/assg/ General

Dr. Herman Carter's happy fun times

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Beta coming this October, Class based with weaker killers.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

I-is that a dead thread?!:

Other urls found in this thread:


post yfw hitting someone with the chainsaw

>mfw traveling across the map only to find and hit someone just as I was about to stop

Tiff for DbD when?

>Porting in worst girl
Deb or Jenny first..

>Posting mid tier girls
Best girl A.J. first.


They're all top tier compared to the DbD girls. Feng Min is probably the only DbD girl with a nice standout design. Her default appearance looks great.

>f13 is a piece of shit
>it has all the best girl
>dbd girls are all ugly shits

Except Vanessa. Literally Claudette

I enjoy both games. I'm playing DbD more now, mainly because they broke my Chad.

Vigo as a killer when?
>Knows the ins-and-outs of the entites realm and literally insane enough to brine lips for "good luck"

I know this isn't vigo but I imagine Vigo and Bill are the same levels of old and crusty

F13 is great... with 7 friends.

>that week you all played and had a full lobby constantly with 0 fags, tryhards or squeakers

I'm only still playing because I'm chasing that high.

feels good man

I honestly enjoy F13 over DbD because F13 is more comfy to me. DbD is more arcadey imo.

They don't necessarily need to be friends, just non-subhumans who have mics as well.

>get NOED'ED at the exit gate
>guy actually has no hooks nearby

why is haddonfield the worst map?

>Get NOED'd at the exit gate
>Everyone body blocks in the gate
>They all get downed
>They all crawl out and he drops me before getting to a hook and I run out
Teach you to play with crutches you faggot

Pale Rose is the worst.

Is whacking hooked survivors with Franklin's considered an exploit or a feature?

>when Leatherface is on your ass and you run straight to an unexpectedly boarded up window

forgot to attach lel

Definitely an exploit, but who gives a fuck?

How does franklins work on them if you had to hit them to get them down?


Is slippery meat worth it?

If my math is correct, no.

When they changed it from an extra 5% unhook chance to 3 extra unhook attempts, it actually got worse.

I used to prefer F13 but they completely ruined the combat which was the advantage it had over DbD.

how do I make myers fun? what perks for him?

Monitor and Abuse, a Doctor perk, is absolutely essential.


>monitor abuse is practically a must
>play with your food if myers is too slow for your taste
>overcharge so them big ol boots do something fierce to those gens
>4th up to you I guess
That's what I'd run atleast.

Last Year is vaperware
This month is supposed to have their beta.

is overcharge any good?
it barely works when people use against me.

Im hoping they succeed because i cant wait to see them try to explain why they made the manlet black guy a literal cuck to CHAD.

I'm hoping the game even releases.

I think this is the only map where the wraith does really well. He is my least favorite to play against on this map desu

locker grab and traps or hatchet

No, it's terrible against half decent survivors. On the rare occasion they do miss the skilcheck, they'll still sit on the gen and negate any regression within seconds of repairing. 5% regression is 4 seconds of repairs.

No, it's shit. It only marginally increases your chance of getting off the hook, and most games you won't ever be in a situation where that's actually useful.

It is fun to fuck around with Up the Ante / luck offerings, though. You're kind of wasting your perk slots but what the hell you can pull yourself off the hook.

>He's actually coming to DBD


Datamined from audio files.

There's 0 actual hard evidence, just speculation and conjecture.

You have 10 seconds to explain why vegr isn't the best person on the discord.

Cactus exists.

>Actually wanting Pennywise over Freddy

>tfw actually really liked F13, much more than DbD, but each update has made it worse while DbD just gets better

>tfw undertale lore saved me
Deepest of lore

What the fuck is happened when survivors do some sort of blinking phase shift through my attacks that just mitigates any damage taken? It's such bullshit.

You deserved a bad time.

>dead hard
basically a dark souls dodge roll that has I-frames

It's a perk called Dead Hard, a David perk. You get a small speed boost, much smaller than sprint burst, and for its duration you dash forward with no control and have no hitbox. Gives you exhaustion, and can only be used while wounded.

I swear they're still doing it even without the perk. And then there's fucking vacuum pallets too.

>vaccum pallets
they must be abusing ping with a lag switch or something

Maybe they're doing the 360 spin? I've never been able to do that properly.

>deserved a bad time
good thing I went the pacifist route and accidentally farmed people off hooks

Will killers ever get to have a counter to pallet looping? Even if it's a perk, just one little counter please.

