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/sthg/ #984 - Best Ship Edition.
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Welcome to the Sonic The Hedgehog General. Here we talk all about everything Sonic! Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, comics, and more!
/sthg/ #984 - Best Ship Edition.
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First for Silver a cute!
A cute!!
post all the Ian pictures you have
>signatures are free
What a champ.
Doesn't Penders sell stuff other people have done after signing them?
Just realised something. Will they still do stuff like off panels and fanart pages?
Sixth for Penders.
God bless
God I hope so
Fan-art pages have been a thing in kids comics for some time.
And when a kid submits something and it gets printed in their favourite comic, can you imagine what that must mean to them?
I'd never dream of cutting that out.
Off Panels, I dunno, just seemed like a tradition and a shoutout to those weekly strips you got in newspapers.
I'm happy Ian is on board. I feel bad that he likely has to throw away a lot of stuff again, but I still trust him to deliver a good product.
I thought you said "Why do they still do stuff"
Too tired man.
I sure hope so.
>Blaze fags BTFO
>Satam fags BTFO
Thank you based Infinite
hate how that sonic looks. looks like some terrible fusion between modern and classic
The most important thing from the panel, Flynn can use characters from the games, and mandates being softened. Only with the game characters you can have a decent cast to keep things interesting
We heard you in the last thread
Ok, let me hear your way of doing things.
You have to build a world that can sustain multiple arcs going on at the same time.
You have to introduce people to the Sonic world, as well as the world you have crafted.
Admittedly, the slow buildup was trying to get it out of the way as the story went on, rather than dedicating ten issues to it.
How would you have done it, genuinely curious.
>IDW #1 launches on the corresponding Wednesday of the 25th anniversary of Archie #1.
nice bait
Next OP, please use this link for the Writefag idea wall instead: pastebin.com
Please no 3 year introductory arc this time. I love ya Ian, but it dragged way too hard.
Reminder that we will never get to play Silver in a main Sonic title ever again.
Reduced to party character ad infinitum.
>memeing in the press release
>first issue establishes who Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Eggman, and maybe Amy are
>second issue establishes prominent side characters like Team Dark, Team Chaotix, Cream, Sticks (if she's in this continuity), etc.
>third issue recaps pertinent story arcs from the games (Death Egg Saga, Adventure, Shadow Saga, Colors & Lost World, Forces) and introduces any major elements that are exclusive to IDW's universe
>fourth issue kicks off the first main story arc
is that
what is that on the plushie's chest?
Wow is like.. a cute purple cat that got forgotten and had his own game also..
Braindead Sanic, looks like the simpleton that Sega spawned while launching Generations
Hesse is still good tho
Can you autists not do this shit already?
So pretty much every character then?
Considering he was switching to several one-offs before cancellation happened, I think he knows
Oh god, that's priceless.
Intro arc confirmed for being completed in a month.
>4 comics in April
I'd love if they just infodumped during that first month
This means the kinda Unleashed setting of the last comics will survive?
I genuinely think that Jet makes for a fantastic rival for Sonic, and he's the only rival character that has STAYED a rival consistently.
New Sonic Riders when?
I'd love to see how you'd do that in comic form.
Like, I get what you're going for, but to do all that it would be 4 comics of what's essentially pictures next to long pictures of text.
How do you explain Team Dark, Chaotix, Cream and that in an actual story format?
Same with the others.
Ian went down the route of letting the backstory trickle down as he was telling Unleashed. It had it's flaws, but I feel it would have been better than your idea, unless the comics were 100 pages long. THEN your idea would have been the preferable alternative.
>New Sonic Riders when?
Never, Free Riders killed it.
Its two days off from the exact date.
I think they just started getting stuff prepped for a January launch and postponed it all to April for the anniversary (they'll probably use "SONIC'S 25TH ANNIVERSARY IN COMICS" in the advertising) and for an initial sales blitz.
This, hard. Use the intro month to your advantage, Flynn.
Shit taste general
Seems like there's no hard restriction on the world. I wish someone would've specifically brought up the two worlds thing.
Guys, you know what I just realised.
We've most probably bypassed the Lost World adaptation.
I can't tell you happy that makes me.
You could have brought Phillip K Dick on board and he wouldn't have been able to make the Deadly Six interesting.
>first issue
>"wow sanic that Infinite guy was stronk"
>"yeah glad we beat him"
>"show new stuff"
Official press release
So, who will start The Ride again?
I-I thought the Deadly Six were interesting
Makes me so sad, what a terrible end for a really cool side series. I fucking love all the alternate outfits the characters had in those games.
