Blessed edition
>Deck lists (Buy premium for us)
>Tournament Discord
>Open Tournaments
Blessed edition
>Deck lists (Buy premium for us)
>Tournament Discord
>Open Tournaments
I have 400 dust do I save up for kazakus or craft dragonfire potion?
try crafting this first *points at crotch*
If you are that much of a dustlet then just wait till the first set of 2018, they'll rotate out so you don't need to craft them.
stop playing priest you autistic weeb
I have anduin and raza already
gotta farm that portrait while it's fa.m
>playing priest
i always knew you were a virgin user
priest is the most alpha class in the fucking game i dont know what you cucks are talking about
this raza priest might be a bit autistic
but dragon priest and other variations arent that bad
>plays the no fun allowed virgin cuck boy class
>tries to sound tough
lmaoing at ur life
>says the furry
Are you sure you know what being furry means?
fuck off englo
you arent fooling anyone
>priest pooper pained hes been called out on his faggotry
>can't use his broken cards in the thread
What does it say?
>My Greetings
In short "We've figured out how to print pack fillers with text"
what kind of packs should i buy, im only playing basic decks right now
Classic packs are the best for newfags
This is absolutely wrong with the recent changes.
Get a maximum of 10 packs of each set in order to get the one time 10 pack pity timer legendary for each. Make sure to do the KTF adventure to get your free Death Knight card.
After you got those, see what you have and what kind of decks you could start focusing on. We usually help out people with more personalized advice in the discord.
Alternate Win-Con for all classes when?
More Mill cards when?
Instants/Graveyard interaction when?
>reddit discord
fuck off
Purple or Cocosasa for summer champion?
Friendly reminder that classic cards aren't rotating unless it's playable
join us or get left behind
It doesn't matter that they aren't rotating. Classic packs will trickle with Brawl and quests regardless. Meanwhile he can get a second KTF legendary, an Ungoro legendary, MSG legendary, WOG legendary + C'thun on an average of 5 packs per legendary.
Get the classic welcome bundle (10 packs + a legendary) and do this
Climbing from 20 to 15 is the fucking worst
Post sad Priests.
nothing better than those cunts getting what they deserve
>Make sure to do the KTF adventure to get your free Death Knight card.
all levels? are they hard?
you are the literal worst
that server is filled with power tripping teenagers who think that having a mod status over 30 people gives them any value
Just the intro mission for death knight. You do get packs from the other wings. Most of them are pretty easy but Lich king requires gimmicks and very specific old cards on most cases.
You only need to do the intro for the free DK.
Depending on the DK you get it might be smart to focus on certain packs first
>doing it for FREE on a discord channel
Honestly this is the worst time to start the game. Next and last expansion of the rotation cycle is coming up which means 5 expansions and an adventure will be live so every single decent deck is going to be obscenely expensive.
Hunter is the best class there. Hunter is just going forward.
The poorfag/noob arena decks shits on meta decks.
>you has all the answer but nothing to be answered and you just die
>you has all the combo piece but a card popping up you've never ever seen yet it's fucking up your combo
It helps if you pull a decent free DK, like mage
Is he our guy?
>flaming faggot
Amaz is my favorite gay streamer
literally the worst Asian HS streamer
>two best decks are both 10k+ dust
so the plan is to get a prime trial october 10 to get both the void cards and the golden packs?
you wont because the legendary pack is in november
What about Trump?
>Instants/Graveyard interaction when?
Never since there's not even a combat phase. I'd be fine with reworking HS to be a bit more like MTG/Eternal but Blizzard assumes the average player is dumber than an 8 year old.
just gotta farm free trials, the timing doesnt line up
Toast > Trump playing non-control decks > Hafu > Eloise > Trump playing control decks > a literal pile of shit > Amaz
People complain about ice block but cowtits jaina is a lot more annoying to play against if you ask me
Trump playing aggro decks > toast
Now you understand the reason behind the nerfs goyim
The problem with Ice Block is there's effectively no way to play around it. She's going to get an extra turn off it.
just fatigue her lmao
raza priest for example has no problem controlling the board long enough to do it
There is a way, but it's a dead card on all other matchups.
DK is like infinite extra turn with all the value and lifegain you get, you don't time walk the opponent like ice block but it allows you to stay alive almost forever
There isn't because when you put it in your deck the game makes it so you get matched against priest
>twitch dot tv/esl_hearthstone_africa
whos watching
>dk mage
*blocks your path*
>stories from rank 26
Well not playing against it means playing around it I guess
irrelevant, i'm not an estrogen riddled tranny so i don't play that class
you should try it it's pretty fun
I'm glad I didn't dust my entire priest collection before the Lich King, it's the only thing that keeps me from always dusting every card from that class.
>first priest
>raza on curve, kazakus after, anduin on 8
>second priest
>golakkas my southsea captain, uses a shadowstep from glimmerroot to eat my cold blooded patches on the same turn
Fucking love these highroll shitters
Was that a 7/3 Patches?
Fuck priests.
>Plays the other cancer of the meta
No right to complain faggot.
>priests low win rate
>high tier
is it because it's a thinking man's deck?
Fellow Priest bros how do you punish yourselves for losing? Do you ever lose on purpose just to punish yourself?
Priest is over 50% in legend, but under it on every rank lower than 5, it's why the winrate doesn't matter as much, it's how it has no real popular bad matchups that matter the most.
>the state of priest players
Feels good fucking you guys in the ass on ladder.
sure does :3
yeah I'll just get my dick chopped off
Arena is the epitome of no fun.
there's no need to cut it off just get a nice metal cage
Bonemare and Cobalt Scalemane are fun cards
>another retard priest plays fucking devour mind in his deck
Why do I only run into these idiots when I play control?
Just unpacked hunter and Mage DK on my f2p account. which one is the best if I just want to ________have fun? midrange hunter looks fine to me but frost lich jaina is sexy
The only fun to be found in this game is by winning, just netdeck the popular hunter deck that uses the DK, it's really strong and it's fairly cheap, coming in at around 3.5k dust
Frost Bitch Jaina's deck is far too expensive to be good, so put it off your mind until you get a better collection
Building a beast is the most fun power.
If you hallucinating two Rexxar DK in one game the area of effect also crazy.
hsg is the general I see the most wild shit I swear I don't know what's up with you guys
how long until msog stops existing
That's me. I tried building the greediest priest deck possible
>tfw you outsucc a razakus priest
Shame most of them run mind blast now.
April I think
Doing pretty well with tempo rogue copied from high rank player...
playing that 7 taunt minion that draws beasts dragons and murloc was an amazing addition
Next April, you retarded nigger
What deck should I play while I wait for my bull to get prepped?
>playing dude pally against raza priest in wild
>spirit lash
>shadow visions into another spirit lash
>lyra into another spirit lash
>excavated evil
>dragonfire potion
wild is getting cancerous
Haven't played since Old Gods. I heard there's a guaranteed legendary per first 10 packs of a set.
Does this apply to the earlier sets, too, or just from Frozen Throne on? Basically, should I grind 10 of each previous set?
Also, does that include packs from arenas?
>>playing dude pally against raza priest in wild
>>spirit lash
>>shadow visions into another spirit lash
It applies to any set you HAVEN'T opened before. If you opened old gods you don't get the legendary in 10, but if you haven't opened gvg it does
And yes, packs from arena are just regular packs