/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

rogue AI edition
Previous jej:
The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for physicians:

List of currently known and vaguely not dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>StarMaden b

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named.The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>underageb& who won't use the search function and also won't read where are they posting

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Warbros Serb rides in clanghalla eternal, shiny and chrome

Other urls found in this thread:


Modded f/egg/torio serb, IP: tm40.nc1.eu:34505
Delete the todo list mod.

I wish KSP had logistic robots, then it would be perfect.

without any boosters

spamming image counter once more

>realistic/modern design
MIR joining the battle

cubes all day erry day

Traditionalist all day baby

not going for the superior space cowboy armor and angles
eventually mixed with modern

Now I want a new Homeworld again.

Why is fleet combat so sexy?

what if you could
homeworld 1+2 remastered
desserts of cuck-rack
and others that I'm too lazy to find

Now only I need to start producing steel and carbon, and I'll have all basic resources covered.
Then there's iron and steel intermediates, the solder and circuits, then belts, loaders and inserters, then miners, sassemblers and every other construction essentials, then researching rest of green science, and when it's all done, I can start my attempts at producing EVERY green tier resource, intermediate and product.
Then same with blue and each other tech tier.

Boy, I have enough fun to last me 'till summer vacations


This book needs to be made into a movie. Maybe sequel is ded because the author has been working on an adaptation.

How is Avorion? It looks comfy.

I got FTD some time ago, but to be honest, FTD complexity is tiring some times, and the gameplay outside building is mediocre.

Avorion is shit, the meta is to just build a fucking onion. Rather than wasting time taking your ship apart and putting better components inside, just build a new layer of higher tech components around it. The placement of components doesn't actually matter, only the material and volume.

It's certainly much simpler than FtD, and interacting with various factions is decent gameplay for a while.
It gets very repetitive and boring, though.

With that logic you can make a brick with turrets in FtD, spengs or any other game. Yet people make cool looking ships. Only lazy people make onions in Abortion. It's a building game.

chode is the only game where you cant build a brick with turrets. chode is most aesthetic /egg/

tfw you're enough of a turbo autist you start building an entire fucking computer in stormworks

pic related, just got the cache memory working for the logic unit, which is the next part to build. memory and programming already all works as does the stack counter.

So, now with all basic resources next time I play I'll be able to start producing intermediates.

Also, this marvellous piece of rail network is currently run by a whole load of two trains

>Gearbox owns the rights to Homeworld
I mean, dont get me wrong, Randy is a self-absorbed virtue signaling ego wreck but a single 'man' cant fuck up a homeworld game right?
r-right guys?

I have hope, user. I have hope.

I really want ocean world Factorio, but with actual boats

Ocean world would have that one terrible problem of having to communicate trens/bots with botes, and i am afraid that's gonna be too much autism

>using boats
>at all
A ferry carrying entire trains would be so fucking cool, though. Add a snow biome, harvest ice, combine with wood, create pykrete ferry and carry entire nations.

What's the best game for aircraft design?

The only one I know that is close to acceptable is Mexican Ripoff with mods, but it annoys the fuck outta me.

I tried Simple Planes but it was frankly too simple.

>he owns a computer
>plays a game on said computer
>builds another computer in the game


Gib map pls


the map string contains map settings and seed, right?
cause if that's right, you might want to turn the richness a bit down


I'm looking to make the game more challenging, specially in regards to pollution management and having to take the ayy's more seriously (since they're such a pushover in vanilla). I don't want to deal with extra production step mods yet

Is Nauvis Day with KS_Power a good option?

Map seed includes all map gen settings that you selected, but thankfully when you paste it it gives you the naked map seed as well, which you can use with any settings you like instead of the whole string.

is this the thread for steampunk games?

no, this is the thread for /egg/ games

>a brick with turrets
cylinders are only result of different geometrical basis
it's equivalent to svggs cubism

6+ years is rushing it and not enough time
or modded besiege
why would you even think that?

How do you feel about the current state of Engineering Games (EGs)?
What are they doing well?
What aren't they doing well?
Any future releases with promise?

autism, sandboxy freedom
marketing, optimization, complexity, gameplay, balance, graphics, tutorials, incentives (zachtronics & fugtorio don't apply to those)
stermworks, dual scamverse but the latter won't end up /egg/

also it's pronounced /egg/s

Most /svgg/ games need an endgame badly, Spengos first of all.

