>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Benny WHEN
You will delet this picture.
Where's the people who say Berkut is shit now. The full team was Celica, Ninian, and Camus.
>can't stop a real man from beating him up and taking Aideen.
>can't stop Dew from cucking him with Aideen
>doesn't even earn the privilege of being the defender of the second castle like Azel does.
>letting Dew breed
Do I promote my +ATK/-DEF Effie or my +SPD/-RES Lukas? I like Lukas a lot and english Effie sucks, but she's certainly burly.
Oh, Myldea or however the translation patch I'm using calls him.
Yeah, can't even remember his name properly and only turned the game off 5 minutes ago.
>Sitting on a defense tile
Stupid spic
i want all the FE girls to sit on my face and some of the boys
Midir is cute! He's not bad!
>Meteor procs every two seconds
>not having Ethlin humping her ass or Aidean walking around behind her
I want Charlotte and Benny so bad. Cutie girl + Badass Bro make them a really good duo.
He isn't that bad, /feg/ just probably parrots the "lol infantry has better combat in FE4" thing when mounts actually dominate ltc/efficiency
This is my waifu, say something nice about her.
inb4 no S rank: I S ranked the bow variant
Lost to a bandit! Lost to a bandit! Azel is cooler even if he wears a bikini in battle!
Mine is just not pulling her weight, and then usually when astra does proc the guy only had 4 or less hp left on him to then level up and only get 1 hp.
I'd take a Groom Benny to accompany a bridal re-release.
Nah, dude, Midir's just trash. His faggot ass gets to guard the castle, and he should be happy with getting that much.
>Not pairing Jamke with Briggid for an ultraFaval
Had to fight this monstrosity with Alfie this arena.
I think this guy forgot something pretty important
Snacko is better in pretty much all ways
The guy was called DiMaggio, Midir probably only fell over laughing.
t.: Azel after getting cucked by Midir
go rim Lachesis' asshole you dumb shota
I'm sorry that's happening to you, amigo. I've only played through Geneaology once, but Aira raped so much face that my only regret was that she didn't have a horse.
Eliwood for fuck's sake!
He tried, ok.
Lachesis is an upgrade over Aideen desu.
>letting Azel breed
For what purpose?
Good thing his defence was shoddy and quickly died.
I would marry Sanaki and live happily ever after with her!
So the only stats I ever really pay attention to in FE are these:
ATK (STR/MAG + Weapon MT + Weapon Rank Bonus)
...and only when I need to check how much damage an enemy will do to me, or if they'll double me. That's literally the only time I'll look at stats. Do you guys consider that playing poorly? I feel like maybe I am compared to y'all. Currently playing through Conquest Hard for the first time btw, still early on.
*Asking this again for more perspectives
Nobles aren't happy. Be prepared to never see your wife and get abused by the senate.
If Aless dies, does Delmund become King of Augustria? If so, how does he inherit Velthomer/Dad's Castle? Or does it pass to Nanna? Seems like it's going to be some fucking border gore for Jugdral.
actually scratch that
I want mamui, klein, roy, and marth to sit on my face
Even with the boosts, he'd still deal 19*2 damage.
actual autism
I wanted to meme with Magic Delmud. It didn't quite work and he was better off using a physical sword in the end.
But it was kinda fun at the earlygame
When is he getting added?
Skill maybe
I will challenge my fate!
Anyone use this guy or should I just use him for emergency death blow fodder?
Given that Seliph is a legitimate heir to Grannvale, and Grannvale is the major power in the world, the odds of borders mattering for anyone but Thracia (whose shitty terrain might allow them to actually enforce pre-Neo Holy War borders) are low.
If everyone but Celice dies, he takes over the entire continent.
Do event units all come as neutral nature? Running out of space and need to decide what's safe to chuck.
No, that's pretty normal.
Toss in HP and you've got everything you need to know:
>Can I kill this unit in one hit/round?
>Can this unit kill me in one hit/round?
>How many of these hits can I tank? Are there enough enemies in range that could hit me that many times?
At least Aideen would have been faithful. Lachesis would leave your ass in a second if she could get on her brothers dick.
