Eve online general /eog/

permalink: orph.link/eog

>Can I make enough ISK to PLEX during the trial?
If you have to ask, you can't do it.

>I just started, what should I do?
Do the Opportunities then find the Career Agents & run all of their missions; they give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and try to find a corp. The game is only as boring as you are.

>Is it too late to start playing EVE?

>Read the UPDATED /eog/ pastebin: pastebin.com/ser9Acpg (embed) (embed)

>Focus Group Logs: focusgrouplogs.tech.ccp.is/

>Lifeblood "expansion" Oct 24. updates.eveonline.com/date/2017-10-24/
>Rifter nerf at last

>Nothing, who cares
>Foozie makes a bunch of stupid pointless changes (don't ever remove this from the OP, because it is always true)


Other urls found in this thread:

rule34-data-011.paheal.net/_images/9bd496b6dbf95efc00412d3456206b8a/1980405 - Eve_Online caracal.jpg

this is how the op should be from now

>Can I make enough ISK to PLEX during the trial?
>If you have to ask, you can't do it.

apocalypse buff when suitonia


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report dronefags

>shitpost general cant keep itself from falling off
I'm almost disappointed, but I kind of want it to die.

>want it to die