M E T A Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
M E T A Edition
OT: eyosongive.us
crushed balls
I love Jinx.
>Elohell watermark
Nothing like a good ol' fashioned stomp
why does everyone hate this site?
i followed it like a year ago
I wanna cuddle Jinx
xth for Syndra
its literally 9gag related league
Someone explain this to me.
It's no different from ocegag
Post you're funny legal legends
I want to cuddle Jinx and Lux at the same time
>or an autist and his autistic looking 10 year old waifu
well which one is worse animeposter?
Assassins got their burst speed taken away but mages and ADCs kept theirs.
>push me to the edge
>all my friends are dead
>wish that I was dead
A literal cow makes all other waifus look inferior
Xth for Riots matchmaking is completely garbage but not enough people complain or think that because you'll eventually get to your elo there is nothing wrong with it
fix the fucking matchmaking
>syndra lands a 6 ball lv 2 ultimate in a leblanc with just MR threads and a janna shield
>barely breaks the shield
The fuck was that?
Is there an alternative?
never heard of that
Yes, a fresh one for the OTP folder.
Thanks artfag, you're pretty alright.
>his waifu isnt 10 waifus
>watch worlds
>first blood after 14 minutes of farming
why is this game so fucking passive?
your image made me laugh more than i should
Will we get the teaser for the halloween skins tomorrow?
Who will get them? I want image related
Look, someone asked for a thread and I made it. It's not Lulu so I think its an improvement based off that quality alone. Next time make one if you're gonna be picky.
Will we ever see Panth's face under the mask?
If he pulls it off, will he die?
>no Lulu
shit bread desu
are people who play morgana/nunu just sadistic fucks
Sue me
Sol or Taliyah is definitely going to be in the batch. And judging how skin releases have gone this year I fully expect a Lulu skin with them too.
>guy chooses nasus mid with dorans ring
>me talon
>he's talking shit and saying the typical "woof woof" autism and flashing his mastery
>kill him lvl 1 before I even get my Q
Bitch be humble
Hate nasus players
>fiddlesticks ult range doubled, but now it marks the ground like Pantheon
Did I fix him?
We'd better not, but I wouldn't be surprised given they did gave all of targon a big ol' retcon
If he looked good enough I guess I wouldn't complain, but I really like the fact that Pantheon doesn't really have an identity.
How do you explain these udders then
Is it really tomorrow?
>spanking a kid for farting
what the fuck thats fucked up.
yeah whats with the woof woof autism in my games now
i legit made sure my enemy nasus have 30 farm at 10 minutes just cuz he said woof woof when i died to a gank level 3
Hope theres gonna be a Kayn skin
his release one is dogshit
is there a better feeling in this game than watching mastery flashers lose
It always gives me a good chuckle
Are cow vastaya legally eligible to be Demacian nobles?
It's a fucking epidemic! I shit you not, I also had some stupid mother fucker playing nasus typing "woof!" in all chat.
Considering Sona is Ionian born and Demacia is racist (see Urgot comment to Xin) and sexist (se Fiora's biography) see is the lowest of low.
1 kayn skin is basically 3 skins in one. I don't think he'll get another one any time soon.
xth for french kissing Syndraposter
The next pbe patch will be out tuesday and they can't do them any later or they'll miss halloween
A man can dream
Speccy says my graphics is at 511 degrees Celsius. its perfectly stable too. That cant be right, can it?
Is the new champ also going to be teased?
>511 degrees celsius
no, it's not.
>Wont ever get a kayn skin where shadow assassin is project and rhaast is mecha zerro
I can dream
Thats the closest thing i have
>511 Celsius
> That cant be right, can it?
Gee boss I dunno what do you think?
>"select images with street signs"
>select vehicles
>"select images with vehicles"
>select street signs
>get captcha right anyway
what the fuck is the point of these?
>Speccy says my graphics is at 511 degrees Celsius
you would be, without any exaggeration, melting right this moment if that was the case
>he cant roast some meat on his pc while playing some league of lels
How else are you suppose to stop them?
What do? Tried restarting it, not change.
well if it was right you wouldn't be here
>pantheon on my team
>doesn't stomp his lane vs gp
>lose game
uumm babs
the sensor on it is probably broken or some shit
use legacy captcha my dear friend
No Vastaya are subhuman
That's why Sona is hiding her cow features, if it is discovered she is part cow she'd be striped of her titles and sent to a farm to produce milk for Demacia
The sensor is broken, ESL-kun. Check it with your hand, but don't worry too much.
>nobody goes jungle
>nobody dodges
what the fuck is wrong with you?
>league is the most popular game on the planet
>literally NO good league porn anywhere
Explain this.
I miss those days.
ywn morph yourself into Veigar and impregnate Lulu while de-morphing midsex tearing her apart
damn thanks
Dying has actual consequences. But you wouldn't know anything about that would you, dotard?
why dont you guys create another thread for waifu discussion or some shit
make it for lulu posting too
It keeps fucking turning off in the middle of games though. Only started happening recently.
You can try other software like SpeedFan. But your sensor is probably bust.
>stopping this compulsive biological function
do you also spank them for getting tired or for having to pee? jesus christ
That sounds painful.
Lulu wouldn't like that.
Man this takes me back
Why are Sonaposters the most vapid of people?
reinstall drivers, try a different software like speedfan or MSI afterburner. might be a hardware problem tho
Is there a time cop that's more in need of buffs?
You're either lying or you're lazy, but it's not late enough for me to consider dumping lewds for you.
She can just travel to different timelines where's she still OP. Then when she gets nerfed she hops to another one, being in a constant state of OP
talk to me again when you lose gold upon dying
is he just standing there waiting for them to respawn?
Why don't you just spend it before dying?
talk to me again when you lose the game by dying instead of buying your way back to life xd