Weren't the right sold to Blackbird Interactive? They are the one who did the last Homeworld after all.

>now I want a engineer game where you build a land carrier
>and not retarded pay2win cockout

Hello /egg/heads.

I'm building a Arsenal Ship.

Primary armament is going to be 288 10m long missiles, to be mostly comprised of 'Marble' (frag/emp) and some 'Obsidian' (thumper head, to distract enemy counter-missile batteries) AShGMs. These are formed into 18 banks with 16 missiles per bank.

I'll probably add a few anti-air missiles, and a generous helping of missile interceptors and decoys.

I'll equip it with a fairly powerful LAMS system to complement the missile interceptors, and I might try my hand at double layering shields.

Overall, I'm trying to make it my most "complex" ship to date, equipped with all the little tricks that I've learned over my time playing FTD.

Anything I should consider adding?

And what are you working on, chaps?

What a great idea and designs, but what a shitty and shallow gameplay.

Its only saving grace the aesthetics.

>dual scamverse but the latter won't end up /egg/

why wont DU be /egg/?

Lots of broken /egg/s, but no omelet in sight.

Anyone playing this still?

I've seen a lot of bases with smelters for iron ore within, but doesn't that mean that you get only half as much when importing via train? Stacks of iron ore are 50 but plates are 100. I'm going to do a major train overhaul and don't know if I should smelt on site or at home.

What is harder, making the train longer or rebuilding all your smelters every time your ore mine runs out?
Plus you need a lot more defenses too since the outpost will be larger.

Life is not a race, man.

But /egg/ loves efficiency so much, you guys would eat me alive for using two headed trains sometimes, when it's not at all important because the resource uses up slowly, but at the same time defend a 50% reduction in received goods because you have to build some additional furnaces and turrets?

they want to make abortion / spengo creation of ships and place it into eve-like "do whatever" universe
with some blaneds, with some ass-steroids and plenty empty spess
eve-like sandboxing to the point of intense corporate espionage wars and to the point that you may make ship and sell it or make ship, make blueprint and sell the blueprint and get royalties for each unit created
creating ships will be done well, up to the point of internal systems, those will be oversimplified, because somewhere in the development they will see that mmo and autism don't mix all that well, since most people are physicians
I expect nice hullbuilding with tons of customization for shapes, decoration and parameters (cost / firepower / max speed / acceleration / maneouvering) but in the creation of ships you will (probably) see magic magic thrusters (not spengo level, skywankers' level) magic blocks of "this lets crew of 5 live here, this lets crew of 8 live here" and massively oversimplified weapons systems (place gun here, don't worry how it'll be fed ammunition)

I honestly think they have some potential, since lead guy has phd in maths or some other bullshit and they are thinking about multiplayer since day1 and they have some super-duper-innovative-proprietary technlogogy for clouding of clusters (link here:youtu.be/4LfFrd__jio?t=47s ) and this idea for cleverly cheating jumping from one serbian to another, all while making 1 bigga-giga-universe (the so-called single shard)

to sum it up: it has potential, but only way to reach it and not be a broken mess of a broken pisstain they will have to be less /egg/ than abortion is
and without voxels
1 ore train = 2 plate trains

I installed NauvisDay and some other mods, and now I've noticed that sometimes pollution clouds actually make my character lose HP. Not a lot, but a bit. I also see some dust tornado type deals sometimes in polluted areas. Is this one of the Nauvis' features?

>but at the same time defend a 50% reduction in received goods
If you want to double your output, it's more efficient to use 2 trains or longer trains than building 50 smelters in every outpost. Putting ore on the train IS more efficient, don't ignore the time and resource lost rebuilding your smelters every time.

Yep. Get used to it, because it's never going away. Especially since it's basically fucking impossible to get rid of sludge.

It will get far worse, to the point where you have 3-4 clouds in your base permanently and you have to constantly run from them or die.
Hope you like being interrupted while building your stuff every 10 seconds.

Just delete that fucking garbage mod.

