Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Taste the goobslayer
I approve of this sniff
Play kusoge
If this post is in the first 5, Booki wont get nerfed
If I'm white and made it all the way to top 8 would I have fans or just be accused of whitewashing or some shit
I think I could do it, I'm just lazy and not that social in person
>play Chun for months and barely crack silver.
>switch to Laura and finally hit gold
I think I found my main bros. Didn't realize Chun was so bad in this game. It seems her playstyle isn't suited to the SFV oki meta.
Why aren't you playing gundam right now?
For this, Zombies will never be in Infinite.
I like Lightning's character in 13, even though she isn't the best sniff.
Delete this slut
If I get this Gohan he will be a permanent lock on my team regardless of tier or other characters added.
Someone said we are getting another Gohan, is that a rumor or what
Sirlin needs to find his alex ahad equivalent
listen to mt paozu arcade podcast
any other fighting game podcasts I should listen to bros?
If you're white and you're top 8 you got there because of rigged brackets.
I will if you confirm Oro deconfirmed
I'm not a fucking weeaboo.
Anyone wanna play something on Fightcade? I'll see you in whatever you like.
is punk a moron? why does he keep entering CPT events, even the online ones?
It's fucking boring as shit
eat grape
I can't afford it and by the time I get enough money for it, it'll be dead.
maybe the dude just likes to jive?
Are fang or nabaat high iq?
Jokes on you. I've been dieting and excersising for a few weeks now and it's coming along fairy nicely and I plan to keep at it for quite some time.
He's jiving
this is his only chance in a lifetime to feel important
it's piss4 only
I hope marn dyes his hair blue to one-up justin wong desu
Why aren't you playing the best Gundam?
Fang has potential but S-E ruined it with their yurishit
Nabaat is forgettable
That can't possibly be good for the well being of a vampire
>console only
>ignoring the billions of PC fighting game players
I wish I was R. Mika's ponytail bros
You fucking retard do you realize how important tournament experience is?
The lack of that is exactly why Punk got slammed by Tokido at EVO.
Punk needs to grind at all events globally to catch up with the japs that have been doing it for decades.
I usually ignore your posts but keep it up man gj
PC already has a gundam game and scamco doesn't want to share titles
how do i play darkstalkers?
The guy who confirmed the S2 characters (Flowtron) decofirmed a rumor abour Sagat, Sakura, Oro, Q, Necro, and C.Vpier being the S3 characters, saying only Sagat and Sakura will be S3.
Damn, Dante looks like that??
I doubt that would save it but it would help.
Pick the Yeti
You download the rom and put it in the appropriate folder
who do you want to play?
you realize the more points he takes away from NA players the more chances that there will be more japs there, right? you're just as dumb as him, fucking pea brain
Name 5 people who play fighting games on PC and don't also own a PS4.
Who's gonna bet that Jesus will win the whole Revo tourney?
Its not about having to face more japs you fucking retard
How much do you weigh and how tall are you
>Dragon Ball FighterZ tournament tomorrow
>Dragon Ball Super climax tomorrow
>Zeku 2 weeks later
what a great month this is
I mean what is the best version? there's so many different names
Literally the only Jap that can beat him is Tokido. He's a god. Greatest fighting game player of all times.
Can someone explain to me why Tekken 7 neutral game is so bad? Or why Tekken 7 is a shit game in general? Thanks.
Anubis is under the radar
fucking punk fans man, go slurp sperm out of the boys gap tooth or something
leave the thinking to the people with brains
its not
What kind of premium costumes do you think we'll get in AE?
Morrigan and Demitri costumes for Chun-li and Akuma would be cool
>mvci steam players already halved less than a month in
how did i get memed this hard
it's better then jive at least.
Sonicfox dominating should have been your first warning
Did F.Champ vs Furry not happen last night? Why can't I find jewtube videos?
Vampire Savior is the version that's played. Also known as Darkstalkers 3 in the US.
Vampire Hunter is the only other worthwhile game in the series, but it has much fewer players.
/fgg/ i might be falling in love with you
Things I hate more then anything else
KofXIV releases
KoFXIV releases on Steam
I just wanted people to play KoFXIV with.
Also: They did release Gundam Versus on the PC, they reskinned it with OC character but it was on the PC and no one played it even though it was free.
Winter Uniform, Spring Uniform, and Fall Uniform
Sorry, Marvel vs. Capcom Pros, But SonicFox Wants To Dominate Your Game Too
Ramirez has found success in Infinite thanks in part to Doctor Strange villain Dormammu and his “rose garden,” a floor-covering special that can extend combos and trap opponents, but he found it difficult to establish his typical gameplan in the face of McLean’s onslaught. After winning three straight games to open their first exhibition, the young competitor seemed calm, noting that he would have already won had they been playing in a tournament. He scored a perfect further into the set, and then another to close it out. Ramirez’ usual cocky demeanor fell away, and it was clear he was lost as the first exhibition ended 10-4 in his opponent’s favor. The local crowd reacted with stunned silence, only clapping once SonicFox turned to rally them.
Is gundam less kusoge than mvc?
my dbzf folder is entirely pictures of 21
yeah let me low kick you to death then the one time you decide to random low parry get dicked with a mid button brah.
That's a really nice pic..
>how do i play darkstalkers?
Learn how to dash cancel, how to chicken block and how to push block.
It's fun, why does everything have to be a pointless competition? Can't people just enjoy fun things?
>the mahvirgin "champ"
>the dchad fox
Moses will split the decision down the middle & walk through them easy.
mine too
I still want to believe
what do you mean dash cancel, there's no dash cancels in those games
so the power...of sfv...woah.
Use the cat and mash buttons
I really really like this picture
will fchimp EVER recover?
what will he find in there?
I plan to thanks.
I'm about 5 feet 9 inches.don't know how much I weigh now, but when I started I was 280. I've been sticking to about 1600-2000 calories a day and eating fish, cold cuts, whole grains a fiber/protein bar occassionally and I've cut out all snacks/junk food and only have half a can of soda a day and drink mostly water and some juices here and there.
Watch out. People are gonna call you shill.
Yeah, in Tekken 7 he would have gotten launched the first time for a 60% juggle into wall combo lmao
>less than a month in
we're only 2 weeks in
>this game is still getting support
lmao why is capcom spending any money on this shit
>MvCi is checkers
Explains why I'm having fun.
>Wanting Sagat when Guile is already in the game
Sounds like you got outplayed. SFV gave you shit reactions and now you can't play a real fighting game. Pathetic.
Tekken has real defensive options unlike jive where you get throw looped to death because it's better than attempting to throw tech
Then what was I doing with Sasq when I was hitting a button then immediately hopping into or hp? Certainly felt like a dash cancel
>lmao why is capcom spending any money on this shit
Because they're trying to make their money back on it since it flopped.