/tf2g/ - Team Fortress 2 General

"Nothing will happen in a few days" edition.

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>list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf | scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil AHUE): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


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No, you don't like the look of something because you are poor, not the other way around.

Reminder that the Weebtunnel Tactics vs. top5rocket match is happening this afternoon! Start time is 3:15(EST), match detail pages here: teamfortress.tv/43888/etf2l-s28-w3-top5rocket-vs-weebtunnel-tactics

Remind me how soldier and the original are balanced, again.

Clearly neither are and soldier is OP as heck and can do literally everything by himself and requires no input from his team whatsoever, the class practically plays the game for you.

But surely the valve of 20 years ago gave him a counter and said, "Yes, we will put this in place to stop any old schmuck with 3 hours of rocket jump practice from tearing a thick swath through the enemy team and winning the game by himself", right? Surely they foresaw this?

more like 30

Oh right, the counter was him taking a trillion damage from rocket jumps, making him extremely vulnerable like the demoman after a jump, and the fagboats broke that.
UGC ban when


>rocket launcher base damage reduced to 75
>soldier health reduced to 150
>reduced rocket launcher self-damage by 100%


they're not
Original can't peekshot from corners like stock RL, which is merely useful against Sentry to take cover while its unique trajectory path profound to be useful when taking airshots. Also have to rely on airsteer to reach further because middle trajectory, but that's not a problem since you can wall pogo with ease in enclosed spaces.

>Please nerf this thing because it does really well against low hour players
Let's nerf scout and demo while we're at it. Heck, let's nerf everything so that the skill floor/ceiling is as low as possible to appeal to the new generation of FPS gamers.

Didn't take long for the soldier main to show up.
>low hour players
Did you not see him just fly over and rape that innocent ugc plat demoman?

>UGC plat
? ? ? ? ?
Should we nerf demo as well?

>shoots feet twice
>kills 8/9 classes

>on a team with benny
>not plat
No, demoman is just soldier with less health that takes skill.

But splash damage doesn't do that much actual damage? Can you not surf out of the way if you're in danger of taking some serious spam?

? ? ? ? ? ?
Also demo takes even less skill than soldier, didn't you see the new roamer demo meta on full display yesterday?

>Demo takes less skill then soldier

? That's a display of skill, a soldier could've done that same thing and got out with more health and probably killed someone in the splash damageru too. Also he had to get right up on the mispositioned medic's dick to do that.
Give me ONE (1) reason soldier mains don't deserve the gas chamber/nerf.

lots of people main, or at least like, soldier. Nerfing him would upset a lot of people and probably lead to them leaving the game, reducing the size of the community even further and putting another nail in the coffin
I agree that soldier is one of the strongest classes in the game, but he's fun so who cares

>launch yourself in the air
>miss your shot in the air cuz you can't aim for shit
>throw 2 pills in front of you
>die like a retarded nigger
truly a display of skill

That's the dumbest "don't nerf soldier" argument I've heard. People didn't want demo nerfed for the same reasons and it still went through.

That doesn't fuckin matter, you can't cure cancer by ignoring it. Maybe the miscreants who main soldier would have more fun playing a class that takes skill instead.

I think it's really sad that people in this thread are actually buying the "soldier doesn't take skill" horseshit. I remember not so long ago laughing with you guys are SPUF threads claiming the very same thing. I guess now that it's spread to Reddit it was inevitable that it'd spread here too. Real shame.

I think you mean
>Unequip your balanced second primary weapon to equip an extremely balanced sidegrade that offers slightly more mobility for a massive loss of damage
>Use skill to become airborne towards the enemy team
>Enemy team deftly dodges your first skillshot
>AIM (this one's important here, no other class does this) at the medic
>Use every ounce of skill to drop him before giving your own life, but it was worth it because demomen are team players

it didn't though, they reverted a lot of the demo nerfs

>taking skill
>"don't look at how he's used for the tutorial or has 200 health or has infinite mobility for like 10 health a pop or that everyone and their mom mains him or how he's viable in multiple roles at once or how he has multiple straight upgrade unlocks like the original and the escape plan or how he's virtually required to win in every game mode because you're at a disadvantage if they have 3 soldier mains spamming chokes and you dont"

>should we nerf sticky launcher as well

It's already been nerfed to death, you trog. The splash radius used to be passable and now its extremely tiny and you have to be standing on one to do the same amount of damage a soldier can do from light years away.

>people talking about TF2 in this thread
>people thinking dropping Medic is not important
>people thinking Soldier takes skill
>people thinking Demoman takes skill
>people assuming Pyro update will drop in 2 days and it will take skill to use him from then
There are people that you ah ugleh

as long as it outperforms the quicky launcher in spam it should be nerfed

You just ain't doin' it right.