>undertale usernames give a 0.5% of a killer letting you live
this wasnt even my first time experiencing this


>brutal strength

The only ones of those that counter pallet looping are blink and hatches, and you shouldn't have to be restricted to a specific killer to counter a standard game-ruining tactic that anyone can do. What they could do to make Enduring actually be decent is allow it to completely counter the stun effect, with a cooldown. It would be the killer's version of Dead Hard.

Or they could just revert the way pallet stuns work back to how they worked originally. Remember when you couldn't pallet loop, or pallet camp, because the killer would hit you through it 80% or more of the time?

If they reverted this I'd be fine with them doubling the pallets on the maps and making more of them safe so the killer is practically forced to break them.

>Incredibly shitty game beats the much better game purely by Dev incompetence

Truly we live in the worst time line.

>this is what Kickstarter backers actually believe

>Dbd """""killers""""" cant actually kill anything
>Survivor bias literally palpable
>Everything about Dbd's """""lore""""" , art direction, and atmosphere, is fucking horrible
>Arcady competitive bullshit
>Game doesn't even attempt to be scary, is mostly just unfun

Baiting Jason into grabs and then dancing circles around him with a machete, demasking him, then letting him kill you, coming back as Tommy, and killing him with your friend who is playing a girl is a sweetness DbD will never have. But now they've ruined the combat system in F13 and removed all the interesting but probably unintended strategies.
The girls are ugly as fuck, but the killer designs are great and the art direction and atmosphere is good. Lore is barebones and what it needs to be.

>Months later he's still posting the "KILURS DON'T ACTULY KULL!1!" argument
Go play with the subthousand on your shit game

Well he's right about that. Killing via hook only feels satisfying when it's by basement.

Anyone who defends this concept is functionally retarded.

>Bu-but m-muh Mori!
Oh wow, a super rare random drop item lets you net a single (highly nerfed) kill. Good to know I can actually play as a killer if i'm lucky enough to get a random drop.

>Dbd """""killers""""" cant actually kill anything
Sounds like a you problem.

>Survivor bias literally palpable
They have been nerfing survivors and buffing killers for half a year now.

>Everything about Dbd's """""lore""""" , art direction, and atmosphere, is fucking horrible
I don't think so at all. It's not an immersive, cinematic horror experience, but neither is F13. After the fifth "OMG IS THAT A DEAD BODY??" I was so out of it it just upset me. DbD has a consistent artstyle and aesthetic that works for it. The initial budget was low so it's consistent to a rudimentary style but it works.
The design work on the killers and some of the maps is stellar. Won awards for that shit too iirc. Map layout is so-so, but procedural random generation of map spawns is an achievement. I think they said Lery's is the first ever procedurally generated indoors map in video games.

>Arcady competitive bullshit
Weird how the most popular games with the most longevity follow this formula.

>Game doesn't even attempt to be scary, is mostly just unfun
It's so unfun sometimes because it can be so fun other times. It hits the extremes, F13 is just a solid meh experience and guess why, it's because without the arcady competitive bullshit it's just a movie you watch over and over again.

Just because more people prefer the taste of shit, doesn't make it not shit.

Then what objective measure do we have for the quality of gameplay if not popularity and success and longevity of the gameplay?
Hint: Your subjective taste and opinions on taste -as a buyer's remorse suffering make-believe kickstarter backer xD - are not that measure.

psst, let him go. He might be one of those backer who spend 100 buck

I'm not trying to measure the games quality in an objective sense, that's retarded. Call of Duty is objectively the most successful game series of all time but anyone with an ounce of taste knows that such games are subjectively awful. You can't disregard someone's subjective opinion because it hurts your fee fees. Like I recognized why you like Dbd but I still disagree. There is, as they say, no accounting for good taste.

Besides, I don't even begrudge the fact that Dbd exists, I realize that more people like the dumb competitive arcadey nature of the game. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, but what does make me salty is that Dbd has pretty much cornered the market for asymmetrical slashers on PC and F13 will likely die off and leave Dbd as the only option.

Why don't you like face camping /assg/? When you dove deep into the game and have hundreds of hours in it, the last thing that should be frightening you is a face camper. When you come to the realization that you're unable to save the guy on the hook, you'll probably be next unless you work on those gennies and play perfectly. It's the real test of skill, because everything rides on you not making one too many mistakes after the hooked person dies.

Unless... ofcourse... you could take the bitch route and cry about it to the devs, how it's unfair and that you lose a pip that yo won't have 2 weeks later anyways.

Literally this video, but eating swapped with camping :

I don't think it has cornered the market. F13 fucked up its launch and launch months and has regressed rather than improved.