I won't defend inefficiency, I'll combat it
you try to defy ratios
and bulding more smelters isn't the solution, since still ratio will be 1:2, more smelters just = more throughput
train ratio is the answer

Tsunami tank y/n

>or modded besiege

I expected this to be a joke. Colour me surprised.

Still, the tiny maps don't help.


this shows what's possible even better

Does this realistically happen in a game, or is this just machinima with unrealistic setups?

You can smelt at base and need trains to ship in ore
You can smelt at outposts and have to replace your entire smelting each time mines move
You can also build dedicated sub-smeltery that is somewhere else and ship ore to it and plates from it to your base

I prefer the last approach because it lets you halve the iron related traffic at base, while allowing to just ctrl-c ctrl-v entire sections of smelter without whole hassle of fitting it into your spaghetti

Why is no one memeing "SOLAR" there?
I really want to know why it's supposed to be bad

It's not inferior to the previous Homeworld game, me I'm only disappointed the solo campaign didn't have special mission with special trick like the originals did.
It's just dying to be remade with the DLC clans but I know it will never happen.
Very sad.
I wish this game was printing money, then they would have made new missions & clan DLC like a Total War.

DUAL Universe would make a nice sandbox, but total freedoom mix horribly badly with large scale persistence. As you say they'll need to make the actual warship extremely limited to prevent minmaxing it.
Myself it's the SUBSCRIPTION based part that keep me off. Sure they need the money. But since it's one of those game where the players will have to create the content themselves I simply don't have the time for that.
I'not into instant-gratification but I don't want it spread over 100hours

Just use twice as many trains.

Note that for large bases, you typically have self-contained smelting bases: iron ore arrives by train, iron plates leave by train. Likewise for copper plates. As the base gets larger, more products get moved out to separate bases and you create more instances of the bases for the more basic products. The upper limit on a single base is dictated by the rate at which you can offload from the train.

Isn't it part of the mod then to make it important to craft air filters, using the sludge to produce sulfuric acid, etc? Or just re-releasing it into the air.

Not everyone memes and those that do don't do it all the time.
Solar isn't very interactive, goes against smog as a measure of success and it can take up a lot of space.
It isn't necessary and some people don't like it but it isn't harmful either. Obviously.

It won't go jackshit. You can have large air cleaning plants and barely notice a difference.

The air cleaning plants do make a real difference, especially when you go advanced.

Problem is, there is fucking nowhere you can put all the sludge. You can't even destroy it, it'll just pollute more.

Why not just use it to make sulfuric acid, release it in the air in areas where you don't care to walk through, putting it in boreholes underground, putting it in depleted oil wells...?

It seems like there's plenty of options of dealing with the added challenge


>And what are you working on, chaps?
Still trying to get motivated enough to get back into FtD

have fun running from poison storms for the entire game that spawn on top of you constantly

Once again, all of that does jack shit. The thing that removes most of it, or 2000 units per bore hole, does jack fucking shit when you have 60 tanks entirely full of the fucking stuff and when it takes a fucking ridiculous amount of resources to drill that bore hole in the first place. Converting to sulfuric barely uses any of it at all, and there's never enough use of sulfuric to guzzle it by the truckloads. There is just fucking nowhere to put the fucking stuff.

But you know what would solve it?
Tar. Combine it with coal directly in some kind of concentrating Bessemer process and turn it into inflammable tar that works with flammenwerfers. That would fix everything.

if you mod it enough it happens
without mods you can't stuck block at angles and so close to each other, also jet engine mod helps getting dem speeds, but you can go copter-route
you can wait for besiege-user to wake up, he knows about it way more than I do

Would Oxygen Not Included count as an /egg/ game?

I mainly meant the gameplay elements, like a large map with enemy aircraft and ground units, instead of just the vanilla few buildings with a couple of guys to shoot at.

>I'not into instant-gratification but I don't want it spread over 100hours
only hope is that a AND b will be true, where:
a = you can either pay or get next subscription in game, not unlike eve
b = game's balanced in such a way a skilled builder is always needed (lulz, no chance) or that you can sustain yourself as a lone ranger / mercenary / scout / trucker even when lategame extra consortium-corps are in full swing (also no chance)

I think people said no last time, but it can always change. How detailed is the game? Got any screenshots of a good base?