Well he's not alone, Anna was there to provide +2 to each stat so he doesn't die. He was also on a def tile which helps tremendously.
Is there a general rule of thumb on when to use Luna vs Draconic Aura or is it just whatever you have extra of?
All these panic inducing close calls and I keep forgetting items exist.
Too late, we're already happily married.
It does indeed pass to Nanna, though I'm unsure of whether her being lovers with Leif, Ares, Shanan or Lewyn's son affects her ability to stay in Grannvale.
Say something nice!
This is Olivia. Say
He's pretty worthless outside of fodder. Decent bulk, but out-bulked by most other good greens.
50 atk d aura, 30 def bonfire, 30 res iceberg, otherwise luna
you can substitute the different cooldown versions if you want
I did Beowulf and Lachesis, myself. Azel was one of my many forever alone fags. Even motherfucking Noish managed to steal the dancer's pussy somehow. I assume she wanted to join in the jihad.
Finn managed to fall in love with a girl from across the map, which I'm not entirely sure isn't a glitch.
Olivia is THICC!!
Cute and Sexy!
>Take Spongebob/DBZ clip
>Add FEH mugs over them
When did FE meme videos become so fucking shit?
If you can figure out what he's good for, go for it.
But you won't be able to.
snacky has terrible speed and requires bladetome inheritance.
So that means Lachesis is faithful since Eldie is already married to a literally who and he later dies.
>When did meme videos become so fucking shit?
I did Beo x Lach my first run, that was my third and I wanted to try stupid shit.
And the Finn thing is not a glitch, IIRC you're always gaining love points, but being closer yields more points each turn
>implying meme videos were ever good
>le horse = instantly good meme
He sucks. Having 2 extra move means jack when your combat is trash. And don't pretend 4 doesn't have moments that cripple horses (chapters 1, 4 and 5) He's easily the worst of your gen 1 horses.
Her healing game is on point
>mattering in FE4
Just solo the game with Eldigan's roided son. He's basically the perfect unit
>Holy Weapon
>Has enough res to laugh at mages
And on top of that he has Continue. And his prf has Critical built in.
She's the biggest hoe in Jugdral.
good puss. worth every gold piece.
Literally Kaga's OC self insert
I'd let him do it any playthrough. He was burning bandits left and right, I thought it was right to let him win Aideen. Midir never touched a girl and never will, especially once I experienced Jamke the Killer.
Now I remember.
I put Tailtiu next to Claud and I was like 'YOU CAN DO IT, GIVE HER THE DICK.'
And Finn showed her his horse and she fucked off to marry him.
Eliweed control your son! The boy even merged Durandal with the Binding Blade!
>He's easily the worst of your gen 1 horses.
>when Noish exists
Seliph is better anyway, prf Brave Sword.
>Reinhardt, Camus, Xander, Dancer cav cancer thought it could ruin my deathless in the 7th match
Guess again horse fuckers. Not really a great score but at least it's something.
if by "event" you mean "you don't spend orbs on summoning" then yeah, those are all neutral
>within 8 seconds of each other
Dew and Jamke deserve to be brothers in law.
No objections about putting Midir in the cuckshed and making sure Jamke gets laid. I never liked Azel much, for some reason. I don't think I ever will, but at least as a mage he usually handles arena fights pretty soundly, so he still has uses in auxiliary functions.
>team of ranged units with bow lyn
>lamo fucking horse cancer rekt
Your team is just as cancer mate. Why do horses make you so butthurt?
>le noish is bad meme
good to know /feg/ still sucks at FE
Is 40,000 feathers for a dumb show of love a bad idea? Sub-optimal niche use love?
I have 130,000 feathers.
Is 60,000 the dumbest idea for just a +1
Jamke is not a good father. He can't pass Pursuit down.
Azel is always fucking trash for me, never even promoted him last time. Is he redeemable at all or was I doing something wrong?
Alec's a little better, to be honest, my friend, but Noish is acceptable.
Which of these IVs is best for Fir?
>livy mind
It's not so much the units themselves, it's just the people who use them, at least on here. Plus you know anyone who has them as a defense team is just someone saying fuck you to everyone who fights them.
Why does this trigger people?