Hey /tf2g/,

But it doesn't? The quickyspam launcher lets you hold down m2 better, the stock sticky takes skill and has a decade-long arm time.

how about you fags use actual numbers and stats from the game instead of arguing using the shit coming out of your mouth

>Expecting anyone who thinks soldier is OP to use logic and reason

How about you're a nigger and a soldier main and a fraglet and a poorfag and a gigacuckold and should shut the fuck up before I dominate your mom with my cock faggot

[Muffled YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE coming from distance]

idgi because the engineer's accent isn't really that pronounced in that line.

>Maximum ramp-up 125% 112
>one shotting sandman scouts
>this is acceptable somehow
Pipes don't even have ramp-up, how do soldier mains explain this away?

If you use the sandman, you deserve to be oneshot. Also, assuming equal skill, a scout will always shit all over a soldier.

Yeah unless they're in a close hallway or something where the scout main can't dodge rockets or the soldier main just fucking leaves with his 15 hp get out of jail free card or whips out his hitscan gun

>Jumping away from a scout
It's almost like you don't know how well hitscan weapons function against bombing soldiers or demos.

>sandman lads deserve to be one-shotted for having fun and using the team-oriented melee option

post yfw you FRAG



>when your medic pops kritz and the enemy team is piled up

>get 1 shot instantly by the other teams sniper

>they pop uber

This is pretty common
t. caber knight


>tfw at this point wearing outdated cosmetics makes me look poorer than wearing no cosmetics at all

>Wearing hats

>Caring about what others think of you

Outdated is fine just douse it in white/black/pink/lime and you'll be alright.

>tfw stopped playing for so long that you forgot /tf2g/'s unique autism of replying without quotes

It isn't even that old of a meme, you dumb wojackposter.

>not wearing Gibus-vision so others will assume you're a newbie
>dominate them for underestimating you
>they get a hat for dominating you if they can manage it
Thinking man's hat or best hat?


it's not unique to tf2g either, mostly exists on lower population threads and boards

Congradulations, you've captured the mindset of every pretentious sniper main, except they wear no hats and want you to call them out for being a script kiddie.

>paint my gibus golden
>rename it to australium gibus

pixiv.net/member.php?id=8257381 but you have to log in to see it

>medics that pop uber as soon as they get it
I don't understand this

What torrents are you seeding while playing TF2? You ARE member of several private trackers, right?

sorry i'm not 3rd world

>sorry ladies... this stud does usenet


a big ol' no

hello fellow flat earthers its's ur buddy uncle donald here and im ehre 2 tell u theres some big stuff in the works..
keep an eeye out this TWOsday ;-)

>/tf2g/ hates President Trump now
What the fuck happened?

is it bad that i use my grenade launcher 3x more then my sticky launcher

stickies are more effective but pipes are generally more fun

dead game

could be worse

couldnt be any better, just imagine the shitstorm that /csgog/ or /csg/ would be

Nah, but try going any launcher + Screen + stock melee

It's my favorite demo loadout

Anyway, thoughts on this way underrated weapon?

I like using it with a shotgun.

it exists mate, just tends to die with less than 40 posts so noone bothers to make the thread anymore

>i-it's not like we want more than 1 post per 5 minutes or anything

/csgog/ was all right, decent amount of people talking about sensitivities, aim practice ect. Of course tons of that betting stuff and some dumb(funny to me) memes. The core game mode, time in between rounds, no respawn in rounds(i know that's how the mode works but still), fairly slow movement speed, isn't fun to me after a while though, maybe some people agree.

csgog was literally anime faggots spamming garbage all the time, what are you on about

Haven't browsed it in about 2 years, but yes there were people talking about the game I know that, and some animefags who got hated on.

csgog in the last 6 months was ONLY anime fags

*blocks you're path*

shit game that's gonna die in 1 year just like h1z1 lmao

well, yeah
that battle royale ripoff game blew the fuck up, already far surpassed any games numbers and hours, of course it'll have an active general now

>made 3.5 days ago
>600 replies
it's legit 2x less active then us

I think you guys have a wrong definition of dead game
If you get matched with the same person in a match frequently, that's more like a dead game.

I got matched with the same person 20 times

its not autism, its newfriends

>join pub
>see this
what do

le overwatch clone

i had a nightmare that i got a lot of downvotes in TF.TV
it was terrifying


jeez that was so fast i couldnt even open it

tfw saved

>not having 4chinxxx

>we have a really good engineer
>kicked due to him playing music
>forced to defend the intel on turbine as a shotgun soldier
>still win