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Kill yourself Raul.
FEH was a mistake.
Lucina > Lyn
lolica will save feg
>Lyn also means "Lightning" in Danish
Seconding. Unironically he hope he gets cucked to death.
Why do I keep coming back here?
Help me out here fampai, how are you supposed to pronounce Lynghtnyng?
this but unironically
the dogposting bitch needs to die
She needs to get knotted.
You're only thinking about Robin though. Femui was absolutely pushed aside from Aqua being their original waifu, since Fates is heavily skewered towards husbandos.
Post your S Ranks.
If you feel like it, let's hear why you S Ranked them.
Why did I S Rank Celica? She's got a lovely design and voice. I love the VA's work in other stuff. Celica being the best red mage in the game is just a plus honestly.
I wish to make Sanaki happy and impregnate her!
>15 posts in
>people are already encouraging this thread to be as terrible as the last one
Why do we still come here.
I want to breed Lolica
What's the new banner going to be?
*raped and left in a ditch to starve to death
well Mamui is non-canon, so I don't know what you're talking about.
This shouldn't be fucking allowed
Go ahead and repost that failure of an image you made, autistic fuck. Prove me right.
Not if she cucks the spics.
so did i miss anything in the last two threads?
You can't take this place seriously, or atleast you shouldn't. It's all (). Just laugh it off until you cant and close the tab.
Shitposting always ramps up just before an update. This is going to be a good update I can feel it.
i will fuck that mage loli
Don't shitpost with my wife.
Which Kagero should I promote?
+atk/-res or +spd/-HP?
>shitposting with Snacki
Kill yourself, you're literally no better
That's nice, but she's already mine, sorry.
Don't use my wife to shitpost.
>45k in a day to get all TT rewards
autism pays off
But seriously, Lyn had no business getting a BST boost.
I could give a fuck about the spics at this point, they aren't as much of attention whores like the dogbitch.
Stop giving the spic attention you absolute morons.
/feg/ is in its worst state right now
I know, but sometimes I just want to talk about fire emblem without autistic arguments hitting the bump limit
Fuck off, you're apart of the problem you shitposting faggot.
I really fucking hate when everyone puts Lucina in a bride costume, though it isn't as bad as fanart that doesn't have the brand in her eye
there needs to be a rectification of names to purge the improper waifufags
to post my wife, I guess
Why? Because she's Perfect
Attack is Kagero's only stat
Describe her cunny to me in great detail if you love her so much. You must be well familiar with it and taking good care of it, right?
Bow Lyn was a fucking mistake
You faggots said a new thread would help.
>/feg/ is in its worst state right now
>while it's 2am on the east coast of the US, but 11pm on the west coast
>Why? Because she's Perfect
You know she hates it when you call her that, right?
You guys can argue Lucina and Lyn all you want. Eirika is patrician taste.
I chose her because she's incredibly strong and cute. Too bad the dub fucked her up almost as bad as Effie.
really? wtf happened? i really don't want to scroll through last thread
How many cocks inigo take when he was working as dancer?
Kill yourself you french fuck. You were quick to defend yourself but disappeared real quick when someone "suspiciously" made the request to have your autistic faggot OC fuck Tharja. Literally fucking die. You may think you're "better" because you're a mealy mouthed autistic cuck who plays innocent but everybody knows you're just as big a shitposter. Kill yourself you pathetic mongrel.
and your dad is dead, LOL
How is that even possible?
The entire crowd. He's been known to bottle the cum for later drinking
>Femui was pushed
In comparison to Mamui, not really for a while
>Mamui was pushed as the choice for Revelation
>Mamui was the default in the Smash trailer and the majority of focus was on him
>Mamui was almost always used in Famitsu articles and the like
>Mamui is a 4-5* in Heroes while Femui is a 3-4*
Warriors is probably the first instance of Femui being actively pushed over Mamui, likely due to CyL showing that yes, Femui really is that much more popular
Wow dude you really showed him haha exposed xd
Paranoid fuck
I hope one of the lolis win this voting gauntlet so we get a bunch of lolifucker shitposters so we get a new change of pace then this lyn v lucina fuckery that seems to happen every thread.
Mamui is canon in Birthright, the route with the less popular waifus, while Femui is canon in Conquest, the route with the more popular husbandos. Can't say for Revelation but Azura has Mamui on lockdown in every route while Femui is openly shipped with many guys.
The spic is suspiciously quiet
mirin' that 61/49, but at +10 and S support heavy blade would probably be better. my S support is on Bridelia and Lancina is now her best friend.
wait is berukafag still around? i haven't seen him in ages
Excuse me but I think you meant Paragon
This one is Perfect
You're thinking of Genius. I don't know if it was 完璧 in moon or not though
Not after I help her overcome her tragic past and let go of all the negative emotions holding her back.
that includes her crush on Chrom
I can finally say this and it could actually be true.
Trip back on spic.
She was my first good blue mage after getting a -spd bunnycina and carried me diring the first tempest with her BoL build. I find her art to also be really nice.
Her JP voice isn't cuter than Effie's though, while Effie's is no doubt among top 5 cutest
California needs to be nuked.
Shitposters don't sink, user. They migrate.
I've loved her for a long time. It felt only right.
I don't much like her JP voice either. But that might just be me being unpleasable.
His record is 5000
damn corrin's husband looks like THAT?
The best marriages are the ones where you are also best friends
>went out with a friend for drinks about 6 hours ago
>was comfortably sitting at rank 500
>come back to rank 1100
Fuck me. I burned a couple of pots to get back to 511 but I really just want to sleep. Never again will I be aiming for top 1k in TT.
Celica's stats are fucking great, I wish I had a copy of her to play with.
I S-ranked Lucy because 13 was what got me into actually playing FE and I love her. Yes, I'm nuFE as shit, whatever, you gotta start somewhere. (My next game was SS and I really enjoyed it too so I kept going.) I got a second copy of her just yesterday which felt pretty good despite my pity rate being broken. I wish I had DC fodder to pass to her!
Her dub is good though, there's nothing really wrong with it and you get the hint of her accent. Also it's pretty cute and her art is nice.
She never speaks in a southern drawl or anything, she just speaks like a southerner at times.
Dear god I hope the drawfag delivers just to see this fag finally have the stroke he's been slowly edging towards.
>Drill this absolutely triggered.
Too lewd, that's not any of your business.
Lyn vs Lucina replaced with mommy/dog vs loli/cat posting
Just because I wish for something to happen doesn't mean it will. My hopeful posts only serve to hide my sadness, my longing, my dream.
Doesn't Hardy Bearing disable Desperation?
actually he's my husband
thank you
Was your friend cute?
Yeah I rolled for an Ike last week and actually got one so I run Heavy Blade on her now in Arena. I just keep posting the LnD build for the stats.
They're both Perfect
Stupid bitch, get out and stay out
Friend singular user.
And yeah we went down to a restaurant/microbrewery. I grabbed some calimari and a bunch of different beers in 5oz sample glasses then grabbed a pint of something I liked. Shot the shit about vidya, music, politics, etc.
Fuck off.
>lol I'm innocent I can avatarfag now
You're fucking cancer and you're just as bad as the spic. Die.
It's an analogy for how she cucks you with her Zach BLACK obsession and friendzoning you.
Honestly, I'm conflicted.
+1 Summer Tiki (+Spd/-Res) medical tank.
+2 Setsuna (+Atk/-HP) with a quad build.
Who benefits more from the boost?
I'm just surprised, it sounds like such a normie thing and yet you post here.
I mean... sounds like you had a good time, and I'm glad.