I don't like high-tension M1-holding. Being the first person to be facecamped is better than being a M1 slave to me, since I know nothing will be going on that match. I just mute the sound and check my phone while struggling with the other hand.

same goes for playing with good survivors, you're just M1ing the entire game while they're kiting the killer for as long as needed

I always assume facecampers do the "sacrifice n people with x" daily. It's the least effort you can put in to get your bp, just alt+tab out for the majority of the game and run bitter murmur+noed+carry perks for guaranteed two sacrifices.

If they had a daily for a character that had perks they'd just play normally.

>Get chased for 5 minutes as Claudette Morel

I-if I wear a light shirt will you play nice?

>M1 main
Both roles hold m1. Which side are you talking about?

I mean I understand why you are upset. I'm usually not even interested in comparing the two games. I'm a fan of horror and I thought F13 could do something for the genre for video games that DbD just hasn't, which is an immersive horror experience that can be scary, comfy, funny, campy, sexy, bloody and all that terribly good horror flick shit.

DbD has engaging gameplay, fast-paced chases with split-second decision-making, coordination, mindgames, a wide array of mechanics and their interactions, things you have to learn and know, the initial learning curve is steep and rewarding and then settles into a satisfying grind to become better and eventually into a flow sort of gameplay in which the movements and scenarios become natural and feel good- in short, an arcadey, competitive gaming experience, and I like that a lot. Wiht its share of bullshit gameplay elements.
F13 as of now has clunky mechanics with frustrating or ridiculous at best gameplay elements and while its atmosphere is way more enjoyable as a horror game, the playing experience is simply not immersive enough to stay that enjoyable. The repetitiveness of DbD gameplay is fine because it's always tense, engaging and challenging anew. The repetitiveness of F13 hurts more because the gameplay only has rare moments of intensity (mostly when you have cool people to play with) and the atmosphere doesn't make the downtime bearable in the long run. To me it's just not as rewarding. When I hover my cursor over DbD in steam I feel more motivated to actually press play and I still look forward to it sometimes, F13 is whenever I feel like 'whatever' and just want some slasher vibes for an hour.

I still hope F13 can become better or inspire more studios to look at the asymmetrical horror genre from the perspective of the cult slasher, because DbD really fails terribly at that and only tries to remain within the roughest lines of that genre because it can be marketed better that way.

Killers don't need to hold down M1 for minutes.

Laurie would be like, what, around 50 now? I kinda like her Ace and her together. Legitimately, her in that sweater and him in that tacky ass shirt make them look mom and dad running around with all these kids.

I want to like this game. I really do.
But I don't know how much longer I can take the community. Every single game I get reports, called every insult in the book, hell people have even started trying to add me on Steam so they can personally send me literal death threats. Why do they act like this? It's just a game. I never scream at survivors for pallet looping, flashlight spamming, etc. because it's just part of the game.
Slightly related question to this topic, can you get banned just for getting a ton of reports? Because I guess I get reported every game.

I don't actually think you can be banned if you're not doing anything wrong. Odds are they'll probably take a look at all the reports filed against you if they stack up too high and see it was just a bunch of people being angry over nothing. But then again I have no idea how this really works and I'm just assuming that's how they do things because they undoubtedly get dozens of reports every few minutes and there's no way in hell they look at all of them.

If you get reported for vague stuff like "unsportsmanlike behavior" and shit maybe with enough piling on they'll think there's something behind it even if no one submits proof and do a warning ban. But this is all hard speculation for the worst case on my part. They can do you in for verbal harassment even if you just retaliate so don't respond or respond with something abstract to throw them off.

>They have been nerfing survivors and buffing killers for half a year now.
For every babby nerf survivors get, killers get one of their perks destroyed. Frogs can't even nerf pallets or pallet looping properly, they've actually buffed it.
>DbD has a consistent artstyle and aesthetic that works for it
No, it doesn't. dbd's aesthetic is trash, it's not what we've been promised at all. It's literally a grim dark scooby-doo and that's it.

You're right, they don't ban for reports alone, no matter what's written in the report. A ban requires among other things...

>A video recording, which proves the behavior.
With two exceptions – achievement hacks - in that case a link to a public Steam profile is enough; and harassment cases – you can attach screenshots.

>Grim dark scooby doo
>Dwight is Fred, the charismatic leader
>Jake is Shaggy, the messy headed stoner
>Claude is Velma, the nerdy glasses girl
>Meg is Daphne, even though she's nowhere near hot enough to be
>David is Scooby, the weird sounding loud mouth no one likes
Holy shit, I love it. I gotta draw this.

