is this thread??? mods


>Clan Chat: Roggy
kys tranny

join "lyralyralyra" cc

i think i posted it in a thread like a month ago
yes :>

>went for syua
>no syua
man imma stay sad af forever

The Day OSG Finally Died

which of the 3 new wyverns (dont have slayer level for ancient) should i kill for slayer as ironman?

Long tailed for good loot, slow kill time.
Spitting for OK loot, medium kill time.
Don't bother with the other ones

so this is the power of nazi mods...

>last change: 3 months ago
rest in rip sweet princess

this is not oldschool runescape general
mods mods mods

>the free guthans helm i posted about a couple days back is in a sparcmac vid


there have probably been more threads as rs07g than osg desu

youre talking to an assblasted osg cc mod btw


Rest in braaaaaaaap


I wonder (((who))) is behind these posts?

im the first post and i just said something quick and easy to be first, and being nice isnt something im about in general
no real agenda besides shitposting and having fun with my fellow rs players

is there something more profitable than gargoyles that i could be doing w these stats?
i'm thinking about trying out wyverns
it doesnt even need to be afk desu

You're not far away from good zulrah stats

work on mage + range to 85 then zulrah until you can afford chins + bursts to 90 then repeat

you can easily kill zulrah with those stats

game over osg


>tranny doings
>nigger hiphop + weeb shit music
join roggy cc, you'll fit right in you retarded faggot
consider suicide.

t. enraged osg mod watching his sad little empire crumble


lol btfo

nice try roggy, you dont even have unfunny tryhard faggot osg mods and literal whos in your cc, i bet

im not the one who made agility a req for doing tons of things with any efficiency
im not tolerant of weebs either
theres anime fans and theres the weeb fanatics
>not liking girls so much you would rather look at one all day grinding
i dislike trans too simply because of the culture just like weebs
instead of shitposting like you i just report stuff

what content do you contribute to the threads?

three of my toadflax died

nice we got a real deal content contributor on our hands please keep contributing your awesome content without it the threads would be really no good at all

who the fuck are you and why are you posting in my thread

New proper thread, this one was ruined by the cum helmet:

suck my ass you arrogant loser



gl roggy-chan :3

why do you have raw noted sharks?

thank you!

im an uim, makes it easier to unnote and cook them.

why censore your name and then confirm guesses?
are you roggo2?

Who is this

the "confirmation" wasn't even me kek

OwO whos this qt?

fake info in the OP

mods mods mods

>a max cape retard with near max gear failed inferno cape
jesus christ how are people so bad?

i never realized osg cc mods were this gay lol

Figures the person stealing my images would be here contributing to this roggy shitposting.

Awful thread. So much for nice, yet you're trying to split this general up even more. I'm out.

i knew the osg mods were faggots but i had no idea their shitty cc meant so much to them lmfao

get out and stay out

who is that?

My long journey to 100 tier tens has finally finished yay


gz never post again

gz how much is that stuff worth?

The road for 250 tier tens has only just started my friend

can i get a deal on 26 t1s for rune pouch?

each tier ten sells for 1.7m to 2m depending on how lazy you are
the ge has good deals

the ge has poor deals

1m more than street

>like 30%
>good deal

n i c e !
can I have one of ur emblems please?

just blowpipe magers and jad and cbow the rest then jesus fuck

you're cute and nice! join roggy cc

you're the cancer killing this thread

thats a good fucking meme

shut the fuck up and use this thread you dumb nigger

>Sayob has logged in.
w-w-what do I s-say?

proper thread btw
this thread is nothing but shitposting and inflating unique post count lol just look every time that guy reposts a reaction pic that's been posted here before

you're just mad because osg is falling apart and everbody is joining roggy cc
face it pal, you lost your power. all you can do now is squirm and shitpost anonymously.

It just went past being funny to being actually pitiful
When's the last time you went a day without considering suicide?

>butthurt osg mod still advertising his shitty thread with less than 25 replies
roggy cc remains on the top

Why yes! Have a look!