Old thread! eyosongive.us
Mundo edition
Old thread! eyosongive.us
Mundo edition
I want to MARRY Evelynn!
>ywn be stepped on by a Star Guardian
>ywn be stepped on by two or more Star Guardians
3rd for EU won't win a game tonight
first for remove ardent censer already
>nashor on orianna
>Feed Wolves
game is boring
post Ori
xth for star guardian sona WHEN?!
>his waifu isnt 10 waifus
xth for ahri
what an awful game
Less bimbo healsluts, more beefy tankfus. Sona can stay, though.
Wasn't Flash Wolves a good team last year? What happened?
>pick lulu/jinx
>lulu isn't anywhere near jinx
is this the power of flat chests?
>tfw no qt petite gf to comfort after she loses to EU
i dont care if sej gets nerfed into the ground, im just glad shes playable
muh jinx rofl
xth for Syndra
>pick jinx
every time.
I sense misshits fucking up a teamfight
maybe betty should try morde next game
>FWs letting the EU team get this far
ok guys stop screwing around
>team with gragas and cho wins by default
Region was drained
this is so fucking bad
people unironically wonder why EU LCS has no viewers left
there is no reason for why taiwan is ever ranked high. flash wolves haven't been relevant since s4. china is a dumpster where companies spend dirty money. eu is just plain garbarge. it's wierd how NA would be the absolute best region if korea didn't exist
When's the last time you got your soul stolen in a girl's butt, user?
Best waifu
Sej is my favorite tank right now. If she gets nerfed because of whiny e-sports faggots, I'm going to be fucking livid. Sej supp >
Sej jungle by the way
>34 minutes 5 kills
This is worse than Juggernaut Worlds Jesus. Riot should've just disabled Ardent.
Hi, Dotard here.
First time watching a League of Legends tournament.
How the fuck can anyone enjoy watching this.
The picks are all the same - like 20% of the entire hero pool is actually played, seemingly.
Even the builds seem to be the exact same.
There's TWO kills/deaths this entire match 25 minutes in, and when they DO engage each-other, the entire fight looks like a clusterfuck of spell effects and lights, and it's just barely identifiable who actually cast what ability, otherwise t's just farming and posturing till you take an objective and then scatter again to avoid kills/deaths. Like obviously I'm biased, but COME ON SON, THIS is the supposed pinnacle of esports???
>Mid and bot feed the fuck out of Lux and she 1v9s
LMS is overall worse than EU outside Flash Wolves
This is literally the worst meta in the entire history of league. You picked the worst time to start watching. It wasn't always like this.
its another game where they pick cho without banning kog
like, what the fuck are you thinking
Because we had a massive protect-the-ADC meta right before Worlds and Riot did fuck all to stop it.
Honestly go watch S3 Worlds if you want to see insane plays.
Every worlds is different. Riot changes the shit out of their game every other patch. They fucked up this year, but I'm assuming next year will be a bloodbath as they overcompensate.
>push mid with no vision
>get flanked
>lose teamfight
>watching a League of Legends tournament
Reminder that most of us here don't watch League e-sports and don't even play League. We're just here because League has best waifus and comfiest general for shitposting.
how are the flash wolves so bad they die to a failed bush play
2013-2014 was the golden age of League.
The picks are boring, everyone agrees, its because riot fucked up and made tank/support items completely broken. Also both of these teams are shit and don't know how to make plays so each team just safely tries to feel around instead of making decisive plays making these boring as fuck matches
>jinx doing literally nothing
it isnt always like this
this meta is fucking cancer
Cho is a fucking trap
League ended after IPL5
if you wanna see flashy shit, go watch S3 Worlds
if you wanna see how bad Riot is at managing their own game, go watch S5 Worlds
i mean i know shes gonna get hit after worlds, but i wanna see how hard, especially when the issue isnt tanks right now its ardent cancer
then can nerf her damage but they better not change her kit or cc
im glad sej is finally in a playable spot after years of being shit and reworks
>nascar trundle
>Dont kill him
>americans trying to bant
>this meta is shit and boring
>meta changes
>this meta is shit and boring
I thought they would back up after seeing the tornado come out of the bush but I guess not
What, you weren't blown away by Juggernaut meta? You didn't like seeing Morde pick/ban every single game?
