League of Legends general - /lolg/

Cute Sejuani edition

OT: eyosongive.us

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I wanna cuddle Jinx

So how do we make SKT lose?

Or do we just start accepting the semi-finalist as the real winner?

>Best husbando gets the victorious skin
Based riot


I need proof edition

Also I think we all feel like the fangirl now that fucking boring uncle got the skin rather than cool artist guy

Not cuddlefug?

Assassinate them

it's not fair. only meta champs will get victorious skins.

victorious kat never

sej is supposed to be scary not cute

xth for Syndra


>trigger norks
>they delete competition
NA might finally have a chance

what if i think abs are cute

>you cant attack nor move while ulting
>not stunned


>Lee's name
of fucking course

Sej takes bristles piggy dick every night

is anybody else getting unexpected errors while trying to log in?

its more exciting to tame a wolf than a stray dog


Nah, she has a handsome Viking fucktoy. Or ten.

>Can cancel ability and move

muscles are hot not cute >:[
yeah so don't cute-ify girls that can break your dick with a handjob

That's always a desired outcome

Did we decide who the victorious skin was? Graves?

>Stun: A unit that is stunned is unable to move, attack or cast abilities for the duration.
>It lasts until you cancel it
>if u dont cancel it, you are stunned

>tfw if Riot gave your champion merch you realize they'll never leave the champion gutted forever


Why not Ashe?

I dont get this phrase. Also I'm proud that this picture I once posted got Sejuani'd

Sejuani I literally never fap to Sogay

>Casting ability

Do you hear music when you play LoL? If so, wich kind of music?

shut the fuck up you 37kb retarded frog poster

id rather fap to pic related

>fapping to sona
>even ironically
there are people that do this? people actually fap to sona? this is news to me

No I hear my friends

>still no Illaoi buffs, QoL or a skin of any kind

I accept my fate.

>doesnt enjoy the full tilting experience of the game without music


Sorry, no skins for niggers

stop reminding me :(

Why r u so mean?


Literally who

post your favorite league lewd

the skin this year is victorius graves


riot why are you so fucking shit?

jinx is alright. i love flat, but i don't really like her personality. maybe a gag of some sort...

She could be so fun but she's held back by the long cooldown on her passive and actually having to wait for the fucking tentacles to become active.

>you're in my lane

>but you're in my lane

How will this situation end?

>can't attack without cancelling the cast
>can't move without cancelling the cast
>not a stun


>implying there aren't cast-moving abilities like Vi's Q

hashinshin is so fucking fun to watch when he's raging god damn

>carrying a SHOTGUN with one hand

it's not Graves

Pretty sure they literally said it was Graves.


>Q still doesn't spawn a tentacle
>R still only spawns tentacles rather than making them all slam once after the dunk

Also fucking lose the "swing faster" effect during ult, just make the tentacles have a 0.725 wind up at all times 1s is stupidly dodgable.

>Being a Illaoi fag
You chose this life

>Really good anatomy and rendering
>All for a butt shot

I almost saved it...


Turks said it was Graves. Also its not one handed, you can see his left arm in the background.

It's demasked Jhin

Sona belongs to Jhin

>enemy sion ults
>get killed

Mine is official artwork

People don't realise how lewd this thing is


RIP in pieces Dawngate. I still miss it's characters.

>really good anatomy
Are you serious birdbrain? Her torso is L O N G

>It's a stun
>Except when you get hit by a real stun that cancels your ult and bars you from interacting with your chacter

It's not a stun. You're casting an ability you have control of your character outside of casting her other 3 abilities. Why can't you understand this, brainlet?

uncensored of pic related. a lot of Fiora lewds have shit anatomy and it makes me suicidal

how do you censor fiora in a shirt

Which league girls has the CUTEST laugh

CertainlyT is in charge of reworking your favorite champ

Give them a new ability or passive or 2 and bring them up to his level of brilliant champ design

Kill yourself fujoshit.

By drawing a shirt over her naked body

fuck you riot fuck your autofill fuck your cancer fuck your matchmaking i refuse to take part in this bullshit broken system fix your shit and bring back season 2 solo q faggots

lewd is shirtless
poppy when she snorts

Should have clarrified, the facial anatomy. Most faces are dogshit. her eyes feel slightly off but that might just be me

Its cool to see studies done regardless but when its just for lewds its a meh.

>tfw you main tryndamere
>people say noob champion when you win
>even tho you dont even abuse his ult to kill you just split push

you'd just be last pick support anyway, kiddo

didn't even realize it existed
I assume it's locked behind a patreon

Fujoshi only like yaoi thought. I like some yaoi but I largely prefer het.

I'm not a fujo

that one reminds me of the new masquerade evelynn splash. some of the recent official art has been really good.

dodge you fucking dumbass, or just fill in a normal game then play ranked
>tfw almost lost to a trynd last game but then he stopped splitpushing
nada, found it on tumblr


>works like a stun
>not a stun

anyways i can understand you

>mf ults
>you cant even get closer to an adc that literally auto stuns itself while ulting

Zhonya's shouldn't cancel my teleport

Put me on the balance team

>Don't care for overmeme
>have to admit This is pretty good


after 3 years I am finally out of bronze

something about doll joints and predatory dolls wanting to mate with human men makes me hard as fuck.

really wish this wasn't such a niche fetish

Has anyone noticed how fucking cute Taliyah is? Like, im not going to lulu/poppy waifufag spam post or anything, im just saying. She is really cute. Kinda glad they made her, even though I feel like she isnt that strong without a team that isnt retarded.


Then post a link, fuccboi

>people complain when you win a 1v1 with your ultimate as tryndamere
>"your ultimate always saves you noob"

What's going on here?

Stop posting, Yasuo

Man how did edg lose that skt game. I would be permanently tilted

Don't be fooled.

and then i would tell them that i only play adc and im gonna feed if you dont give me it and then if they dont comply i dodge without any LP or elo penalty and try again to find a match in 5 minutes without being placed on a 30 minute leaver penalty. i dont want to play your shitty meme role and wont no matter what restrictions you place on me all this system does is increase the number of "bad games" aka a match where there is a clear skill difference between the teams and its not even competitive or close because of it and the game doesnt feel satisfying or like you had any impact on the outcome because the skill disparity was too large for your skill to sway the game

Girls like masculine men while on their period and effeminate men while off it.
Girls on the pill stay off their period and only like effeminate men.

>posting a shooped picture

based retard

congrats tho
you still have to play the same way you did in bronze cuz until silver 2 you won't notice a difference

What is with this splash


>tfw you get ganked
>kill the jungler and get away
>/all wait you guys are supposed to at least make me spend my ult to pull that off...

I bet she smells like cooked lamb meat, falafel and shit