iRO RE:Start
Official pre-trans progressive server with renewal mechanics
Guild: Re:tart
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/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General
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I play on re:start but I don't think it's a good idea or a cool move to not include Origins, Mr. OP.
what's your fist RO picture? This one is from 11 years ago
I lost my oldest pictures from like 12 years ago
>First RO picture
>Lord Kaho horns
that was from AnimaRO and I believe the groom was a game master.
y the fug do you still play narue
im playing on re:tard
also I play because fun things are fun
Playing on LeikaRO.
Other than Rideword, and Vana are there other equipment that gives SP leech for an RK?
I know the Earth Deleter Card gives 10 SP per kill but what about others?
Rideword+9 [Carat Card]
Proxy Skin
Thanatos weapons
I said except for Rideword and Leika doesn't have Thana weapons.
Just Rideword+Proxy, m8. You will be OK
I heard there's a VIP npc in restart for buffs, where is it?
There is also cursed book hat which drops from NM rideword and is similar to rideword hat but has 0.1% chance to drop from a 146 level mob. Other than that you can also get incubus pet and gain % SP leech that way or make Urj runes.
Runestones aren't fast enough when I spam skills. I always run out and have to wait to regen SP
I didn't know about that hat, thanks.
And I heard that the Incubus pet doesn't work. Is that true?
probably the silverine npcs? I had no idea they existed
I already figured it out, one of the npcs in prontera center has an option for "miracle elixir" which is free for VIP and costs 100k for pleb non-vips
Didn't use it in a while but seemed to work fine for me and also saw other people use it. Urj is probably the easiest way to get some sp recovery but it's really only meant as an assist for other sp recovery methods. You could also farm gonryun dungeon and get royal jelly and honey from enchanted peach tree and zipper bears.
what does it do?
its a 3 times per day only buff, all foods +10 effect for an hour
if it was vip-only it would be pretty broken
stop that and play re:tard smokee
I don't get it
death shall not be your destiny
bampu pantsu
When people say that certain abilities were buffed does it in renewal do they mean that the numbers of the tooltip were specifically buffed or that the effect stats have was?
LeikaRO question again:
What equipment should I aim for when making an Agi RK? I know CD in Mouth is good but that's a cash shop item only.
fuck off psor no one is playing leika, not after all these fucking years
and by chance you're a genuine newfag you're a fucking retard for playing leika for renewal
>you're a fucking retard for playing leika for renewal
name a better alternative lad
come restart
Did Origins die?
Can you give context? Because I think Ranger is a pretty big meme since it's the most effective at the things you listed but it's also braindead easy to level and play. I might call that "trashy"
subject was about warlock being utter shit and ranger being godlike
Someone help.
lmao hello nova
No, ebin OP didn't include origins to make originbabs angry
>he thinks one of the developers for kore is part of /rog/
how dumb is this motherfucker
>nova is the shitposter trying to kill /rog/
well this finally makes sense
I want to believe.
I doubt he's making his bot work there though
Still looking for help.
muh kRO experience
Holy hell, Nova is such a delusional beaner and totally clueless about the game to the boot. The < 80 IQ meme is actually reality at this point.
Also fuck OP for excluding servers where /rog/ actually players, you petty re:tard, go suck some WP balls.
calm down
>hurr it's just a prank calm down dude lel xd
fuck off retard
also reminder that this thread was made by a noobbashill, falseflagging another server as shitty as their own while excluding both actually good servers, now he's spamming the thread with nobba related shit and pretending to be a contrarian
calm down
how do you know he's mexican?
he's a border hopper living in commiefornia, just ask him
I don't play nova though
You also have to consider how you spend your sp, mashing skills mindlessly will get you dry no matter what. Can you finish off this mob with a low level/low sp cost skill? Do you actually need max level skill to oneshot those mobs or downranking is possible? Stuff like this.
AutoCast Agi RK is pretty meme much as Agi AB.
Just get a naght seiger sword and pretty much autocast using cd in mouth (it's a must have) and +9 backpack.
Just don't
Currently online if anyone from Re:start needs a guild invite just post your character name here
So I shouldn't go autocast? Or don't go AGI RK?
Because everyone I talked to says that 2h AGI is better in LeikaRO because of the custom changes.
Then go
didnt lelkek implemented a custom 2H-sword for autocasters? i forgot the name though
I looked at that already. Still doesn't help me with my ear question.
autocast build looks like it needs a bunch of meme gear and you appear to be a newfag there so you're probably dirt poor
I would go with something more generic and also there's no such thing as "agi knight", you just get enough agi to hit good aspd and dump the rest into vit since you aren't going to have massive flee on a knight so it's more of an aid to your natural tankiness and parrying
>I would go with something more generic
Like what? Right now I'm trying to get the Peuz set which gives me a chance to cast Storm Blast which might be good enough.
But I'm stuck on what to get afterwards. And yeah, I'm fairly new to the server and I don't want to donate.
Spear or two handed sword, just generic physical damage build that isn't crit based.
Get a fucking rideword, then a mace with 4 hunter fly and DB everything.
Alright, I guess I'll go sword because I can get higher aspd with it.
>I don't want to donate.
Learn to fucking read, you illiterate preschooler.
50 IQ everyone
>tfw to inteligent to fall for this meme
Fucking buy it, then. Go 4 hunter fly and proxy then. Or go ignition break using the same fucking gear.
You ask for advices and that's the advice you have, FUCKING PAY TO WIN IN KEKNEWAL. Want to have good damage? FUCKING PAY TO WIN IN KEKNEWAL. Are you
>ignition break with hunter flies
the IQ just keeps dropping lmao
So they kept changing stuff? Last time I played keknewal years ago this build was cheap and easy. Go Krasnaya 3 hunter fly or something.
>do 0 damage with this skill on a fairly long cooldown
>take a shitton of damage back due to being a sitting duck
meme flies only work on cheap and spammable skills and either way it's not something you default but rather switch to when you need to heal up
also that iro shit doesn't apply to lelkek due to a gorillion of custom changes
What's an alternative to goats?
I'm level 72 and I'm stuck on goats, I tried Clocks but they can hit hard, while High Orcs has Orc Archers that also hit hard.
You could start maybe stating what server you play on
Priest is fun.
It's a revo;classic server, Extreme something something Philippines, full of niggers east of Chicago.
Bubjigglers will defend this.
>It is patched out of iRO now though
What's the problem again?
this is getting out of hand
>literally screenwide supersaiyan aoe
You can't make this shit up
fucking lol oh my god
>patched out because someone was smart enough to figure out how to do this
maybe they should just GIT GUD
If you're actually on Nova and that wasn't some other memer, do the quests on the boards in the Eden HQ or kill Metalings/Orc Zombies till you can get into a Gramps group and then do those quests instead.
I'm not that Nova guy, I'm playing at a Revo-Classic server, it doesn't have Eden HQ boards
can anyone explain what's going on here?
Someone found a way to copy Earthquake with plagiarism.
those mob skills have no icons though so he would just crash upon opening the skill menu, happened in the past
Well, he clearly found a way.
An idiot is using a move that becomes weaker the more people in the screen in the fucking WoE.
Truly sub 57 IQ.
You can edit the grf, link or add an image to it skill info and use it without getting crash. It's not hard at all.
Can someone recommend a good private server