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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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Blessed SP and HM.
So is Swift sparrow
Firesweep lance
And hit and run good enough for this cuck?
still better than the bride we got (lol
*blocks your path*
what is cutoff for top 1k
You must really like Catria to invest swift sparrow onto her.
I want to be spitroasted by Lex and Hector.
>Cordelia and Lucina have the same dress
Deepest lore
I mean, I have a -atk/+hp katarina and she's just begging for the Sparrow.
wtf is with her neck?
Lightning Breath+ on Ninian or just keep Light breath?
what are her IVs
>Navarre gets Samuel
>Shannan gets Shannam
When did we last get a character based around imitating another (and not just a poor imitation of another character, I'm looking at you reincarnation kids)? You'd think there's be a fair few sellswords calling themselves The Legendary Bigdick Merc Man.
+spd -hp
Woah guys, welcome to EB Games
What are you talking about user? She has a perfectly normal neck and attractive non-man face.
Briggid in heroes when
You WILL back down.
I propose we make it an unofficially official rule to make the new threads at 776 posts instead of 750 (or in the retards' case, earlier) for /feg/
>Alolan Lucina alt for no reason
Lightning confirmed!
It's unfair that Caeda is so much better looking than everyone else.
I'm looking forward to hearing her VA.
>bossy woman who browbeats criminals into being Robin Hood types
Look uncannily like FFT archer.
Isn't Dark Breath+ also an option?
i think i'd stick with light breath. mine is +atk and even with TA she has trouble ORKOing reds. unless you just want her to be able to counter ranged units when she's walling enemies or have no one else to fight red mages or something.
>swift sparrow
Is that arguably better than LaD?
"b-back the fuck off!"
Different user, I have a +atk/-hp one. What would you recommend? TA seems like a must, because even with +atk she only has 41 atk with Light Breath.
wheres the fucking calendar isis
Wonder what the chances of Caeda and Lyn getting bridal dresses in Warriors DLC is.
>literally no characters other than Lucina have costumes in Warriors besides the promotion outfits, most of which are ugly as hell
Because she actually has a nice wedding dress while the other girls have to wear that hideous ugly goose feather shit.
I unironically really wanted marth to have a fe1 design costume and celica a fe2 design costume. I guess the promotions are what used up costume-alloted resources?
I want to adopt Nino and Fae.
I'd be willing to say zero, especially for Lyn since none of the DLC is Elibe themed. Maybe in the sequel :^)
Maybe better during opponent's phase, but a little worse during player phase. Which is why I was asking if it is enough, because I don't have LaD, but I do have SS.
you give +atk ninian QR ta lightning breath and she can kill reds
wom is overrated unless shes on your def team and you can olivia other dancers for your wom dancers anyway
what is this the wing-like shit wrapped around their hips to the bottom layering of their dresses
shit is so ugly
TA to cockblock reds or Fury to increase her overall bulk. I've also heard of Dark Breath Nini.
>Favaro was just an overall chill and nice guy
>Reddit bans him on sight
>We will never get extremely accurate leaks like his ever again
God dammit
Faebros, post your friendcode and lead for the Gauntlet. I'll start.
W-we won't make it against Ninian, will we?
>Maybe in the sequel :^)
I hope you are ready for fates/awakening warriors 2 featuring ike and roy
I have a +atk/-res Nowi. I was wondering how to build her. I don't know if QR3 or SB3 is better.
Is Fury3 better or TA3 better
What special does she even utilize anyways.
If you're able to take hits, Swift Sparrow is better for not dying on enemy phase, +1 atk/spd is a negligible difference, and flier squads tend to shit out offensive boosts as it is. Ideally you shouldn't be overextending if running a Firesweep weapon though, so go with whichever's easier to get.
Also I totally forgot I could have been using a spare Mathilda to get Ridersbane+, that's only like 1 less mt than a silver and probably enough to 1 shot most cavshitters with flier buffs, I guess that's next on the list.
Not enough merges user.
I guess there's always a hope that he's actually one of us, but that's a slim chance. Maybe Gamepress will take him.
Although, seeing as how his leaks were all accurate so far, it stands reason to believe he worked at IS or one of their localization teams and was possibly figured out and fired
Okay, sorry if I sounded odd I'm a little disoriented right now but I was mainly asking since I have SS and didn't know if it was better.
This Celica model for the video thumbnail looks really bad.
>Maybe in the sequel :^)
Where she'll still have her 'totally not ripped from Navarre' moveset where she dualwields for no reason instead of using the sword style she spends literally the entire game practicing.
I care about this a lot. It literally doesn't feel like Lyn to me.
No pants Marth would've been a lot of fun and added some much needed charm to the game. But I guess they couldn't do costumes like that without giving Xander every single costume he's ever worn as well.
She looks like marty lmao
Finally got my first Blue mage in Olwen but she's -def +res. How do I breed her anons?
The shading is awful. That's no longer about Kozaki's art style, that's just terrible execution by Koei staff. Looks like they took just any copypasted models and slapped some eyes and hair on them. Gross.
Maybe because the models look really bad? Hmmmm.
>reddit also banned the dataminers and blacklisted gamepress
no fun allowed
This is Olivia.
Red mages that are currently better than Tharja:
Lick her feet
Well yeah I wasn't doubting that. But it's just so shocking how little polish they put into the game.
You must have faith in the floofy chicken.
>How do I breed her
You don't, because she belongs to her beloved nii-sama Thundercock.
Worst dancer.
boi what are those fingers
I have a spare Mathilda too, but I'm saving her for CA memes. Carrot Lance is pretty shitty, but it would be pretty funny seeing her flying around with a giant carrot, so I might do that as well.
Chicken is ready
Remember when Hyrule Warriors got praise for it's designs of Link/Zelda/Ganondorf? People wanted that shit as alts for Smash and more. Recognizably each character but standing out on their own.
Compare that to the underwhelming Marth design used or the shitastic OCs that FE Warriors had. I don't know whether IS had too much or too little influence over the game but I hope they get their shit together for the inevitable sequel.
>Sety gets to fuck this.
I've still only even pulled one chicken and JUST GIVE ME MORE CHICKENS
Hyrule Warriors was nice to look at and nintendo cared about Link actually looking good instead of like total ass.
he's saving himself for leif
>glorious super saiyan Ganondorf will never return
>Quick Riposte 2
Why are you bullying the chicken like this? She deserves better.
>all those enemy scores
So this is whale mode huh
>Quick Riposte will NEVER have 4* fodder
Will Sacred coins answer my plea
>tfw super saiyan ganondorf is probably my favorite ganondorf design
His TP one is kind of stale now
Dont worry user she has QR3
QR2 is a meme at this point
Yes/No? Sheena is -def so she's garbage.
Something nice
I want a use for worthless 5* pity rate killers besides 1k feathers, i just got cucked by Merric and Caeda.
Me on the top right
>not Brave
Probably too little
HW only came out looking good compared to other musou because Nintendo were literally breathing down TK's neck the entire time and wouldn't let them half-ass things like they usually do
IS had at least some hand in parts of it (Lyn and Celica were likely suggestions by them to add in judging by how they were late additions data-wise)
It's the Awakening dress.
OOT ganondorf was lit
How much porn does Gaius have?
What's his pixiv tag?
I kinda wanna put my dick in him
IS should have breathed down their neck more. Now I have to pray for a FE Puzzle League so both FE spinoffs and Puzzle League can be saved.