Riven Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
Riven Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
GAM are fucked but I respect their spirit
going to bed edition
thanks for trying GAM
Koreans are soulless, boring sacks of shit that are boring to watch and are killing eSports.
"muh skill" fuck off.
this is horrible
I will still love GAM for their meme picks
xth for ahri
no skilled amerilard detected
i feel GAM mightve had a shot if they banned rakan
>Implying competitive LoL would be exciting even with the Koreans gone
xth for Syndra
>competitions shouldn't be about skill
This might be the most american post I've ever read.
they saw the xayah pick
a super minion would have been more useful than morde
It would be though. When Koreans win its not entertaining. Its like watching someone get slowly suffocated to death.
dang close game
so uhhhhhhh
what was the plan here?
thank god im a korean fanboy
Reminder that americans are delusional and retarded
we can't fight the meta guys, it's all over
>fun champions nerfed to the ground
>broken champions over buffed to the point that you either take them, ban them or lose
it was a good run but there is no new strategy to discover, league is dead and gam is the grave
What a waste of time.
Like did they just throw from the beginning because they knew they wouldn't win?
Old Morde's items are gone, he couldn't function.
>No WotA
>No Deathfire Grasp
>No Abyssal
Like what the fuck does he go for that gives him enough power to blow people up the way he used to? He just needs an overhaul, he's so bad and not even a total revert would save him at this point.
>Picking a serious comp against a wilcard team
Fucking SKT used Olaf mid
How scared were LZ?
>eu damage control
tfw this guy called it
>"muh skill" fuck off.
This wouldn't be a problem if they're actually good user.
my jg 70% winrate 150 games fid and locks in 50% winrate nunu, what did he mean by this?
Can't believe I closed porn for this.
Because they're good. That's how you play to win. Sloppy play that lets your opponents come back is the style of NA/EU and it gets them assraped at Worlds every time
they probably would have done better by picking complete memeshit like Heimer and Garen instead of doing meta + one meme
your bantz are getting real effortless cunt
>good teams are killing esports
What the fuck is this post
But he lost because he threw the game himself and even his team couldnn't save it you fucking retard
Made w*ite detected
same thing as gam picking mordekaiser and going 0/8/0
>implying competitive LoL has ever been exciting
That he only picks fiddle when its a good time to pick fiddle? I have 400 games on shyvana this season, doesnt mean I'll pick her against a Lulu support.
Having never relied on DFG for burst I can vouch he had plenty without it
I'm actually black you fucking gook loving cunt
Wow you're a nerd wth
If Morde went top or mid rather than bot, do you think he has a chance?
he lost because the top jungle and midlane were damn useless
The problem is not that koreans dominate, it's that the optimal playstyle is boring. If the game centered around teamfights and not boring ass waveclears and tower sieges the game would be much more exciting, and korean games would be really fun to watch.
>London is fucking filled infested with rats
>Take one of the rats to a national tournament
>It spazzes out on stage and kills itself, costing EU its pride
Lmao "only whites can be raciss".
Fucking bl!@ks.
Moscow 5 spoiled us. Nothing will ever come close to those gook slayers, at least for me.
Is Vayen the edgiest LoL girl?
why all of the guys playing LoL are such weirdos, once they know im a girl they want to buy me shit from steam, like chill the fuck out dude.
i just want a chill bf who plays vidya.
Thats fine. But thats not what is going to bring in viewership.
It would've turned out the same because mordekaiser is a fucking immobile useless squishy as fuck early champ who needs to be deleted.
I want to cum inside Riven.
He would have been crushed. Bad matchup into superior players.
So, what was that never-seen-before strategy? Feeding out of their asses?
Mad respect for GB Marines, they tried something diferent and failed as expected.
post nudes plz
>s4 and newer kids dont even remember the glory days of league
me on the right
what is steam?
here's your (you)s
you can play around anything if you are good enough in solo q. you having 400 games 51% winrate on shyvana is meaningless anecdote.
pls be in lisbon
Vayne parents were killed, Annie killed her own parents.
>man hands
>stick legs
>no hips
kill yourself now and save some time because you're gonna do it eventually
>8 replies in under 2 minutes
I hate the internet
Reminder that Riot fucking hated M5 and target nerfed their champions literally 27 times in a row
we only like boys here get out
You play on oce?
is there any reason to watch these next two matches?
no that's my finance lanklet fencing instructor bf
>you cant be grill xDDD
>grills don't do so much damage :DDDD
How does Hotshots dick taste like?
>you can play around anything if you are good enough in solo q.
Why would you though, unless you're a retarded OTP?
yeah lol
Disgusting degenerates
Get out of my /lolg/ before I dox you
>Annie killed her own parents
i hope you have a penis
>letting russians succeed in anything
riot was just doing their patriotic duty
brb in 30 minutes after the thread is done being derailed by a roastie.
>Annie killed her own parents.
Her lore had no mention of them dying. Maybe that'll change with that fagbag on the staff, but right now this is a blatant lie.
>stick legs
>no hips
I wish senpai ive been trying to lose thigh fat all my life
reminder NA won both of their games and EU lost both of their games
because he was a retarded one trick ?
Pretty sure that's illegal as per hate crime laws.
kill yourself