Star Guardian Edition
Star Guardian Edition
how do we fix ryze?
another rework
>30 mins
>5 kills
can this shit stop?
sup /pol/
I hope we see this casting trio more often this is based to watch and listen to
They have great synergy
they should bring back all the old ryzes
imagine a team full of each different ryze
>thinking G2 had any hope
make his w a skillshot
give him a different ult,
g2 outplayed themselves
what a fucking retards
how embarassing
>EU managing to lose yet again
I don't know why I even watch these matches any more.
uzi is good
why does it have both
should be one or the other
>mao follows you over le wall
>Zven 0-3-1 after leading by 30 cs
Maokai is very high skillcap. Please understand. Thank you.
That was kinda cool
xth for Syndra
double threads again
That baron escape was slick as hell. I really like Ryze's new ult, so much playmaking potential
I can't even get excited about that baron play, because I just KNOW that G2 will throw it all away in a few minute.
Those are kinds of team fights I like to watch
fucking chineses only cheer for rng, g2 wins a teamfight and they shut up
>no ratatat
>Cheering for the enemy
>G2 gets baron and the elder drake
>Chinks stay silent
Man fuck china
>Home crowd cheers for the home team
Wow, how could they? I dunno why you people autistically sperg about this so much. Do you really expect them to cheer on opposition teams? Why? They fucking want China to win!
>put penis in girl
>she doesn't make this face
what am I doing wrong
blame re**it
they are communist and goverment know if you not cheering for your country and you go to jail
If I want to start playing tanks top, would a Darius or Fiora ban be better?
Yeah, I fucking hate this crowd. I want RNG to lose just so these slit eyed fuckers can stay silent.
penis is small
reminder to report faggot spamming cancer
Spray and Pray is an objectively better name though
tell me a more bullshit season than 7
>protect the adc shit
wtf is this shit, gay fucking meta. because of this shit assassin are fucking useless.
Reave G2 to me
I agree
I'm only 7.5 inches. How big should I be?
Post more buff waifus.
fuck g2
>Twitch is balanced
>staying that close to each other when enemy have twitch
Hello Ching Chong Chang, the french and brazilian crowds cheered for everyone while giving some extra for their teams
Good riddance, I fucking hate G2.
>adc actually being capable of dealing damage
>watching a fucking mao and trundle swing their dicks at each for 15 minutes without anyone dying
bruiser/tank metas are both shit to play and watch
Ahegao actually resembles the face of torture rather than orgasm
Season 5
>nidalee jungle
>fastest clear
>invade everyone and kill them
>mark someone with your passive
>get another kill
>press E
>heal 80% of your health
trash perkz not giving penta
why would you baron there what the fuck
Well, that was tense. Fuck twitch tho.
Fuck that fat fucking chink
>Lategame ad doing work
The problem is support items being in the most imbalanced state since forever.
Maybe it will grow.
xth for fuck leddit
it's not even up for debate, RNG are winning worlds this year. 100% scripted by tencent
>Cheering for anyone other than the team you support
Retarded. I've never seen a soccer fan go to a game and applaud goals kicked by the opposition. You cheer for ONE team and fuck the rest. You're why everyone thinks e-sports is so autistic.
>Y-you have to politely clap if the opposition makes a good play! If you don't you're toxic!
>be nasus shitter
>missed nasus at worlds
please summarize the memes before I watch the VOD
>that baron call and clumping together for twitch
jesus what the fuck were they thinking
>Supports as a whole being in the most imbalanced state since forever.
>Placed rng on top of my pickems
People think esports is autistic because its fucking video games
Tank metas definitely are boring but Bruiser metas aren't boring. Tank metas completely kill the top lane.
300+ stacks and triforce by 15 mins
They are retard EU you expect them to do anything?
>tfw SKT is my favorite team and RNG is my second favourite team
worlds is fun this year
This looks fucking retarded on anything other than 2d
What are you on about? It was a close one against a very good team.
it's a h-guy thing
Who was in the wrong here?
RNG are winning worlds this year, chinese champions while being hosted in China, it's perfect for tencent.
>crowd cheers for Levi
no one complains
>crowd cheers for Hauntzer
no one says shit
>crowd cheers for RNG but not G2
REEEEEEE,lacist CHING CHONG shiitttttt
stay salty EU
Jinx thread since the OP image doesn't show the best SG batch and the best SG.
>sOAZ makes a meme tweet about dog champ
>gets dumpstered by a literal dog champ
>proceeds to cry on twitter about "me unga team bunga"
Hentai guy?
>having the gall to spout na/eu memes after that embarassing tsm-msf game
Don't you have SSG player to boo on the stage, americlap?
skt wont make it through the next stage
You, being a phoneposter
Neck yourself
skt/ longzhu "mysteriously" play shit in the final and RNG win
EU fans are scum senpai, i was rooting for the chinks 100% of the way
they even tried to claim the roaches as EU when they were on top
So tell me why does yasuo get 100% crit from 2 items and a freelast whisper on his ult?
It's like they invite people to feed because even when behind he still have the stats to fight and why when ahead he's unstoppable
the jinx thread is older and was posted to migrate to earlier, so it should be the next one. But of course lolg is retarded and people are posting in 2 threads at the same time.
eu has the gall to spout na/eu memes while fnatic is below gam
fuck your shit
not an EU/NA thing. EU is just objectively trash compared to anyone right now.
>they even tried to claim the roaches as EU when they were on top
lmao that's what was spammed in chat when SSG were winning, nice NA geography
Three rousing cheers for t. /lolg/!
he is the most squishy piece of shit in the game and has dependent dashes, if he had no shield passive he would be deleted instantly
>lets do a risky baron when were against a twitch
Yuropoops are forever buttmad since their beloved fnc is a fucking dumpster fire right now
>support is akin the waterboy of league
>riot turned the water into super strong stimpacks so more people would want to be the waterboys somehow
>support playerbase still the lowest in the game
D E L E T E support immediately riot.
Nobody but mentally ill faggots on /lolg/ and unskilled girls wants to play this literal cocksucking role
nice revisionism
except everyone knows FNC is shit and washed up, while TSM is supposed to the greatest western hope and loses to a literal who MSF rookie team
>tfw you are just watching Longhzu vs gigabytes marins because you have to sleep at the Worls time and work during the day