You're showing your rank 20, user.
>DbD has engaging gameplay blah blah blah
All of that can be found in the F13, though.
>satisfying grind
Grind in dbd was always annoying and retarded. There is absolutely nothing satisfying about it.
>The repetitiveness of DbD gameplay is fine because it's always tense, engaging and challenging anew
Are you serious? Gameplay is not tense at all most of the time, some chases can be, depending on the tactic you're using. Most of the time they're boring and extremely samey with two people running around one object.

That's for permabans, since using a hacktool, modifying files by yourself has a zero tolerance rule and you have to submit it to either their official mailbox or a steam mod. The in-game report system is for soft bans and there's no attaching files required, what matters is the frequency of reports. One swf writing coordinated lies about you doesn't mean anything, but if you get reported often for calling every killer a faggot, they'll look into your case. I'm not sure if they have chat records, but I suspect they do.

I think I should be fine then, hopefully.
I just decided to hide the post-game chat indefinitely at this point. Normally I'm not such a little wimp, but reports scare me a little because I don't want to get banned and have all the time and money I spent on this game going to waste.

>babby nerf
Window blockers, Bloodlust, faster killer vaults vs. slower survivor vaults, Exhaustion, flashlight angles, regenerating hooks and a lot more if we look further back.

I'm not saying the game isn't still fairly survivor-sided given 5 at least equally experienced and skilled players let alone SWF, but if are good at the game you are able to 3/4k the majority of the lobbies you get and not 0k against the others either.

>aesthetic is trash
Nah. Granted, it's trashy, like the autohaven tiles are scooby-doo-y, but some of the maps and most of the killers look great.

>All of that can be found in the F13
I haven't found it yet and neither have the 5 of my friends that too hardly play it anymore because the gameplay is lacking as fuck. How many of your friends still play? Statistically more than half of them are not playing anymore.
I repeat, clunky mechanics and frustrating gameplay elements. Chases are a joke, slow, boring, expectable.

>Grind in dbd was always annoying and retarded.
I don't agree. Bloodwebs are addictive and actually a well designed system. People have been doing bloodwebs for hundreds of hours in their playtime and they aren't getting sick of it. And working towards getting all the content and achievements is something a lot of players play for. They also started to make the grind a whole lot better, there is constant double BP with perks, double BP offerings, more BP for dailies, frequent BP events.
But I was not even talking about the progress grind but about the grind to get better at the game. That is satisfying because it actually shows in the game. Skill and experience difference matters and playing is rewarding for that reason. That cannot be said for 13 to nearly the same extent.

>Are you serious?
Yes. The worst thing DbD has in chases is window and pallet looping and even they include constant interaction with timings, coordination, anticipation, perks and mindgames that allow one player be better at them and outplay the next.
Hook saves are intense, pressuring objectives vs. fighting for control over objectives can be intense. You live and die by constant interaction, in F13 it's much less exciting because it isn't as interactive and the interaction you do get lacks room for making plays.

>Window blockers
Thrash mechanic that's not even that useful
Band-aid mechanic that doesn't even help that much, if survivors know what they're doing.
Exhaustion is bretty good
>flashlight angles
Is okay, but mostly situational
>regenerating hooks
And they've trashed IG into oblivion. Now even with no one sabotaging hooks you can have a hard time on some maps.

>Thrash mechanic that's not even that useful
Are you of the same race of people who call Thresh Tresh?

>I haven't found it yet and neither have the 5 of my friends
Then you and your friends are retarded
>Chases are a joke, slow, boring, expectable
That's all dbd, except for the slow part
>People have been doing bloodwebs for hundreds of hours in their playtime and they aren't getting sick of it
That's a retarded claim if you've been on the forums or this general more than a few times People has been sick of bloodwebs since the beginning of the fucking game, and even now, after frogs has made them better.
>They also started to make the grind a whole lot better, there is constant double BP with perks, double BP offerings, more BP for dailies, frequent BP events
It's just a band-aid for a shitty system.
>even they include constant interaction with timings, coordination, anticipation, perks and mindgames
Are you telling me the game has no coordination, or interaction with timings? Also, pallet looping is mindgame proof, that's why tryhards use it so much. The only way to ""outplay"" good pallet looper is to break all pallets in his reach, but that's extremely simple and straightforward, there is absolutely no mindgames involved
>Hook saves are intense
Only if the killer or survivors has no idea what he's doing, if they do, it's very boring. Hell, killer can just facecamp survivor, not allowing survivors to unhook at all.