she relies too much on getting her passive which can't happen when FW so far ahead
>tfw i requested that edit
therefore, TSM > MSF
riot likes to rotate what is good
>S3 worlds ADC is broken
>S4 worlds mid is broken
>S5 worlds top is broken
>S6 worlds jungle is broken
>S7 worlds support is broken
if ardent wasn't this strong tanks would literally be unkillable, stoneplate makes it so it is absolutely impossible to be bursted down by
stoneplate is just as cancerous
Flash Wolves fucking PLEASE
>tfw you realize it's because the game is shit and boring
I'm praying for the new runes to change shit up
Are we the general with the most activity in Veeky Forums?
or maybe just
>this game is shit and boring
hi im a newfag and silverino, i like using amumu but never ever see him picked, is him just shit or just powercreeped by other junglers?
Sure feels like it. I got 3 other generals open right now and its snooze city
it gets boring because people find out what the safest strategies to victory are and they use that.
>game is shit and boring
if ori had a real build that corki would have been dead
maybe he should have just walked up to corki and auto'd him a few times to make use of that nashors tooth
The current meta is like 4 tiers below "shit and boring". I'll take Lee meta ANY day over this bullshit.
>this meta
>picks meta champs
So do Lolbabs not even understand what 'meta game' even means?
>this is literally my pick em
its not esports faggots its sej being a fucking retarded freelo champ anywhere that isnt gold you retard
about 4k hours in both dota and lol here
As for the effects its just a game thing, believe me it would look the same if someone was watching a dota game (at least a while back with teamfight meta) you just don't know the spells so it looks like clusterfuck, I can tell whats going on clearly
As for the meta, riot fucked up and overbuffed an item that gives you HP drain (example, deal 25 get 25) and AS when you heal or shield an ally. So its just not worth to fight early on when you can just have a full build ADC have it buffed by your support and you are set
As for low hero pool, yeah that was always the case in league, its actually kinda better now but riot is shit at balancing champions
Going above gold 4-3ish. You will get your shit invaded hard as fuck by anyone competent.
>thinking Fnatic would be better than GAM
You're fucking dumb, user
>mfw they hit her stuns instead of damage
>Playing adc when your team has no fucking idea how to teamfight properly
Yes. Also the general with most girls (male) or just twinks. There's just something about League that attracts them.
I played with a few of them, they're cute.
>43 minutes
>6 kills
I want to fucking die. These games are all horrible; the meta is horrible, and its only going to get worse as the games' stakes raise.
just think of it like chinese dota where no one does anything until lone druid is 12 slotted with 4 cheeses
i agree they need to do something about stoneplate as well, but tanks wouldnt be so prominent right now if it wasnt a 4 protect 1 comp every game, the goal to win is just let adc spray autos while spamming every character with cc, weve gotten to the point where adc's are buying support items to help supports get ardent faster and you make jungler play someone with a heal or a shield just so they can get ardent, stoneplate and ardent both need to be fucking removed
then why bother playing
evidently not >s3 worlds ADC is broken
>zed and khazix at their absolute peak
no, this is literally the first time since season 2 where adcs are at peak relevance
>6 kills in a 45 minute game
>Misfits about to get their 3rd baron after doing fuck all with the first two
Fuck this game
>yfw EU somehow throws this easy win
>giving away that baron for free
What the fuck FW
Flash Wolves really do love standing next to Baron/Dragon while doing absolutely nothing
Why isnt there any SG MF art? I want some mf booty
>this shield fuckery
just like my Overwatch
>be jinx
>be useless
Is this the worst game of Worlds so far?
>Casters trying to pretend it's exciting
both these teams suck ass
Only FW with their passive as fuck picks and playstyle could fuck up beating EU.
wtf i love eu now