Riven Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
Riven Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
Other urls found in this thread:
do you like this meta?
First for worlds 2017 is a failure
soraka is the best support
>tfw you will never be a meek flat-chested star guardian
>tfw you will never be dragged off and molested in the showers by the mature titty monsters Syndra and MF
>you will never be found by your teammates, passed out and covered in juices
the inbred chinese pollute oceanic population nearly as bad as their country,
>tfw no qt petite gf
What is she doing to Diana?
Enjoy league champ names translated from Korean to english
>t. EU
Why coin over relic shield on Taric?
xth for Syndra
>futadom Soraka
What's next, sissy Darius?
wtf i love 3v3 now
South Saskatchewan is still the best.
>trynda splitpush
>3 enemies are here to kill you
>they kill you
>adc farming the jg, mid and jg at fountain, supp clearing mid waves
Red pill me on Nidalee
Old ability infusion
Tell me about Bain. Why does she wear the glasses?
lol, fuck them
that's a retarded reason desu
Never forget the Shaco god.
>Not three weeks
Funny, that's how long she has till she's gutted by riot
Which splash arts never fail to get you rock hard?
Pic related in my case
Shit team mates happen, I don't play Trynd but I always spam the shit out of them in split situations, doesn't always help but sometimes it does.
She's fun as fuck to play.
unless you have 200+ games with her or get magically fed, you will kind of be useless most of the time
>STILL no Illaoi buffs
more gold plus it gives mana
Caitlyn is sick friends. She isn't as healthy as the other ad's because riot nerfed her starting health. She needs your help to get to lategame
rate my gay crackship
Don't know I always die to jungle camps with her so I can't play her
>plymouth people
Syndra has some very solid lore. No real need to change anything.
I do however have this deep seated fear that they'll do something stupid like make Zed or Irelia a siblings or something equally bullshit.
I love Camille
I got my ass kicked by a Taric top once. He rushed a tear and kept smacking me and spamming Q, felt like there wasn't much I could do.
>le fertilization
Go with the easy opener then.
Start Q @ blue buff, ask your team for a leash, level up E second and clear wolves, then go straight to red buff.
Start with the talisman and refillable.
This is the easiest opener for Nid that doesn't require kiting the camps.
I 2v1 top and jg and my botlane fees 0/7 2v2, what did they mean by this?
>play tahm kench support with adc yasuo vs Kog + taric
>we win the lane
>we win the game
>S+ tahm S+ yasuo
fugg that was great
the real gameplan is rushing catalyst
>no eight rocks
>no francolin
What do you think of this
My waifu :3
Why are use the older one?
Le fertilization
wrong, but have fun being wrong.
That's cutting off a lot of words.
>Amumu = Do nothing
fucking hell. i hope whoever made this is decomposing in a gutter somewhere
>mediocre clear
>mediocre ganks
>good burst gated behind easily dodgable skillshot
>Falls off harder than Panth even if shes fed
Nids a Shit
>Rise in real
>Second gas
>My Driver
So why is Dragon Trainer Tristana never used in tournaments? It's her best skin.
i dont even have a problem with MLP but this needs to not be a thing
>never been chat restricted
>but get instant banned
i deserve it I told someone "stfu faggot" after when my jung told me to kys and came into my lane and took my farm and spammed /j
i see why there are people who have 10 accounts banned
Pretty dumb. Did you just pick the two guys with canonical straight relationships?
>Rengar = Brick
spot on
this midriff never fails me
>not happy elf
kys ur'self
She's essentially one of the few non-tank junglers that are viable in this meta. Especially when you have a non-shield-bot support so you can build Athenes + Ardent and provide the buffs for your ADC late while getting a good frontline/engage.
it feels clunky compared to the rest
>feeding Ezreal as Twitch
>feeding Rengar at all
How do these people breathe
i think most pros flocked to omega trist
Send them a support ticket requesting the ban to be reduced to a 25 game chat restrict. Worked for me and since it's just a chat restrict you get to keep eos rewards.
It's been used in pro play in the past.I don't think it's on the banned skins list. It's probably just because Omega is newer.
Newest skin is used pretty much systematically
Might even be a Riot thing
no, I like the idea of the edgy serious black dude with the fun loving white boy
>banned skins list
Bronyfag kys
Because Buccaneer and Earnest Elf exist.
Just don't say the no-no words. Phrase things differently, don't go 0-50 with six mobility boots and you simply won't get banned. I know some people like making a point but it just doesn't seem worth losing your account over one message sent to an anonymous idiot you'll probably never see again.
some skins are banned because of clarity like steel legion lux, but i dont know if that's still the case
Some skins with bad visuals aren't allowed to be used.
Also I think they can't use any skin that isn't in the store either
There are some skins in the game that give you advantage so they're banned from competitive play.
probably the same way this Soraka does
If they're so bad that they have to be banned why not change them
Clunky animations.
>edgy serious black dude with the fun loving white boy
EzrealxEkko has more potential to work with.
They don't have enough resources to fix them all. I wonder how many skins are broken that give an actual buff rather than just visual advantage that people just haven't realyl realized. Like Pulsefire Ezreal that had a longer Q range.
Time, effort, money. They probably also make $ from people who flock to the "pay to win" skins thinking it'll affect the outcome of their Silver III games.
not worth the time and possible outrage
That would take effort + some of them have been changed and others are pretty cool in the first place
they did change some of them, like ravenborn leblanc and storm janna
Sometimes I really hate ezreal. This is the worst I've done in lane in months. He all-ins lucian early on, when all he has is a tear and a sheen when Lucian has a BF sword. Of course we lose. It's so frustrating watching people flop around like a fish when they're told that they have a """""""powerspike""""" when they finish sheen but they don't actually read the situation and realize that lucian is fucking lucian and also has an actual AD item.
Pros are not allowed to use certain skins in professional play. Usually because the particle effects are harder to see in some manner. I think there have been efforts on Riot's part to update skins to not have issues over, but pros have talked about this banned list on their streams in the past.
Skills and autos feel clunky.
yordle pussy
Ohhh that's a good one too, maybe they can do a bit of "exploring" with each other
>Ezreal ADC
Should have dodged in champ select.
>Ur place
Urgot is smooth af
Anyone have any videos/streamers they'd recommend for someone trying to learn LeBlanc?
Dragon Trainer is better because of the ponytail
>lucian and ez adc
were all the other marksmen banned or something?
>you will get one third less orange essence when disenchanting skins
is this true
Dolphin pussy is better
Small indie company.