Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Millia succs. Play jack-o.
How bad did I fuck up?
do you guys remember mvc3 vanilla
Remember, you can be like Bonchan too.
Granny speedstar.
Say something sick and creative about this succ(vampire).
Nice find
Put it in the fucking garbage.
I mean it's a mini stick so to some extent I guess, but as long as you aren't expecting a great stick it's fine.
Sick + Creative
Where are all these new tripfiends coming from, I saw 3 new one and a old returnee today alone.
It's a good starter stick made by a reputable company. You did fine, although I would've just looked for a resale of a better stick like a RAP4 on ebay for the same price.
Nice stick
>Amaterasu was in MvC3
I honestly forgot
People asked where "team endpoint's broski" posts and they fucking linked to /fgg/. Shit sucks, expect more tripfags for a while
I blame goobers
What would a currnet MKX tier list look like?
Put zombies in Infinite.
Bungie always wins baybee
It would be an Injustice 2 tier list
I like the new sfv AE UI desu. reminds me of our guy trump
Fuck that boring ass game
Reminds me of the Snoop Dogg stage from TTT2 desu
why did they make that
Snoop is a big fan of Tekken apparently. So why not, I guess.
Someone blocked ip on my area so missed sfv announcements. Wheres my zeku trailer?
I've mostly always been around posting as user if you mean me by the way, you've probably told me to kms in an argument
I hate combos but I love fundamental and footsies. Is there a fighting game for me?
in the future
Divekick, Fantasy Strike, Samurai Shodown
Fantasy Strike.
That isn't a good song.
I actually wanna try him.
I think samurai shodown 5 sp is really light on combos until you get into the super shit
Will she ever be good?
Seems cool, I'd guess he's some kind of Arakune ripoff from how he looks.
That fish man is not attractive at all.
last blade or samsho
Not with that drive.
Thanos is such a weird character. I do some longer combos and deal around 5900 damage but some really simple ones doing 6500.
is gamora hard
gamora makes me hard
That is the damage scaling in effect. You should do longer combos when you need more meter or want to reset.
The games poorly built.
whats is about fishmen that makes women moist?
Play cripples
>last blade
lmaooooooooo no
The entire point of Last Blade is to be combo SamSho.
What a slut.
All fates are sluts.
I think I'm going to try Samurai Shodown V, thanks for the recs. Should I just try to get connections on fightcade/ggpo or is getting it on ps4 a good route?
>Should I pay or get it for free
Pay retard.
what's the lore with children laughing in akuma's supers
The PS4 port is being done by Code Mystics so it's going to be a super good port with super shit netcode. Just play on Fightcade. I'd suggest playing both SamSho 2 and V/SP though just because both tend to be the go to picks for the series but kinda divisive. 2 is like the pure fundamentals with nothing extra at all game where as V/SP adds a lot to it mechanically. Some people want the purity while others want the complexity.
my headcanon says that Steely Dan became a marine biologist and ended up working on a big research paper unknowingly with Jotaro until the last minute at the conferee where they presented it on stage and Steely Dan is sweating bullets as he winces everytime Jotaro moves.
SF always wins baby
Source requested.
All right, I'll try both of them out. Thanks for the help.
>b-but Europe and Japan sales don't mean anything
I hope Capcom doesn't support this shit game and focus on making another fighting game or maintaining afloat the few franchises that are barely alive
try this instead
still looks badly shopped
Not a fan of the design, but it's a starter stick from Qanba which makes excellent arcade sticks. Assuming you've never owned a fight stick before, you are the perfect target for these. You did good.
its okay. should have just doubled down on a more expensive stick imo
Anyone for PSN SFxT?
I hope you have a good time playing/watching/discussing fighting games today /fgg/!!!
When its her turn?
would yiff
who to play with jedah
I was initially gonna play dorm but he looks boring af
in MvC2 and 3
do the sonicfox
enjoy the hatemail from your fellow furry haters
Is pic related referring to rape or am I missing something?
Will he ever draw millia porn
>sfv was supposed to start over 2 hours ago
>fucking kekken is still going on
this is going to be a long night boys
Nah bro you right.
I dunno, maybe i'll check out rr but he didn't look very appealing honestly
right now I'm just playing dante because hes so middle of the road good
tekken always runs late because it's 3 rounds, long load times, and ps4s shit themselves trying to run the game so they constantly need to restart them.
Taiwam cup is right now?