It's funny because we weren't really going to get one either way. Iirc, Ian said he didn't want to do a straight up adaptation of Lost World, and if he did, it'd be an adaptation in name only, just telling different stories on the Lost Hex
You'd have to do it soon. Start the ride next month and have it end with the storytime of IDW Sonic #1
They would have been a metaphor for nostalgia and drug abuse
Am I wrong for not wanting the Freedom Fighters in the new comic? I never watched Satam and I barely read any of the Archie comics (I did read Worlds Collide though and that was pretty dope) so I really only care about the game characters.
Though I do admit Bunnie is kind of cute. If she's in it that would be okay I guess.
Do comics have a fixed number of pages or does that depend on the comic?
Wait until after Forces. Let people play that and get it out of their system.
First, we have to wait for timelineanon to finish the infographic. Then, we can start the ride.
someone pick a thread theme
Nah I feel the same way. It's not that I hate them but I want to focus on the game world and I'm really not that in to what the Archie comics had to offer at all.
Nah, that seems reasonable. I want them in, but as tertiary characters at best
General rule of thumb is 32 pages, but the actual page count not counting ads is 24 or so
Depende. A regular issue has, I think, 26-30 pages.
No, that's a fair stance to take.
I never watched SatAM either and don't really care for the FF's.
I don't mind them but my biggest problem was how they always seemed to be main focus points of the comics and Sonic was tied down with them.
If they come back in a supporting role rather than main role, I think that'd be for the best.
He'd better make it quick, then.
I liked their personalities and thought they bounced well off each other. It's not like the Sonic franchise is known for 3-dimensional characters anyway, minus Shadow. Plus, their designs are cool. I think I'm the only one excited for Zavok in Forces.
What about the Shadow DLC in Forces?
There is a possibility that some other characters may be playable in future games again like they used to.
Silver however will be shoved aside like Espio,Charmy,Vector forever ...
Endless Possibilities.
>as main characters
That's fine.
>at all
Take a number with the people who don't like Shadow.
I hope Ian can visit us again one day.
has the panel been uploaded anywhere
How do you guys feel about a streamer playing thru Sonic 1, Sonic CD, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Sonic 3D Blast and then Sonic Mania for a whole day for Extra Life?
I only made it to the Sonic 1 2, and 3&K but I was thinking maybe marathoning 3 more titles Sonic CD, Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic Mania along after those.
No Mic just pure gameplay.
Not a Speedrunner but a Long Player.
This, but even when you think about it, the 2000s are over. Extreeeeme sports is a dead fad.
You're not wrong for it, but I liked the FFs well enough that I wouldn't mind seeing them come back as secondary characters who help fill out the world.
Same. Hopefully he shows up again now that all this comic stuff has been cleared up
reminds me of sonic battle but slightly more classic styled, looks great!
Most companies go for 22-24 pages of content. Archie was 20 for cost cutting measures for the last few years.
>Wow is like.. a cute purple cat that got forgotten and had his own game also..
All these flavors and you choose to be salty.
This is the best you can get for now
twitch tv/videos/180702873
>tfw I can finally get into the comics
I'm so happy right now! But the question is, do i keep up with the monthly releases or just collect the trade paperbacks?
Good ol' Dick with his metaphors.
Variable Man and Now wait for Last Year are fucking god tier books
That being said, /sthg/, get your Veeky Forums on and tell me who you would like to write the Sonic series, and why.
+ 5 points if it's someone who's written actual literature.
user, just stop shitposting please. I know your writing style at this point.
Please vent in your personal blog.
Keep up with monthly release.
Also I'm glad that it seems like the comic could be something that appeals to both Archiefags & Gamesfags. It could be a best case scenario all around.
Not sure how fast the turnaround for trades are with IDW, you could be waiting awhile. Archie took a long time and obviously never finished their set of Sonic trades.
I'd probably shoot for getting the first few at least.
Nah. Even as someone who cared about them, I'm kinda happy to see a new direction that possibly doesn't include them. They had a quarter of a century in the spotlight of these books, so I want to see a fresh new take on the life of Modern Sonic.
Ken Penders hasn't seen the news yet, or I assume so because he hasn't posted anything yet.
It's time for us to pick up that phone and make some calls.
For £500, what's Penders going to say about all of this?
Please, IDW don't get rid of the hoomans...
>Archiefags aka Sallyfags
fuck no
let them rot in hell
Sonic should have always stayed short. He's a lanky mess now.
Boo hoo
Harlan Ellison.
I just want to see what blood he could draw from the stone that is Sonic.
Wait a fucking minute.
Jon Gray works at IDW
"SEGA is foolish to make the new SONIC comics focus on the games instead of the enriching SONIC and KNUCKLES comic history."
So were you happy with that panel?
Sally is hot and should be in the comics
also bring back romance and melodrama
So we know Ian is back.
They've hinted at returning artists.
Who could the new artists potentially be?
He'll say what a shame how his awesome writing skills can't be in the comic.