/owg/ - Overwatch General

>The HALLOWEEN TERROR event is returning on OCTOBER 10TH
>new skins for McCree and Reaper so far

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>Previous thread:

Here comes T.Racer!


>it's another episode of nobody shoots the mercy, not even the former top500 nor gold player
pic related the gold player

I want a pet Traceyfish!

Zarya is best girl

Ni hao!

:^) oh boy

What if the Halloween event is too scary!

where the fuck is the smut

Fuck off fag.

>made about 30 friends in quickplay last month
>only 5 of them are regularly playing

Dead game

Amélie time

>made two minutes later
>posted in the old thread three minutes later
>"new thread"


Here comes M. Ommy!

>lag out of a game
>internet disconnected
>try to rejoin
>suspended for 30 minutes
>lose 50 sr
Wow that's really fucking fair.


SHOOT! I didn't think of that!

Dead game

Wimpy Meis pls go


Nice now the troll is spamming images.




He was too slow on making a thread so he's throwing a tantrum :[ Just report him for spamming.


>adds people
>they delete him because he's am annoying shithead, terrible at the game
>thinks they stopped playing


>7/33 online
get some glasses kid

how big is her dick?

Don't get cold feet now~!

You might have to count me out of the event, Reaper is just so frightening.

>emoticons on an imageboard

>they delete him
No one removed me tho
I usually remove people who don't play for a week

>tfw she'll never warm your feet up?



>delusional to the fact that when friends delete you they show up as offline until you remove them too

Stop you are embarrassing yourself.

>using lmao unironically on Veeky Forums

Kill yourself?

dat meis meis



>wrong image.
way to fuck up a post me___

So is the third Shimada their sister or their mother?

Most of my friends were online today though. Everyone just play HOTS or some shit. Game is dead



As big as you want it to be, user.

sister, and she looks like this


You picked the literal worst FE girl

Pierced nipples? Also, more?


what would you do to her user?

report the imagespammers



>Winston refuses to leap Widow
>Genji keeps yelling that Genji can't fight Widow, "stop being retarded"
>I have to keep potshotting at her with McCree because we're pinned down
>Hit her in the face twice
>Have to hit her with 5 headshots to kill

Come the fuck on. I'm really expected to shoot down ulting Mercys, Pharahs, and duel Widows with this shit?

Don't worry, user. Take a frame.



>mccree flanks supporters
>this happens in 2017

>someone saved an image with your filename







In the US we call this thicc

he's spamming images you morons report him

>be Winston
>gold elims and damage
Fucking dps shitters cant kill anything.

who's spamming? i thought it was the d.va fag?

It depends on the context, but I like to think we can learn a lot of each other in many different ways. Then I can imagine how we can enjoy our time doing funny and lewd things.

You gotta stop this shit, user. You're contributing nothing to the thread.

some troll, he's probably the one who keeps making the ebin op's aswell.

my semen is being contributed

He's spamming on purpose report him

Who would win in a Wrestling match between Witch Mercy, Uprising Mercy, and Winged Victory Mercy?

I kinda want to brutally ravage Ana's cunt.

>replying to a spammer

who is this titcow

imagine being so pathetic that you spam a thread because yours got deleted.

It's weird thinking that there are people this immature and petty to waste time spamming a thread because people wouldn't go to theirs

Emily Aurelia on Instagram.

>replying to a spammer

What's your favourite Mercy skin?

4 days boys

Witch, definitely.
Combat Medic, Cobalt, and Eidgenossin are also decent. And Mist is quietly good.

>enemy genji ults

What's the longest 1v1 situation you've ever had in comp/QP? I just fought a Tracer as Reaper for 30 seconds.

>Playing attack torb
>Teammate is too busy being mad at the Hanzo to notice.

Mods are feeling charitable today. Nice.

I one time danced around the point as lucio against 3 other people until my team came back from spawn. Went on for about 20-30 seconds of wallriding.

lmao @ the losers still playing their dead game

at fucking last

>only 1 new bread since 8 hours ago
game's as dead as widow's husband

>Junkrat onetrick on enemy team won't stop feeding the Zarya

I hate cunts like this.

>get banned for image spamming
>keep shitposting anyway