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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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Cum inside Serika.
Bullying Lucina!
Looking at my 5* Sully genuinely soothes my soul and makes me happy.
Is this normal?
>4 posts early
You're in trouble user...
is that a figure 4 leglock?
Who has the most aesthetic suit of armor?
They all look so ugly in this game.
I sent my phone to be repaired, so I will be unable to play for a while, at least from my device. I was wondering, is it possible to log in to my account and play from the Andy emulator or do I risk a ban? (I've always been f2p and I don't know if I will ever spend any money, so if the only downside is being banned from purchasing orbs, I might consider it)
>ywn have a cute redhead lusting after your dick
He was my second choice, his shield is great too.
[x] cute redhead
[x] lusting after your dick
Slaying Edge
>spent 809 orbs
>only 2 shigure
>both are -atk, +res
I am so close to quitting
Just quit it lol
Do something more productive to be honest
why are there so many horror stories about trying to summon shigdig and not getting him despite spending a zillion orbs
That's a boy user
Sounds like he's just the rarest unit on the banner.
Has there been a Smash Bros voting gauntlet?
With 8 fire emblems in smash, it works out perfectly.
Bullying Nino!
Why is Chrom so smug?
I wish they never showed the Black Knight's face.
Why did her dub voice have to be so terrible? Both of them.
Why? I was quite pleased to learn her true identity!
'Murican dub industry is a steaming pile of shit right now. It's all about quantity rather than quality, and they accept the first audition that sounds "good enough."
The same applies to most American products these days. Mass-produced garbage.
Mommy Nino!
I just want a character that wears a full faced helmet and never takes it off desu.
See you guys next Friday
Gauntlets are shit
And this week gonna have literally nothing
>people who ever bother to take off helmets
>use crystals to level Fir, Frederick, and Sully to level 32
>learn all the skills they can learn
>reset the 8th stratum to get good enemy matchups
>finish the quests in like 5 minutes
Please tell me none of you guys actually had trouble with this. This was much easier than killing enemies with fucking Henry.
I have 2 spare Ikes now and I have a +atk/-def Eliwood, is it worth giving him Heavy Blade?
Henry has his bird book so he kills colorless
I liked the grind so I didn't use shards. That being said, it was still a cakewalk.
H-how many money, user?
>wasting crystals on non-fodder units
Frederick is easy since he has New Moon and has a high attack and defense stat
Fir has Glacies and Sully has Swordbreaker + Draw back.
Using shards to get them right to level 32 and killing level 35 enemies is much better since it counts for the other two quests as well, so you can get it all done in one shot.
I'm done with the quests so all I see is free Luna, Drawback, and Glacies.
there is a character like that but he's one of the cipher OCs
Why is loli Tiki so perfect?
Wait for FE switch where they attempt to do the BK all over again.
>Top 10 FE characters
>Smash thumbnail
Haha no thanks
Alice and Valjean in FEH when? The game needs more qt mage cavs and knights. Nice Les Mis.
Saved some orbs but I spent $300.
It's fine since it's just out of my bitcoins. Will starve myself out of rolling now, but definitely will whale for Halloween if it ever comes up.
I'm calling the police
>finished all the new quests
>grinded new units to level 40
>SP grinded everyone so they know all their skills
>just need the 5th and 6th stratum quests for 2 more orbs
Still need a slightly better AA score and CC can go fuck itself still but I'm almost able to relax again with this dumb game.
We have 6 Cipher OCs already, enough for a banner, a Tempest reward, and a GHB
I am calling reddit
I’m going to miss the warriors maps when they’re gone. Made these quests so easy.
I like it, tone down those pauldrons and he'd be exactly what I'd want.
Him being a butler is cool too.
God, I just want to smooch and squeeze Noire's HUGE honkers!
That's my daughter, it's her birthday tomorrow you know.
Is it that time already?
Birthday anal!
Birthday go fuck yourself
You too user
So that they can have you back
>many money
I swear there's a secret rate-up when you roll using paid orbs. I got nothing in CYL with my 50 f2p orbs, and once I bought a few I ended up with a +spd/-def Lyn almost immediately. Same with Y.Tiki yesterday.
>rate up when using paid orbs
More like the opposite or they just give you a shitty 5*
You want -ATK on healers anyway unless they're one of the ones that can actually use Wrathful Staff.
With an army of dancers that empower with their dances, feeding units kills is easier than ever
Good. You can turn yourself in for being such a faggot
>3 dancers
I used Lucius, Axezura, and Olivia. Lucius has Spur Atk for extra killing power and Pain can help soften enemies up so I can get the killing strike in easier. And of course healing so the unit doesn't die is important too.
I-is it wrong that I want to gently suck on her cute loli toes?
You're the faggot, faggot
Pulled a +atk/-res corn. I already had a neutral one, so I guess I should just merge the neutral into the new one, right?
are you retarded?
>level them up with cristals
>put all 3 together on camilla's map on hard
>clear all the quests in one go
Why are the tripfags always the most retarded people?
/feg/ told me to build THE WALL, did I do it right?
>Using sacred temple you can upgrade silver+ weapons to slaying or firesweep or gem weapons
>Sacred coins also allow you to promote some passives and assists through a skill tree system
Pretty much, he has no skills worth inheriting anyway.
Can Fir survive the lancers in camilla's map though?
Which bane is better for Azama, HP or RES? I've got two, +DEF being boon on both, so I want to know which gets merged.
very right
>put fir in the left side
>frederick on the right side
>later switch fir with sully
You should put steady breath when you get the chance, -3 atk is not that great and 33 def is enough to deal good damage
Take the dick out of your mouth before you respond to me, fag
both of you are faggots
Being a whale, I've probably have gotten more luck with F2P orbs ironically.
Where's my heroes /feg/?
Shut the fuck up, we all are
>steady breath
I didn't even think about that, he could trigger Ignis against all brave weapons.
I'll do it if I ever pull another Brave ike
ur hands smell like ass and they ran away
They left for a better castle
>steady breath
>ranged unit
Next week's update is better to be big.
> Sarafag
He tanks and then he procs
>infantry and armor only
RIP dreams.