>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Azura > Ninian
>Gay shit
Doot is sad today. Say something to cheer her up!
Why is this girl so angry all the time?
"I need to get in shape by the next festival!"
Trip back on, spic.
>having shit taste
Cliff is a better mage.
i have the ability to ally support doot with clive
should i always do all 5 rolls?
is it better to quit after 1 roll if i don't see the colors im going for?
Fuck you doot, whya gotta go -spd on me?
>you will never lick Olivia's unwashed asshole clean
>Cliff is a better mage
Who is your most favorite character in all of Fire Emblem?
If this character is also your husbando/waifu, please pick someone who is not that person.
>A Fire Emblem game where you can use your favorite characters
8 days without new content.
The record keeps being extended.
Well that's heroes
And also awakening kind of
And in a way, every single game
Depends who's on the banner. If you're just starting out and there's a unit on every colour and you just need 5 stars, by all means do full rolls. If you have a high pity rate and you do pull a 5 star, it's often worth rolling the rest of the orbs for the higher pity rate chance on them. Otherwise you're usually better off sniping the colours of the units you want.
All 5 orbs have the advantage of getting your rate up, but if you are rolling for a specific character, it's probably good to stick with that color.
I have nothing to say to her.
So all of them.
Yeah wouldn't it be really cool if there was a musou game that let you do that?
It feels weird that someone like Linde basically fell off the face of Heroes. I don't remember the last time I saw one.
dead game
FGONA always win
it really depends on what you want
do you need more units of every color?
are you fine with getting your pity broken by the other focus units?
do you need fodder that is common in a certain color?
usually i pick 2 colors on the banner and roll them unless there is one unit i really want, then i only snipe those colors
Its not Warriorss :^(
Why did they do FE dirty?
Woah, what are you talking about? We got some free 3 stars today!
If there's only one color you care about during a banner then there's no reason to do 5 rolls. If there are like 3 different colors, it may be worth it to build up your pity rate, because the chance to get spooked by the one color you don't want isn't all that high.
Overwhelming Thundercock supremacy
She's also just rare. I rolled mine off-banner and I don't remember her ever having one since I've played. Maybe in the first two months of the game's life before I started, but that would be a very small percentage of the playerbase that have had a proper chance to roll her.
Ride the bike!
quick IS release something or /fgoalter/ will start making fun of us
>passively grinding TT for some HM and SP
>notice an odd first skill
Well, fuck me. I hope Lachesis can tank this.
Sacred coins let you change the letter of a skill. A can be C, C can be B, etc. You can run DC, Vantage and Desperation all on the same kit.
Kill yourself.
fake and gay
>Reinhardt with Deathblow, Attack + 3 and Fury
I like Tana. She's cute
Even then, I also see Delthea sometimes. No one else. Just the shock cock and fang loli.
Whoever came up with timed maps in Chain Challenges needs to be fucking shot
the hell are you talking about? hes gonna go for BK
>can now run hone cavalry, fortify cavalry, and spur cavalry all on one unit
>reinhardt can now run death blow, LaD and fury
>BLyn can now run swift sparrow, fury and LaD
>C slot distant counter
>beruka with 3 seperate fortress defense skills
that would be extremely retarded
Say the meanest thing you can about Nephenee!
>that would be extremely retarded
ISIS loves the sound of that
I'm fully aware what it does, but it lets Rein barely 1hko BK.
I'm pivoted BK down and moved Lachesis up one because he'd kill burger.
We need more wholesome posts like this
y-you talk funny!
There's no schedule because they want Alvis to be a big surprise. Yeah, Zelgius is an okay villain, and whatever but this is where the big guns come out.
She's cute and I want to take away her helmet.
i bet she moisturizes her thighs so people stare at them lewdly
I think her self-consciousness is a poor replacement for an actual personality, and worrying so much about what others think is an unattractive character trait.
Why would she want people to do that?
>Reinhardt with Deathblow 3, Deathblow 3 and Deathblow 3, with Deathblow Seal
You will support her right?
She'd be the second pick, but I'll be supporting the Chicken.
Ima eat that dragon pussy up bitch! Ima be tasting more tang than a fucking astronaut ya feel me
Ninian drumpfies can't stand this
what do you think she's thinking about
'Espionage' is not a skin condition, you bumpkin!
you've got a cute cunny
Support her butt with my face
Is heroes truly the best we could expect of a massive FE crossover? Was there really no hope for a decent action/adventure or rpg game? For something that actually made the character presence meaningful to the story and world?
>free feathers
It's a maybe from me.
our boy
I want Anna to BRAAAP in my face and then charge me
Selected character(s) sent home
Our closest bet was with Fatlus, but the check from the Idolshit industry was nicer looking for them to not go bankrupt.
A post P5 Fatlus may have done us right.
shake shake!
this is my fetish
>not a Gif
could be better/10
The new GHB was supposed to drop this wednesday. They already fucked up.
>spend 120 orbs on fae banner
>last session, 3 green pulls
>get garbage
>decide to complete the session with my 4% pity rate since I'm nearly out of orbs and tilted
>get a second lucy
I don't know how to feel, but I guess it's ok. Still haven't gotten any Faes, not even 4*, which ticks me off a bit.
Did you S-support your waifu?
How do I make Harry Potter great?
>supposed to
Since when? Nothing states that there has to be a constant stream of content with no gaps in between. You patternfags try to overanalyze everything.
of course
Every Fire Emblem game except the ones with Marth in them as a major character rather than an 'extra content' aspect.
I'll be honest, I feel nothing for those games.
No, I spent it on someone actually good instead.
I didn't even notice they were doing schedules until two months ago.
>spectrum here to finally change my static IP address and give me a clean slate with the mods
Heh, see ya on the flip side paisanos
Fury 3 + Green Tomebreaker. Take advantage of his solid but not outstanding atk/spd/res to specialise in magic duels, beating out most green/blue mages and any melee units that can't counter.
You can run him as a makeshift Nino, which is still an effective build for him but kind of a waste because it's strictly worse than Nino herself. Raven+TA3 is solid, but he's not the best candidate for it due to low defense. Rexcalibur+ is honestly fine for him due to the high mt, so feel free to keep it. Owl Tomes are good too with a bit of planning. Watersweep is tricky to use, but feel free to fuck around with it and see if you can get use from it - I'm about to try a healer meme build on him with Watersweep, Dancer's Ring+, Breath of Life 3 and BoL seal.
And lastly remove that ally support. Get that harlot Charlotte away from him, Ike is the only one he wants to be with.
>Fury 3 instead of Death Blow on a Brave build
I want fujoshis to leave.
For arena? gronnraven tri adept
for kill unit? discount nino with gronnblade
nigga just fuck right off. ever since they introduced GHB reruns like 5 months ago there has A L W A Y S been one up. Right now is the first time there is literally nothing going on. Stop making excuses.
She's overshadowed by Oscar in both Heroes and the Tellius games.
>just fuck right off
Canto in heroes when
Did Sety fuck this?
probable gonna try a owl tome, there is no reason to build him like nino when i can simply use Nino.
also the support was for tempest trial only.