League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!


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first for morde best husbando

I wanna cuddle Jinx

dota is a better game tbch.

>playing game
>feel something on leg
>its a spider

>tfw a good friend gets you Hextech Anivia for a birthday gift.
>tfw you only need two skins to complete your anivia skin collection. French and Prehistoric, French because I never get the opportunity when it comes up and Prehistoric is just shitty.


Anyone else not able to get into the in client store? It's just a black screen for me and all I wanna do is buy a 3150 champ.

>it's a nidalee jungle episode

Just exit and restart

>tfw you get an absolutely DOGSHIT support who ends up feeding the enemy ADC, refusing to peel, can't land hooks for shit, never buys sightstone and yet you STILL get the blame for losing your lane and feeding said enemy ADC

I'm done with ADC, this role is fucking suffering. I'm converting to mid laner.

Yeah best husbando no one said rework please do not argue

If Dawngate was still alive would you play it over League of Shitters?

The quality of League has declined so much that I would

I want to protect Akali!

I have three or so times. I also reset my computer and tried another account.

I'd play both side by side desu

>Morde will never dick you down


I'm from the future, kid. Pick me if you want to win


I miss how the characters kits took the interesting things from LoL and DotA and mixed them up, but added enough of their own flair to feel unique.
>Play Viyana.
>Be some disgusting combination of Vlad and Soraka with a Malz ult for the fun of it.

Also, with the new runes of the PBE you can get 60% CDR on your ult, so get ready for lots of "fun" facing Lux with a 20 second CD laser.

Im from the future too. You're useless as long as that new Mage bot laner coming out soon is in the game.

dont tell anyone

Annie is my mistress


I guess I'll just give up on trying to buy a champ until it fixes itself.

>Annie is my mistress

>khagen ult is a fuckin hook
>multiple players can get hooked
>cas sand and hook
>sandblast them

>tfw lose with this score
How do I get out of this elo?

>that new Mage bot laner coming out soon
I expected Riot to respond to Ziggs bot and intentionally make it happen on another champion at some point.

>Yasuo was supposed to be a botlaner
>Zed was supposed to be a botlaner
>Graves was supposed to be a botlaner

Let adcs or other people have the kills maybe???

you lost from the lobby in

>all AD
user i said MAGE bot laner

What's the translation?

Also does lee sin even have lore on why he's blind yet

in a non-sexual way of course

Best guy!
kys gurofreak loser!!!

>>Graves was supposed to be a botlaner
Old Graves was a good botlaner

>lose when they've only taken 3 towers
try taking all their towers before it gets to 60 minutes

Ziggs is in the trashcan too

None of those were intended for botlane but graves, who was played in bot lane.

Whatever you say, I cannot believe that you accidentally took all those kills or there was no other way. Your carries are build-deprived because of it.

why is gumi talking to himself
has he gone insane again?

Annie asks for wards, lee is tired of warding her lane and asks her to use her own stupid wards

the translation is up on some booru

Pitch Riot your skin idea.

can zyra jungle work as a gank heavy jungler?

chug a bottle of bleach boodrum!!!

Will nexus siege be here for next week? is it a good way to grind xp?

>cuddle Jinx
>get a boner
>she bullies you for it

>in a non-sexual way
>that pic

>The good skin line
It's a skin line that isn't shit

Fastfood Azir
Delivery girl sivir

Release this combo on Father's Day

Crusader Garen and Crusader Karthus
Garen is dressed in templar stuff, Karthus is dressed like a pope (and is human, like pre-shadow isles basically).

New champ is intended to be a Mage bot laner. Should this fail they will work easily in mid and top lane.

You wont like what riot has cooking but there's one thing this champ has that we can all agree is needed

they counter oriana's kit in full. expect them to be picked if any ori player is in the game

im not boodrum
you really are a headcase, aren't ya


Oh wow
what a bunch of memes

i want a jhin skin thats like jhin but with more stuff on it, like zacs starter skin

sure yeah ok
eat shit and die boodrum

They said it's going to be a mid laner with high mobility but is safe to play

Sounds like cancer right? CertainlyT of course


my fucking RMB is fucking acting up, what am I supposed to do now I cant play league

The idea of a mage botlaner I can see them do right now. Their designers have been talking a lot about switching up the marksman bot meta, and they were planning to do a starting item for bot mages in preseason.

her clear is too awful after the rework. her plants can no longer tank.

im really not

also aren't you gay? i thought gays we're flamboyant and cheerful

We already have LeBlanc. She's cancer with enough mobility.

>the rigging of pixelbutts

>gold 3
>playing against plat4/5s
Why is this allowed, they're probably boosted or something though because I'm stomping them

get a new mouse?

Fuck off with your stupid champion fanfictions

>the possibility of CertainlyT won't be leashed like he was on Warwick exists now

They said they were putting the items on hold or not making them at all. They're focusing on runes

Can't be any more cancer than the rune rework.
Game isn't going to be playable for a while regardless.

In a sense I want pre-dead Mordekaiser, this would be a cool option to that though

Now imagine that from the maker of lovable balanced champs yasuo and thresh

I tried my hardest to let them get kill. I gank all 3 lanes harder than the Kayn. But they just can't do anything. I have to flash kill because the MF hesitate every time. The Ez doesn't even gank and AFK in jung. I am the only reason they didn't take inhib at 15 minute mark

The soonish is gonna arrive is monday, and I want to play league tomorrow

Genderbent Gil Irelia. It's perfect for her.


well you're fucked then

dont worry i got one that everyone gives a shit about

Give me tips on playing this wholesome piece of muscles would you kindly!

Ah my EOS rewards are back

turn on smartcast for W and E

>Jump to minion
>Smack ADC
>Now he's stunned
>Take no damage because of your shield

God I miss this login screen.


so as far as i can guess, there's no reason for your team to ff here. baron already ran out and you have all 3 inhibs up. so maybe that's why you lost, because your team typed /ff.

Crusader Yi, Garen, Darius, Mord, and Karthus.

oh and lets not forget the OTHER ONE people give a shit about

Is there a top laner that plays similiar to Season 5 Ignite/TP Tank Fizz? Is Camille what I'm looking for or should I just stick to jax?

Should I do it, /lolg/? I usually only buy skins that are on sale but it's not like this one is ever going to be on sale...!

Then again I have to save RP for the halloween and lunar new year PLUS the end of season vault. At this rate, I might not have enough!

Graves was 100% a botlaner. He was just a typical ADC when he came out. They remade him, which is why he isn't a botlaner anymore.

Not him but don't people play with smartcast on anyway? With quickcast too of course

The only abilities I don't use it for are vector ones like rumble r

>25k rp


Someone wants to wish something?

oh but lets not forget

They were trying to surrender since 15 min. I managed to keep them playing by ganking them and the MF is so fat that she vote no. Then she got caught and the vote yes. What am I supposed to do even?

That Kalista skin isn't all too good. Get it if you like SKT I guess. Blood Moon is a much better skin for her.

Uma delicia


Where's Megaman Trist

well when 4 of 5 people type /ff you lose. you're supposed to press play again.