My first game of possibly infinite build variations ruined by exploit builds.

it is not, despite it's fluid mechanics
it's /dfg/ terrirory, simillarily to rimjobworld
you can make them, no clue about making them angry
besiege-user had tracking missiles and was testing how long / how much he can evade
there is workshop, but I know nothing about added levels/ challenges
m̩͚̖u̷̗̗͝ĺ̶̷͙͔̳̳͚͔t̸̴̛̫i̱̬̼v̮͍̜̪̳̝̞̪̰͘e̸͔͕̳̗̮̤͎̘ṛ̬̟̳̰̙͘͡s̢̠͕͙e̼͙̘̳ ̯͙͙͞i̙̺͉̳͘s̸͕̼͚̦̻̙̦̰͜ ͎̹͖͞c̢̥̣̞̮̰̪̥̦͠o̶̦m̟͇̘͇̬̰̫͟i̜͕̺̜͚͙͢n̸̤͚̭̜͚͟͜g͖̟ though and with it a level editor for plebeians

Okay so I watched a youtuber make a video of cuckout when it was in invite only testing and it looks pretty good, like a block building vehicle game but actually fun and multiplayer

what about it makes it not actually fun now

shit, my spoiler's leaking
the gajin, the gajin makes it not fun

Rimworld is in /indie/, so that would be the best place to try Oxygen Not Included.

>Bessemer process
You're thinking of Bergius.
Bessemer is how iron ore was turned into steel during the industrial revolution.

>it is not, despite it's fluid mechanics
>it's /dfg/ terrirory, simillarily to rimjobworld

Is the distinction having to deal with keeping the people healthy and happy?

not only having to deal with
dealing with them is the main focus of the game, fluid mechanics are marginal to the survival of your space/asteroid/planetoid colony of replicants

grindjew and p2w

I want something good to eat

>Okay so I watched a youtuber make a video of cuckout when it was in invite only testing and it looks pretty good, like a block building vehicle game but actually fun and multiplayer
>what about it makes it not actually fun now

Depends on what point in the beta you were looking at, because its actually improved alot since closed beta. In early closed beta al your parts had durability and would lose 1 point after every loss. 30 losses and your part breaks and you had to craft a new one. Even your end game gear broke down, and there was no way to repair it. Had to make new ones. People fucking hated it, and it eventually got removed. Thank fuck. The only downside to it going open beta is that they removed a ton of building parts from the game. There used to be tons of spiky bits and things like sheets of tin roofing, but those are gone now. Dont know why they removed them.

Its a fun game, just very, very grindy, like other F2P games. Expect to grind like a slave unless you dole out money to buy one of the car packs that comes with parts and gives you gold to spend on the player market. Id ask /egg/ for advice before buying any of those packs or spending any gold though.

Or you can just go full jew mode and play for free and make a fortune in the game by buying and selling stuff on the market for profits.

I don't have a nose for buying and selling so I'd probably not turn much of a profit
and WoT taught me how angry I could get in grindy games so I guess I'll just keep away from croissant

>a = you can either pay or get next subscription in game, not unlike eve
Careful with this one, this is actually a curse.
The only reason for a game to give you something for free, is if you have already paid for it...
...or if you are doing a paying job for them, like a human-NPC, or player-made mission.
>b = game's balanced in such a way a skilled builder is always needed (lulz, no chance) or that you can sustain yourself as a lone ranger / mercenary / scout / trucker even when lategame extra consortium-corps are in full swing (also no chance)
If you want the game to be fun, you wish they DON'T do that. Because if the winning design isn't one you find fun yourself you'll have no room to make one that stay balanced no matter what appearance it have.

don't forget minimatar design aka rusty falling apart

I am not sure what I am doing, just playing around with the idea of a helicopter or airship wit lots of guns on the front.

These 4 1200mm CRAM cannons are going to be main guns.

in terms of shitty ships I always wanted to be able to make wooden spaceships
too bad someone on here once pointed out to me that a ship made of an insulator would be bad business when exposed to sunlight in space

well, that's how most f2p (without gajin levels of p2w) operate, free users are variety and stories and content for the paying users

I would fit that as a subclass of armor, but i get you, i adore the rust-bucket aesthetic
