Dad jokes edition
Dad jokes edition
xth for irl camille
I want to fug Jinx.
Didn't watch last night. How did GAM cheese LZ and did they win?
Is star guardian soraka worth it even with the ugly hip wings that look like she ripped them off a dead bird and no special dance or voicing?
xth for a lol game should last from 20 to 30 minutes max
Xth for my boy Ekko
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
What's your current GPU anons
Tryndamere and Ashe try to persuade your waifu to join them in a threesome.
What do?
Keep in mind that his right arm is a lot stronger than his left one.
they picked Morde and want 0/8
apparently cheese doesn't work on actually good teams
What's supposed to be wrong with Kindred? Don't they have a 50% winrate right now? I only started playing Kindred recently and find it fun.
>Want to play League
>Know I'll get feeders on my team and yell at them
>Play ARAM
What does it mean?
>ugly hip wings
>actually hating on butt wings
Butt wings are the best kind of wings, fag.
>Ekko's face when he broke up with Jinx after she started talking to her gun and her yordledick obsession
I love Sona!
I think it's really cool that she's a musician, and I really like the puns that she tells. She's also really beautiful.
Do you love someone user? Why do you love them?
What did he mean by this?
radeon hd4850
oh and another thing, i have very low fps in spectator mode. i think this part is actually a fault of the game though.
>tfw no qt petite gf
this is now a Jinx thread
gtx 960 4g
>What's supposed to be wrong with Kindred?
She's the only champion on the same plane as Mordekasier
She just isn't as buggy.
confirmed: i'm fapping to jinx tonight!
I don't think I love any League characters anymore. rip original lux
lemme help u out
Just imagine pulling SG Jinx's twintails like handlebars while facefucking her.
xth for Cute Ashe
Does kayle count for the all-melee challenge
Not the best but gets me 300~ FPS on medium-high.
>call a mode "all random"
>in reality it's "random from your pool of champions"
defend this loltards
The word 'All' in the common game mode expression 'All Random All Mid', or ARAM for short, signifies that, indeed, 'All' players will pick a random champion for the pre-game configuration.
I would rather pull her hair while banging her from behind
I don't know.
>that storage section
i have room for 2 more sata drives and i still have 2 extra usb-sata adapters
i can easily fit more in this fucker and its only a mid tower
why do you need over 120fps? serious question
also, please source me on that wallpaper my dude
You'd hurt her back and neck user if you pull hard.
Can you repeat the question?
aram only autist accounts = $
>titan x
okay listen here fucker
why do you need a goddamn titan
RX 580 8gb
I'd be nice and gentle, I would never want to hurt my sweetheart
>get carried by a diamond cassiopeia
>honestly am disgusted by him going off so hard
Maybe she does need nerfs.
what kind of diamond are we talking? D5 is still pathetically bad.
Why does Riot treat their player-base like children.
What if she doesn't want it nice and gentle?
To be honest it was an unexpected Christmas gift
Up next is to upgrade my storage
because we are children you bird
I have 2 bays free still but that's enough for me.
1x SSD for Windows, 1x SSD for Linux, 1x SSD for my projects, 1x WD Green 2 TB for passive storage like movies and series and 1x WD Black for games and such.
>why do you need over 120fps? serious question
I don't but most of the games I play, when I turn on vsync then the framerate drops even though uncapped I never drop below my refresh rate, shit's fucked.
>also, please source me on that wallpaper my dude
It's not a wallpaper, just a pic I covered with Speccy to make it /lolg/ relevant. You can find it in the OP link in the contest section.
because the player base is filled with children and people who have the minds of children
that's why tantrums are so common in league
>I saw somebody get fed and eat nerds
>maybe the champion they happened to be playing needs nerfs
>not d5, d4 or d1
I don't even know what to make of this.
I'd be happy to give her whatever she wants!
Because they are? Have you ever glimpsed at the official forums? Did you not notice the 3 years of graves cigar comments on facebook?
Don't kid yourself. LeL players are primarily high-schoolers, and it REALLY shows in-game, when you have a bunch of teen twats using /all chat like their personal Twitter feed.
>unexpected gift
what in the goddamn fuck allowed them to think "i should get [user] a fucking titan card"?
listen, i use my pc and game consoles for storage. if i included those id have these to list too
>ps3 (750gb)
>ps3 again (400gb x2)
>360 (100gb)
>ps4 (500gb)
>ps4 pro (1tb)
>xbox (500gb, ide 4gb filesize cap)
>xbone (1tb)
having full system access to these has allowed me to amass so much bullshit its terrifying. hell i have 4 2.5" hdds just lying on the floor right now of varying size.
i want to load all these drives into 1 system but i dont know what case would allow me to load this many drives in it (like 10+)
At least it's not hearthstone where they refused to make decent balance changes because it would be too confusing for the playerbase if they changed the attack of a card by 1
I didnt know his rank specifically when I said it. Only the border. Im p1, he was D3. But my MMR was high and we were against d3-d1 players on their team. Everyone on our team except for him and I were d5 300+ games hardstuck tilters.
I can't post the irl camille because it says its a dupe post wtf man
>wrong you're
happy birthday! Enjoy the finest midriff art Riot games has to offer
Fuck you.
I haven't celebrated my birthday in 11 years.
is getting boosted against tos
At that point you'd be probably looking into some server case. Fortunately for me I'm not that much of a hoarder so these 2 spare bays should suffice.
I don't get why riot has never brought back black market brawlers. It was such a fun mode. Getting to experiment with so many new items while having those special minions to make each game a bit more interesting.
This hits reasonably close to home.
Happy birthday, bird guy.
Really? That's the only mistake you've noticed?
It really doesn't help that Riot fills their minds with useless buzzwords as far as game updates and player behavior goes. I would like for at least one of these big-dick companies to promote the mute feature instead of having to look at my teammates going back-and-forth about wanting to report each-other instead of playing the god damn game.
happy birthday user
dont ever make me feel that hard again
Happy birthday mate!!
>high school gave me their old server tower and all equipment when i helped them upgrade it
>it had 4 hdds in a raid 5
>salvaged parts and kept hdds
>have a second tower i can turn into a server if needed
if it wasnt for the constant need to access and manage all of them i would do it
>championship skin revealed
welp I should have tried ranking up sooner, not looking forward to interest in smurfing and account boosting desu
Thanks man! I love jinx.
I'll help post some more.
Me neither, I just got drunk and partied with mates, but I just moved so I dont know anyone. Lolg Is here to cheer me up though.
Thanks my man.
Id love to see morde get reworked, Lord and Penta best skins.
i see why u didnt rank up
ya it was pretty fuckin wicked
Who's going to play him in the biopic
>need to build magic resist
>that fucking lineup of magic resist items
the fuck is this shit
fuck I meant victorious, I just woke up okay
>going back-and-forth about wanting to report each-other instead of playing the god damn game.
Fuck I miss RuneScape.
"Noob" and "Reported" were the ultimate Fuck You's.
the dad is sadder imo
>Lord and Penta best skins.
eat shit fag. i better see this skin on his rework. its the best skin he has and its the only one he never got on Live
I love Diana, and her humor
you mean victorious?
>o boi is that time of the year again
>retards wanting to rush to gold